Talon Dick AU

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I know I got a book about this that needs updating, but here's a one shot about the exact same thing!

There were rumors. Rumors that The Court of Owls had a new Talon. A resistant Talon. One who didn't follow orders and refused to kill. One that didn't belong.

Wally was the one who suggested rescuing him. He knew what it was like to be at a place where nobody loved you, and he didn't want anyone else to feel that pain. If these rumors were true, they needed to get him out.

Bruce had reluctantly taken the boy along, only on the condition that he stayed by his side. Wally had happily taken the offer, wanting to be part of the rescue. Maybe he could make friends with the Talon. Wally had a weird relationship with the rest of his team, so maybe he wouldn't screw it up again.

It hadn't taken much to get into the base. It was abandoned, which Wally found unnerving. There was blood and feathers everywhere, as well as creepy pictures that made his skin crawl. Bruce moved through the building quickly, hacking through every door.

They finally came to the cells. One was occupied, chains around the prisoners ankles, wrists, and waist. He looked up, and merely sighed. "Did they send you to kill me?" Wally shook his head. "No. We came to get you out of here." The boy scoffed. "Yeah right. I've told myself that before. I can get out of here. There is no escaping the Owls."

"Then why don't you work with them?" Bruce asked. "Because these psychopaths killed my parents. Because they took everything from me. I may not be able to get out, but I sure as hell am not going to give in." He spat out, anger making his frame shake. Wally noticed scratches and bruises covering the boy's body, as well as a black eye adorning the left side of his face.

"Do they hurt you? For not obeying?" Wally asked. The boy was hesitant, but sighed again. "Yes. It's nothing I haven't taken before, and they're gone. They're all gone." "What happened here?" Bruce asked, curious as to why the young boy sounded familiar. "They came a few days ago. The Court had been having trouble with the League of Shadows. The League wiped almost the entire Court out. They left me to starve to death. Or maybe they were hoping I would kill myself. Whatever the case, they left me alive."

The boy stood up. "I can't trust anybody anymore. For all I know, you could be League assassins, tricking me. You take me to a hidden location, then kill me. Just leave me alone. Maybe I can die in some peace and quiet. At least I'll see Mami and Tati again."

Bruce's eyes widened. "Dick?" The boy looked startled. "How do you know that name?" "You were the boy from the circus. Your parents were killed when acid was applied to the cables, and they fell to their deaths. You've been here the whole time?" Dick sat down again. "Yes. After…it, happened, Zucco took me and brought me here. They tried to make me one of them. As you can see, it didn't work out."

"They normally kill their failures, don't they?" "I'm supposed to be the Gray Son, the savior of the Court. I was supposed to make the city bow to its knees. I chose not to. The only reason they didn't kill me is because of who I am. Now they're dead."

Bruce picked the lock and walked in. Dick back up, pressed against the wall. He glared at Batman, trying to hide his trembling hands. "How long have you been without water?" "I don't know. A few days or so. I had a supply on me, but it ran out." Dick licked his lips. Bruce stepped closer, but Dick recoiled. "Stay away from me." He hissed, eyeing the belt Bruce wore.

Wally walked forward. "We don't want to hurt you. We just want to get you out of here." "No, you want to hurt me!" Dick growled, feeling himself close to tears. Bruce put an arm out, stopping Wally from going farther. "He wants to be left alone." "Let me do this."

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