Little Mermaid

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Wally had always been interested in the human world. His father always told him it was dangerous, but he didn't care. They had so many wonderful things, which he collected. He had an entire grotto full of thingamabobs, gadgets, and gizmos.

Wally's father had no idea about this. He would kill Wally if he ever found out. Wally had made Sebastian, the crab, promise to keep it a secret. It wasn't like Sebastian was going to tattle anyway, but he had to be sure.

Wally had noticed a commotion one night, and had gone to the surface to find out what it was. There was a human ship, and lots of bright flashes. He'd been awestruck, swimming closer to get a better look. Scuttle, the seagull, had spotted him.

"Heya, kiddo." "Scuttle, shush! Have you ever seen so many of them together?" Wally whispered, peering through one of the small holes. The humans were dancing around, and music rang through the air. Wally's breath was caught in his throat at how beautiful it all was.

One human caught his eye. He was playing a flute, dancing around with a dog. He was the most beautiful thing Wally had ever seen, even with all the things in his grotto. Wally wanted to meet this human, but knew he couldn't.

The humans started talking again. Wally watched as they congratulated the black haired human he loved so much, although he didn't seem fond of the statue. Wally saw the statue as a cold thing, although it did look a lot like the human.

Something happened. For some reason, the ship lit on fire. Wally watched as his black haired human saved others, worrying for his safety. The dog was barking, right before being thrown over. Wally didn't see his human, and decided to look for him.

Wally found him amongst the rubble, unconscious. He grabbed the human, swimming him to the closest shore. Humans needed land if he remembered correctly. They couldn't live in the water like he could. He really hated that, although he assumed that would make them less interesting. All except this human, of course.

Wally pulled his human up on the beach, brushing the hair out of this face. He'd lost his boots, and his clothes were torn up. "Isn't he just beautiful?" Wally asked Scuttle. "I dunno, kid. He looks funny." "I think he looks amazing." Wally smiled, leaning down. Maybe he wouldn't remember this, but Wally wanted to do it just once. He locked lips with his human, cupping his face.

Wally heard barking, and quickly retreated to the water. A voice called out for a Prince Richard, and am elderly man ran up. The same dog he saw last night ran up to Wally's human, barking loudly. Wally watched as another human ran over, sitting his human up and talking to him.

Wally swam around Atlantica in a daze, humming to himself. He was in love with his human, and he knew it. Sebastian and Flounder had found a statue of his human, and Wally loved it. If he couldn't have his human, he could have this statue.

Wally had been in his grotto one day when a voice made him freeze in fear. "What is all this?" "Dad!" Wally whipped around, hiding behind his statue. Wally's father was angry, and Wally knew it.

"I've told you, the human world is dangerous!" "They're not dangerous!" "You saved a human." "He was going to die!" "It doesn't matter! He's not of this world, and he is not our business." "Maybe if you got to know them, you'd see they're not as cold hearted as you!" Wally snapped, his anger taking over.

Rudolph sneered. "If that's how you feel, then you've been spending too much time with this junk." He powered his trident up, pointing it at Wally's treasures. "Dad!" Wally cried just as Rudolph fired the first shot.

Wally was helpless to watch as everything he'd collected was destroyed. His first thingamabob, his first gadget, everything was destroyed. Nothing was safe from the vengeance of Wally's father.

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