Uncle Clark!

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Dick always loved when Uncle Clark came over. The kryptonian had always been one of his favorite Leaguers, and he was strong enough to carry the acrobat like he was still eight. Dick was always happy when Uncle Clark was nearby.

This occasion, Dick was recovering from a shoulder wound, which made reaching some things difficult. Of course his dominant shoulder was the one that had been shot, and he was always instinctively reaching up with it. Dick had been reaching for coffee mugs when he realized too late he used the wrong arm.

Dick yelped, yanking his arm back down. "Dickie? You alright?" Clark asked, walking next to the younger. "Used the wrong arm. I'm alright." Dick smiled at him. His arm would be sore for a while. "What were you trying to get?" "Coffee mugs. Like an idiot, I used my injured arm."

Clark wrapped his arm around Dick's waist and flew him up until he was level with the mugs. "Thanks, Clark." Dick smiled, getting two mugs with his good arm. Wally was currently out with Barry on a mission, and wouldn't be back for an hour or so.

Clark looked at Dick's shoulder. "It looks bad." "I wasn't lucky. It hit the bone. It'll take a while for it to mend." "So, no patrol?" "I'm going to die of boredom." "I'm sure it'll be fine. You have Wally with you." "He'll still go on patrol and missions. I'll still be bored."

"Well, I can't help much there. Do you want a sling? It might help with your impulses to use that arm." "Maybe. I'm not sure yet." "If you figure you do, I'll be a call away." "Thanks, Clark. You're a great Uncle, you know that? You'd be a great dad, if you and Lois ever decide to have one."

Clark checked on the bird as he healed, making sure to save him from boredom as much as he could. Dick eventually accepted the sling, feeling a burning pain in his arm every time he moved it. It didn't feel right, but he didn't have the money to check it out, and Leslie was at her new clinic helping the people of Gotham.

Dick had trouble sleeping because of the pain. He didn't tell Wally, trying to keep the speedster from worrying. Wally had enough to worry about, having an entire city to protect by himself when he usually had another with him. He didn't need to worry about Dick too.

Clark had come to visit again, only to see Dick still in bed. It was strange, considering it was one in the afternoon and Dick never slept in past eight. The other strange thing was that Dick was rubbing his arm as close to his shoulder as he could get. Maybe it was just sore.

"Hey, Dickie. You feeling okay?" "Shoulder hurts." Clark put a hand on Dick's arm, only for Dick to hiss and pull away. "Dickie?" Clark gathered Dick in his arms, gently cupping his face. Dick hid his face in Clark's neck, holding his arm tightly.

"You need a doctor. I should get you to Leslie." "No, it's…it's fine." "No, it's not. You need help." Clark stood up, holding Dick bridal style. Dick hissed as his shoulder was moved, holding back tears.

Clark flew Dick to Leslie, holding the eldest Robin close. He knew he should've gotten Dick to a doctor sooner. It was clear his shoulder was causing him too much pain. Had Leslie checked on it recently, with the new clinic and everything?

"You should have told someone you were in pain." "It's not bad." "I can feel you crying against my neck. We're almost to Leslie, just hang on." "M'fine." "You're not. Don't try to kid yourself." Clark landed in an alley close to the clinic and ran in, hoping Leslie was free.

Luckily enough, she was. "Leslie! He needs help." Clark told her, motioning to the bird in his arms. "What's wrong?" "His shoulder is hurting him too much. I think something aggravated the injury." "You're lucky we're about to close, or I'd be swamped." "I know, I'm sorry. But he's in a lot of pain. I'll take care of the expenses." "He was due for a check-up soon. That'll be the only expense to pay."

Dick groaned as he was set on the examination table, grabbing his arm again. Clark gently grabbed his hand, setting it on the table. "Hang on, Dickie." "Call Wally, tell him Dick's here. He's in room three, so tell him that as well. I'll have to take him back for x-rays."

Clark looked at Dick's shoulder and cursed. "What?" "There's fragments of something in there. I'm not sure what, but it looks like one is sticking into the wound." "I swear, whoever did his surgery is a fool. They must've left the bone shards in there. He'll have to go into surgery again." "Recovery time?" "At least a month. You're gonna be bored for a while, Dickie." "Joy."

Clark waited in the hallway while Leslie did surgery on Dick's shoulder. Wally zoomed in, panting for once. "Where is he?" "In surgery. There were shards in his shoulder, which was aggravating his wound. Leslie's removing them." Wally sank into a seat, head in his hands. "I should've seen this. I should've seen the pain he was in."

"It's not your fault. Dick is really good at hiding things. Besides, I've already said I'm paying." "We can't ask you to do that." "It's fine." "What about your report salary?" "Bruce has been supplying me a little money, so I have more than I need. You just worry about Dick right now."

When Dick was cleared for visitors again, Wally ran in. Dick was still asleep from the anesthetics, which Wally was glad for. He kissed Dick's forehead, grabbing the hand on his good arm. "I love you, Dick."

Clark walked in a minute later. "She was right. Bone shards, which weren't removed in the surgery. She's gotten them out, and she believes he'll make a full recovery." "That's good." "It's not your fault, kiddo." "I should've seen this. I should've known Dick was in pain." "The only reason I know is because I touched his arm. You've been taking care of an entire city by yourself, and you're not around him as much as you're used to being. It's alright, Wally." "Then why don't I feel alright?"

"You blame yourself. So don't. Dickie wouldn't want you to." Wally sighed, but accepted the hug Clark gave him. "Thanks, Clark. You're a good Uncle, you know that?" "That seems to be the general consensus."

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