Don't scare him!

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Although he would never admit it, Dick was terrified of losing Wally. He was scared that another Alpha was going to come in, and he was going to lose Wally forever. He wanted to make Wally happy, to keep him by his side. He would die if Wally chose someone else.

Dick was usually good about hiding it. He could get through the day without revealing it, and he could hold Wally all night long. Sure, he made it clear that Wally was his to strangers, but it always nagged at the back of his brain.

Case in point: Jason had jokingly been flirting with Wally, and something stabbed Dick in the stomach. What if Wally wanted Jason instead? He turned away, feeling sick. He couldn't really stop Wally, but he didn't want to lose the Alpha.

"Dick? You okay?" Tim asked, swimming in front of the older. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine, Timbo." Dick plastered a smile into his face. "It's Jay, isn't it?" Dick sighed. "It's fine, Timbo." "No, it's not. You think Wally might choose him." "I can't help it. I don't know why I feel this way." Dick sighed, sitting down.

"Why don't you tell him?" "I don't want to worry him." "Dick, he's an Alpha like you. He'll understand." "I'll be okay. Besides, it's his choice." "I really think you should talk to him." "It's fine, Timmy. I'm gonna go to my room." Tim bit his tongue as Dick swam off, wondering why people didn't just do what he told them.

His attention was drawn to Wally and Jason when the older scoffed, flicking Jason's forehead. "With those lines, you'll be lucky you just get slapped." "C'mon, there had to be at least one good one!" "There really wasn't. See ya later, hopeless." Jason pouted, crossing his arms as Wally left him.

Tim grabbed him as he rounded the corner, pushing him against the wall. "Tim?" "Listen to me, and listen carefully. You need to talk to Dick. Something's up with him." "What do you mean?" Wally was immediately tense.

"I mean he thinks you might choose Jason over him. Jason flirting with you hurt him. You need to help him, reassure him you're his." "Where is he?" "Your room. Don't waste any time." Wally nodded, swimming like a swordfish was behind him.

He opened the door to his room, noticing immediately that Dick was in the bed. He could hear soft sniffles, and felt his heart shatter. He laid down behind him, wrapping his arms around the ebony. "Dick, it's okay. I don't want Jason. I don't want anyone else. I just want you." He whispered, kissing Dick's neck.

Dick turned around, looking up with red eyes. "R-Really?" "Really. You're the only one for me. I promise, Dickie, I will never want anyone else." Dick whimpered, wrapping his arms around Wally tightly. "I just got scared. I don't want to lose you." "You'll always have me, Dickie." Wally smiled, kissing Dick's forehead and rubbing his back.

Jason turned as Tim swam towards him, a smirk coming to his face. "Hey, Timbo! C'mere for a sec, I got something to ask you." Tim frowned, stopping in front of Jason and crossing his arms. "What's up with you?"

"What's up with me? What's up with me? Jay, you flirted with Wally, and Dick saw that. He thought you were trying to claim his mate." "I wasn't, though. I just wanted to try out some pickup lines." "That's not what Dick saw. What he saw was his brother trying to make a move on his mate. You better explain that to him real clearly." "Or what, you'll hit me?" "Nope. I'll just take all your pistol shrimps."

Jason paled. "You wouldn't." "Try me." "Y'know, for a beta, you're not too bad." "Don't class me. Just because I'm a beta doesn't mean I'm any less than you." "Chill, kiddo. I'm just teasing." "I'm done with the teasing, Jay! All you do is tease me for something I can't control. You should try being in my place for a day." "Sure. Whatever you say, short stuff."

Tim growled, slapping Jay with his tail. "Hey!" "Just shut up and listen. You hurt Dick, and you're aggravating me. The only person who finds this funny is you, Jay. Read the room and figure it out. Or did resurrection make you stupid?" Tim swam off, almost running into Bruce as he swam off.

"What happened now?" Bruce sighed. "Apparently, Goldie seems to think Wally is gonna choose a different mate, and Tim is pissed." "And how are you connected?" "I may have been trying pickup lines on Wally." Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of course you did. Just…go to your room for now. I'll figure out what to do with you later." "Fine."

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