No one deserves your tears

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Dick sat on the couch, looking at the thing in his hands. He could end it. He could end it all right here. It was too much, people expected to much of him. He couldn't meet their expectations, and they ended up getting disappointed.

He could do so many things with this. He could slit his throat. Maybe his wrists. He could make himself bleed and punish himself for not doing enough. He could use his blood and show everyone he was dedicated. Maybe they would let up.

Wally walked over to the couch, where Dick was staring at…nothing. He'd been hit with this weird gas that seemed to make him hallucinate. He kept talking to himself, turning something in his hands. Something about how it was too much.

"Dickie? Angel, can you hear me?" Wally asked, sitting next to Dick. "Do you think they'd leave me alone if I spilled my blood?" Dick's voice was quiet. "Who?" Wally asked, concern. Was Dick thinking of cutting? "The team. The League. I seem to disappoint them. Maybe if they see my blood, blood I spilled myself, they'll see I'm trying." Dick explained, still watching whatever was in his hands.

Wally held his hand out. "Can you give it to me, Dickie? I can help you prove to everybody you're trying without hurting yourself." Dick looked at it. "Don't cut yourself. I don't want you getting hurt." Dick whispered again, holding something out to Wally. Wally realized it was a knife.

"I won't. I won't cut myself. Can I see the knife? So we can talk before you think hurting yourself is a good idea." Wally asked, rubbing Dick's shoulder. Dick placed the 'knife' in Wally's hand, watching as Wally set it on the table. "Thank you, darling. Now, what's made you think people are disappointed in you?" Wally kissed Dick's forehead.

"They keep asking me to do things that are harder for me to do and take a lot of my time, which means I stay up longer, which means I can barely sleep." Dick mumbled, leaning into Wally. "What are you doing?" "Files, criminal tracking, my own work, some of Bat's, but that's because he's got this business meeting thing that takes up almost all his time, and I'm also the leader of the team, so that's a whole other set of duties in itself. I'm so stressed I want to cry." Wally wrapped his arms around Dick and sighed.

"You could talk to me about this. I could help you take care of some files, so you have more time to focus on work and sleep." Wally rubbed Dick's arms again. "But I was the one given the tasks. I should be the one to complete them." Dick pointed out, holding onto Wally's hands as they trailed up and down his arms.

"That may be, but you need help, baby. Your can't keep doing this on your own. Does Bruce know?" Dick shrugged. "I don't know. He might, but I'm not sure. Kinda like the bat in the corner. It's flying around, and I'm not sure what it knows." Wally looked at where Dick was gesturing to see nothing. Must be the drug.

"Why don't we tell him, just in case? He can help us manage all the work you've been given." "I guess. What if he gets mad?" "He won't get mad. He loves you, and will understand you're being put under too much pressure. Trust me." Wally rested his chin on Dick's shoulder.

Dick smiled. "What would I do without you?" "Go crazy. I'm the same way. We all are. People bring this stuff to your because they trust you and love you. None of us what you to hurt yourself. Please don't. Don't even think it'll help, because it won't." Wally leaned his head so it touched Dick's.

"I love you, Wally." Dick whispered. "I love you too, Dickie. Now get some rest. Don't cry, it'll be alright. No one deserves your tears, Dickie, you hear me? No one."

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