Open wound

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The team was at Happy Harbor's park, relaxing after a year of stress. Dick was in a tree, Wally on the ground underneath him. The two were close to sleeping, the warm air pressing down on them. There was a frisbee game going on, and Wally was watching. Dick was watching Wally, smiling to himself.

Dick rolled out of the tree, landing next to Wally. Wally put an arm around his husband's shoulders, leaning his head over. "Y'know, I think this is the most relaxing day we've had all year." Wally whispered. "I would have to agree with you." Dick whispered back.

Screams ripped the peace away. The team leapt to their feet, seeing a car wreaking havoc all over. "There's no roads in this park. How he ended up here, no idea, but he needs to go." Dick growled. "How are we going to do this?" Wally asked. "One team gets civilians out of the way. The other will get there costumes and stop whoever this is. We only need three or four getting costumes."

Dick and Wally led the team getting civilians out of the way. There was one little girl who couldn't move in time. She didn't see the car until it was too late. Dick did, however. And when he saw the parents, begging to get to their little girl, he knew he couldn't let her get hurt.

Dick managed to get the little girl out of the way. Getting himself out was a different story. The car's tire ran over his right leg, making Dick cry out in pain. Wally raced over, cradling Dick's head into his lap. Dick was crying, holding onto Wally's leg. The bone was pressing against the skin, a small point bleeding.

The car came back around, driving directly towards the duo. Wally curled over Dick, intending to protect Dick no matter what. But didn't feel anything. Looking up, he saw Rocket. She had a shield around the two, and the car had seen it too late. Maybe the driver needed lessons on noticing things.

Wally gently sat Dick up, pulling him against his chest. "Dickie? Can you hear me?" Wally whispered. Dick nodded, holding on tightly to Wally's shirt. "It's alright. We're going to get you to the doctor." "The little girl?" "She alright. You saved her. Just stay still. I hear sirens already."

The rest of the team hurried over to the three people on the ground. Once you got closer, it was obvious that Dick was in great pain. Wally was doing what he could, but it wasn't a lot. Dick was barely aware of the voices asking him questions.

Medics came over, rushing to close the injury. If it stayed open too long, it could become infected. Dick rested on the ground now, his head in Wally's lap once more. The team held him down as the bone was reset, which proved difficult for some of them. Dick had a lot of strength, even for a hero.

The only thing that kept Dick conscious was Wally. Wally kept talking to him, petting his head, trying to soothe the pain away. He wiped Dick's tears away, never letting Dick out of his embrace. Even when his vision started blurring, Dick could always see Wally's hair, hanging over his head.

The medics got Dick onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. Wally was allowed to ride with them, promising to not get in the way. He held Dick's hand, as it was away from his leg. Dick seemed half awake, giving weak squeezes whenever the pain got bad.

Wally was forced to stay in the waiting room while they performed surgery on Dick's leg. Bruce and a few team members had joined him, trying to console him. Everyone knew seeing Dick get hurt would haunt Wally until Dick got better.

It was hours before they were allowed to see Dick. He had an IV and drugs pumping into his body, his leg in a starch white cast. A breathing mask was strapped on, and his eyes were closed. It scared Wally. "It's going to be alright. He's safe now." Barry whispered. It took Wally a second to comprehend that. Dick was safe. It sounded better than on the ground in pain, so Wally listened to that. Dick was safe.

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