The dog is the real hero

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Ace had been a hero for as long as Dick could remember. He was always there for Dick, especially when he started dating Wally. Ace was kind to Wally, often going up for pets. They loved Ace, and he loved them right back.

However, he was fiercely protective of the two. When Dick never came home from school, he knew something was wrong. Wally was panicking, and Bruce had been trying to calm him down when Ace decided to search for himself.

He started by the forest. Dick sometimes walked home by it, so Ace though maybe he'd gotten lost. He went to the sidewalk Dick used, trying to find his scent. Ace could track Dick if he found his scent.

As soon as Ace picked up the scent, he realized it veered into the forest. Had Dick been running? Maybe he was running away from a predator. Ace followed the scent, getting deeper into the forest.

Ace eventually came to a road, where a white van sat. Two men stood beside it, one with Dick slung over his shoulder. Dick looked unconscious, and Ace could see a large bruise on Dick's neck.

Ace leapt into the van, hiding as they set Dick down. They took the bag off of Dick's back and threw it onto the side of the road. They also searched Dick's pockets, trying to find anything that could give their location away.

When they finally stopped, they closed the doors and went to the front. Ace nosed at Dick's face, trying to wake him up. Dick groaned, but didn't open his eyes. He may be hurt.

When the van came to a stop, the men got out again. Ace stood over Dick's unconscious body, growling as they opened the door. They were clearly startled, falling back with yelps. They hadn't been expecting a German Shepherd to be protecting the boy.

They were at the docks, near a warehouse. There were no boats nearby, and some of the boards looked rotted. Crates were stacked up, creating plenty of hiding places. A well thought out hideout.

They were at a standstill. The men couldn't get Dick without getting hurt by Ace, but Ace couldn't risk leaving Dick. Dick was still unconscious, and couldn't help until he woke up. Ace doubted he'd wake anytime soon.

Police sirens wailed in the distance. "The hell?" One asked. "Who cares? Let's get out of here!" The other hissed, pulling the first away. Ace laid down next to Dick, gently nuzzling the small boy.

The men never got the chance to run away. Cars were suddenly blocking every escape route, besides the water. Police officers got out of the cars, holding guns and telling them to freeze.

Commissioner Gordon went to the van, holding his hand out for Ace to sniff. When Ace decided the Commissioner was safe, he gently pulled Dick into his arms. "You are one smart dog. Contact Bruce Wayne, tell him we found his son." Ace nosed Dick's face again, receiving no reaction.

Bruce's car pulled up after a few minutes, said billionaire and Wally leaping out. Dick had woken up, and was leaning against the side of the van while a paramedic checked for injuries. Ace was in his lap, panting as the tired boy pet him.

Dick smiled as Wally hugged him, hugging back with one arm. "Are you alright?" Wally asked, cupping Dick's face. "I'm fine, thanks to Ace. How did you find me?" "The tracker in Ace's collar. We got lucky he was in the van. What happened?"

"I was walking home when I noticed a guy following me. Considering it's the road to Wayne Manor, I figured they might be trying to kidnap me. I went into the forest to try and hide, but the other ambushed me. Knocked me out, and then I guess brought me here. I only woke up a few minutes ago."

The paramedic stepped back. "It looks like you'll have a bruise for a few weeks, but you'll be fine. He can go home." Ace leapt down onto the road and watched as Wally helped Dick down. Dick walked on shaky legs, but made it to the car. Ace sat in the floor under Dick's feet.

Dick leaned against Wally the ride back, feeling tired. His neck hurt a lot. Of course, being slammed against a tree isn't the best for his health. Wally kept an arm around Dick's waist, pressing kisses to his forehead.

Wally carried Dick to bed, Ace trotting behind them. "I love you, Dickie." "I love you too, Walls. Where's Ace?" "Right behind us. I was worried about you. I thought you were hurt." "I'm alright. I could really use a nap, though." "Alright. I'll wake you up for dinner." "Thank you." "It's no problem, Dickie. Your dog is a hero, you know that?" "He always has been."

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