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It had been an awful day. A god-awful day with a professor who was starting to show his true colors. Dick just wanted to go home, curl up in the bed, and pretend he'd never been given the assignment. After all, he would basically be writing about how much he hated him and his boyfriend. 

It was difficult opening the door to the apartment. His hands were shaking so much he could barely hold the keys still. He should know better than to get so aggravated by this. After all, it was not the first time he'd been discriminated against, and it most certainly wouldn't be the last. But this one felt...different. Why was it so different?

After about a minute of struggling, Dick finally got the door open. The apartment was exactly as he remembered, with warm light fixtures illuminating the apartment. There was the distinct sound of cooking in the kitchen, someone rustling pots and pans against a surface that will probably need to be cleaned later, but Dick ignored it. He felt drained, exhausted to the bone in a way he hadn't felt in a while. He could hear Wally talking to him, but he didn't have the energy to respond. He'd apologize later, but for now he just needed to relax. 

Dick set his bag down in the bedroom, flopping down on the bed and burying his face in the pillow. He could feel Pongo jump up on the bed, nosing at his shoulder, but he just didn't want to move. He didn't want to move from his spot. 

"Dick? Are you alright?" Wally asked, walking over to the bed.

"Hmm." Dick grumbled, digging his head deeper into the pillow. 

"Bad day?" 


Wally sat down on the edge of the bed, setting a hand on Dick's back. "Wanna tell me about it?"

Dick shook his head. If Wally didn't know, then it was better. It would be something he kept to himself.

"Bruce called me earlier. Seems there a pretty homophobic professor at the university causing issues. They're handling the situation, but I wouldn't blame you for being upset about it. It would make sense if you were stressed about it. No matter how many times it happens, it hurts when people hate you because of something you can't change."

And there goes Bruce, sticking his nose in Dick's business again. Of course, Dick didn't exactly blame him. He probably wanted to prepare Wally for whatever kind of state he saw Dick in. 

"I don't understand it. What did we do? How does our life hurt them?"

"It doesn't. But they've been told their whole lives what to be, and it seems impossible to them to be anything different. When they see people breaking that norm, doing something that seems to go directly against them and their life, its like an insult. I won't pretend to understand it. It's pretty stupid, when you think about it. But the only thing we can do is move on, live our life in a way that is good to us and those around us. You know I'll always love you, no matter what anyone says." Wally laid himself out over Dick's back, pressing a kiss to his neck.

"I think I need a nap." Dick mumbled.

Wally chuckled. "I think that'll do you a lot of good. I'm making dinner, by the way."

"Speedster special?"

"Speedster special. Pongo, your job is to take care of him while he sleeps. Got it?" Wally pet Pongo behind the ears.

"Excuse me, sir." Dick rolled onto his back.


"You forgot something."

"A million kisses?"

"A blanket."

Wally laughed. "Of course, your highness. Let me offer you the finest blanket we have, made from the fleece of seven sheep who roam in the King's prized pastures."

Dick smiled. "I'd also like a fruit platter made with the fruits of six continents, a drink made from the Nectar of the Gods, and five pillows made from goose feathers."

"Of course, how could I forget? Only the best for my beloved prince." Wally spread a blanket from the closet over Dick, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 

Pongo curled up at the bottom of the bed, sighing heavily as laid down. "Lazy bones. Acting like you pay bills." Wally gently teased. 

"He saves us money by keeping me out of therapy."

"Dick, we get free therapy from Dinah." 

"And if we didn't have him, I'd be going so much that she would start charging." 

"I see the confidence you have in me. Now go to sleep."

"Goodnight, my loyal manservant."

"Good night,  your royal highness." Wally turned off the light, gently shutting the door behind him. 

 Wally returned to the kitchen, grabbing his phone from the counter and bringing it to his ear. "He's home. I managed to convince him that the University was handling it. So, Ollie Minks?"

"Yes. 247  2nd Avenue North, Apartment 318. I have his information here." Bruce confirmed. There was the distant sound of key being typed on. 

"I take it this has happened before?" Wally turned the oven off, pulling out a casserole full of secret ingredients.

"With how quickly they tried to cover it up? Absolutely. I think it's time Professor Minks pursues an early retirement."

Wally grinned. "You know, I hear speedsters are really good at holding people over the edges of buildings and catching them before they hit the ground."

"So I hear. Three AM. Meet me."

"Will do."

"So, it was all a fake?" Dick asked the next morning, sipping coffee out of his mug.

Wally nodded. "It was a test. He wanted to know which students were actually there to learn, and which ones wanted to hurt others."

Dick sighed. "I will never understand people, man."

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