One last wish

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Dick sat in front of the hologram, tears flowing freely from his eyes. It had been three months since that hellish day. Three months since everything was taken from him. Three months since he lost his fiance.

He didn't sleep well anymore. Dark circles rested under his eyes, standing out against his pale skin. He was so thin you could count his ribs. He was always at the mountain, put under suicide watch because the League knew how bad he could get. He knew if he tried to leave he'd be brought back.

"It's been three months. I don't know how I've made it this long. You know I can't sleep anymore?" Dick asked the picture, as if he could reply. Silence met his question. "I can't sleep without dreaming of you. Dinah says it's normal, but I don't like it. I don't like dreaming of what I can't have.

"We had two weeks. Two weeks after your death, we were supposed to get married. We had everything planned out. The suits, the dishware, we even had the rings. Bruce was about to order the flowers for us. You loved yellow flowers. Are there any flowers in heaven?"

Silence again. "You're laughing at me, aren't you? You're up I'm heaven, and I'm a crying mess at your hologram. Did you know I cry every day? I try not to, but it always happens. Sometimes I cry multiple times a day. Leslie says I need to drink more water, but I don't see the point. Why drink it if I'm just going to lose it? I don't understand." Dick sighed.

The mountain was practically empty. It was him and the few that lived here, but he was alone in the room. The others were training. He'd snuck away to talk to Wally. They didn't let him down here, for fear of him hurting himself. Please, he was more likely to try and drown himself in the pool than die in the cavern of the dead.

"Do you miss me in heaven? I know you're a long way away, but do you ever think about me? Think about what we had? Do you ever wish that someway, somehow, you could come back to me? Or that I could come to you? I do. That's probably why they have me on suicide watch here." Dick chuckled sadly.

Tears pricked at his eyes, threatening to spill. "I always promised that when you died, I'd keep smiling. Did you know all along that I was going to break that promise? You always had this sad look in your eyes whenever we had to talk about it. You always knew everything about me."

Dick fell silent. He missed Wally so much, it hurt. It hurt to get out of bed. It hurt to walk around. It hurt to think of anything but Wally. His life was just a constant blur of pain. Sometimes in the shower he'd rub his skin so roughly it turned red, just to distract himself from from the emotional pain.

"Nightwing? You in here?" Artemis asked, peeking into the cavern. "Yeah." She went to sit by him, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. "Do you talk to him?" She asked, looking at the hologram. "He never answers, though." "No, they don't. I like to think it's because they're watching their life from before, all the happy times they spent with us. He's watching his life with you."

"Do you think…do you think he could ever come back?" "It's possible. Didn't your brother come back?" "His body was still here, though. He was brought back by the Lazarus pit." "Oh." "Yeah. I hoped he would, but I think I knew he wouldn't. He's happy where he is." "Yeah, he is. Come on. It's time to eat." "Do I have to leave?" "You can come back after you eat. I'll come with you."

Artemis led Dick to the kitchen, which luckily only had M'gann and Conner. Dick sat at the breakfast bar with his head in his arms, wishing desperately for Wally to return. Artemis sat next to him, watching him carefully.

The zeta beams rang out, announcing the Batman's arrival. Dick didn't move, just continued staring into space. He really missed Wally. If he could have just one more day, he'd make Wally the happiest man on Earth. He'd do everything they didn't get to do. With Wally's speed, they could've done it all.

A hand on his shoulder made him look over, which brought him eye level with the black glove. The three others vacated the kitchen, leaving the father and son alone. "B?" Dick asked quietly, wondering what Bruce was doing here. He usually came later at night and helped Dick relax, to try and get him to sleep.

"I've got a surprise for you, Dickie. You've got to come with me." "Can I leave? I'm on suicide watch." "You're with me. They'll make an exception." Dick nodded, allowing Bruce to pull him to his feet and lead him out.

After telling the trio that Dick was with him, Bruce brought his son through the zeta beams. Bruce kept an arm around Dick's shoulder, keeping him from stopping. If he ever needed to, he'd slow down, but Dick hadn't given any signs.

Bruce sat Dick in the Batcomputer chair, grabbing his hands. "What's the surprise?" Dick asked quietly. "Close your eyes." Bruce told him. "Are you sure?" "I won't let go of your hands." Dick hesitantly closed his eyes, feeling Bruce lead him somewhere.

Dick often felt the urge to peek. Bruce didn't often have surprises planned, and Dick was nervous. He rarely got surprises anyway. His mind was racing, trying to figure out what the surprise was. But there were so many options, Dick couldn't decide.

"Alright, open your eyes." Bruce smiled, waiting for Dick's bright blue eyes. When they opened, he could see sorrow, with a twinkle of curiosity. Sorrow was usually the only emotion Bruce saw. Hopefully this would change that.

Bruce moved to the side, revealing the boy standing behind him. Dick gasped, knees buckling. Wally hurriedly caught him, hugging him close. Dick latched onto Wally like a monkey, sobbing into his shoulder. "Shh, it's alright, Dickie. I'm here, I'm here now." Wally whispered, pressing kisses to Dick's face.

"H-How? You w-were dead." Dick sniffed, managing to look up. "I'm not entirely sure. I think some sort of magical being heard you, and brought me back. It doesn't matter. What does matter is being here for you. I know you've found it hard to sleep, and to smile. I'm here, and I'm not leaving ever. I want to make it easy for you to smile again. I want to make it easy for you to sleep, and to be able to be you. I love you, Dick. I'll never stop loving you."

"I love you too, Wally." Dick smiled, cupping Wally's face. It still felt unreal. Wally kissed Dick, finally solidifying it. He was back, for good. Nothing would ever separate the two again.

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