Different Dimensions

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Everyone stared as the ray was shot, the victim unable to move out of the way. It hit home, and they crumpled, curling on themselves. It was only when they finally for a grip on themselves did they realize what was happening.

"Nightwing!" A loud voice screamed. Was that his name? He didn't know, it was getting harder to stay awake. Someone ran to his side, pulling him into their arms. "Stay with me, Dickie, don't close your eyes. Please, angel, please." The person was crying. Why was he crying? Nightwing was fine. Wasn't he?

If his hand was anything to go by, he wasn't. The fingers were dissolving, disappearing before his eyes. "Dickie, please. Stay here with me, with Wally." Wally begged. "My hand. I don't think I have much time." Dick whispered. Wally looked down with scared eyes, knowing he was too late.

"I'm sorry." Dick whispered again, eyes fluttering closed. The other hand started disappearing, as well as his feet. "No. Dick, baby, don't leave me." Wally begged. Dick didn't respond, the last traces disappearing from Wally's arms. A broken sob tore its way from Wally's throat, his body curling as his world disappeared from his life. "Dick. Come back. Please, come back." Wally whispered, cursing the world for taking his angel from him.
Dick woke in a bed of some sort, in a cold room. The bed was soft however, and the blankets were warm. But he couldn't stay here. Something told him to get up, to move, he had to move.

Dick opened his eyes and sat up. His head...what happened? Something about dissolving, a ray, Wally...Wally. Where was Wally? "Wally? Wally, where are you?" Dick cried out, panicking when nothing reacted. His voice echoed through the open door, bouncing away.

Dick quickly leapt up and looked around. This was his room. This was the Manor. But where was Alfred? Or Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Wally? Where were they? Dick was panicking, running into the hall. He wasn't alone again, he could've be alone.

Dick did a sweep through the Manor, calling for his family. Tears were prickling at his eyes, threatening to spill at any second. It was eerily silent, nothing moving. The plants outside were wilting without the care of Alfred.

Dick finally made his way to the cave. It was silent as well, no chirping bats to settle Dick's nerves. "Bruce? Are you down here? Walls?" Dick called out, his voice echoing back to him. Nothing happened. All he could hear was the water underneath him, but barely. Nothing was moving in it. Nothing was moving it.

Dick sank to his knees, holding his arms as if he was cold. He was alone. Everything was gone. Wally, Bruce, everyone. The tears finally escaped, Dick's sobs filling the silence. Dick's world was gone.

After a few minutes, Dick dragged himself up and to the computer. Maybe there was someone. Someone he could find and talk to. The computer turned on, much to Dick's relief. "Computer, can you hear me?" Confirmed. Recognized: Nightwing B01.

"Search for any life forms on the planet. Animals, humans, anything that has a heartbeat." Dick ordered, hoping something would come up. Negative. Only one heartbeat. Yours. "Search again." Dick's voice was shaky. Negative. Only one heartbeat. Yours. "T-That's not possible. There has to be something." Dick pleaded.

There is nothing. This dimension is empty, except you. Dick had tweaked the computer after watching Avengers, based off of Jarvis. It could communicate with him. "How long has it been empty?" From my calculations, this dimension has only been in existence twenty minutes.

"Do we still have the notes on dimensional travel?" Negative. All files concerning dimensions were deleted in the creation of this world. Dick cursed. "So you have nothing?" I'm sorry. I have nothing.

Dick collapsed in the chair and put his head down. "I'm stuck, aren't I?" There is a chance the world you came from has the files still. They could find you. "What's the percentage on that chance?" 75/25, with the 25 being they do have it. Dick's hopes sank.

"Play…play camera footage from March 23, 2017." That footage may not exist. "Search for it, please. It may be all that's keeping me sane right now." I don't think that's a good idea. We could cause a temporary joining of two worlds, and they may not be the one you came from. "I'm willing to take that chance. If I can get a message to them, whoever it is, I may be able to get home."

The computer whirred before pulling up the footage. Dick smiled. "Pause it." The image froze, and Dick stood up. There was his Wally. "I'm going to come back. I promise, Wally."
The others were searching. Wally was being held by Barry as the older kept him calm, getting him to drink water and promising to find Dick. Wally had nearly been crushed by Dick's disappearance, as there was no promise that Dick was even alive.

They were in the Batcave, Wally and Barry sitting next to the computer. Bruce was in the chair, searching for any clues. After shooting Nightwing, the criminal had given up, screaming it worked. Jason was interrogating him, finding what he could about where this monster sent his older brother.

The computer started glitching. Bruce frowned. "What?" Barry asked. "That's never happened before. My computer doesn't get bugs, and the wires are checked weekly. The bats don't bother it either." Wally looked up. "Can we still find him?" "I have to wait either for the computer to stop, or Jason to finish the interrogation."

Something was now flickering in the seat. Bruce hurriedly sat up, grabbing a Batarang out of his belt. Whatever this was was glitching too much for Bruce to see, but he could hear.

"Br…different…look…files." Bruce made out. "What are you?" Bruce growled. But Wally gasped. "Dick?" "Ye…! Empty…trying…home…promise, Wally." Dick reached for Wally. Wally tried to grab Dick's hand, but he couldn't grab on. He just went through.

"How are you doing this?" "Computer…merge…temporary. Files…dimensions…gone. Erased." Dick reached for Wally one last time before flickering away. "Dick?" Wally nearly cried. Dick was gone again. "Bruce, could you make out what he was saying?" Barry asked. "Some of it. Other parts were too distorted to make out. But we got it on camera, so I think I should be able to clear some of the audio up." "What do you mean, you got it on camera?!"

"Where do you think he is?" Wally croaked. "If what I heard was correct, I think the ray sent him to another dimension. He was telling me to look in the files. I think his got erased whenever he got sent to wherever he is." Bruce explained as he typed, looking up at the screen. Files came up as Bruce searched through everything, trying to find a way to other dimensions. He'd done it before, but he needed to make sure he knew everything.

Wally watched from the floor, still rattled. His boyfriend was alive. He had promised something to Wally, maybe a promise to come home. Wally promised himself he would do whatever it took to get Dick home.

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