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Batman hadn't been expecting the cave to be in shambles. Sure, when Robin's message came through, he expected damage, but nothing like this. Entire rooms were on fire or soaked, and weapons littered the ground. He found Robin's cape, but luckily no body.

They'd come to the hangar, where the team lay unconscious. Flash raced to Wally, who was trapped in some sort of material. "Walls, wake up. C'mon, kid. Up." Barry lightly tapped Wally's face. Wally gasped as his eyes snapped open, body jolting. "Easy, kid. You're safe now." "Robin. Where's Robin?"

"Bats, get over here!" Green Arrow called. "What's wrong?" "He's not breathing." "Pulse?" "Faint, but there." Batman knelt down next to Green Arrow, who revealed the boy strewn out on the floor. Robin was quickly rolled into his back, and Batman started CPR.

"He's gonna be alright, Kid. Just hang on." Barry whispered, grabbing Wally's hand. "What if he isn't?" "He will be. He's always pulled through before." "You didn't see them." "See who?" "The Reds! There was one who controlled water, and another that controlled fire, and they did something to Tornado, who went berserk and tried to kill us!" "Hey, calm down. We'll find them."

Robin finally gasped, coughing as his body tried to heave gulps of air in. Bruce pulled Dick into his lap, holding him to his chest. "Robin? Can you hear me?" Dick nodded, panting. "Walls." "He's alright." "Wanna see him." "You need to rest." "I'm fine." "Dick, you sound like you've lost your voice. You need rest. Going unconscious from lack of oxygen twice in one day isn't healthy." "I'm fine." Dick insisted, forcing himself to stand.

Wally sighed when he saw Dick standing. "I told you." "What about the Reds?" "Not here. They must have fled once you were unconscious." Superman told him. "Fun. So, I suppose that involves chasing them down?" "Not right now, and especially not for you. You need rest rather than more exertion." Batman gave Robin a look. "I've told you, I'm fine." "You were nearly asphyxiated twice. The last thing you need to be doing is lying." "Isn't that part of the job?" "Only when necessary. Now is not."

The team slowly woke up. Dick insisted on standing, even when he started swaying. He didn't stray far from Wally, which the speedster was glad for. That meant he could keep an eye on the bird until they went home. Then he could force Dick to sleep.

When the team told the League what they knew, they were allowed to leave. Wally travelled with Dick, making sure he made it to bed. Dick was barely able to remain standing as he changed back into civies, leaning on Wally most of the time.

Wally tucked Dick into his bed, kissing his cheek. "I love you, Dick. You scared me today." "Sorry." "It's not your fault. I think it's just…sometimes I forget how dangerous this job actually is. It takes someone getting hurt or nearly getting hurt for that to register." "We dance with death every night. It's not strange that you'd get accustomed to it." "You're pretty wise for a thirteen year old." "I know. Love you, Walls. Now get down here and hold me." Wally chuckled, but complied.

"You know, I saw once on Animal Planet that robins will nest together at night so they're warm." "I don't think you're a Robin, but I appreciate the sentiment. You're always welcome in my nest." "Thanks, Dickie." "Now go to sleep before Bruce kills me." "Done."

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