Deal with the devil 4

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Dick woke with a yawn, a soft light infiltrating his eyes. After the week he'd had, he wanted to go back to sleep. Yeah, it had felt good, but it had also tired him out. No, it wasn't the light that had woken him up. It was the nausea.

Dick stumbled out of the bed, making his way to the bathroom. He hoped he hadn't woken Wally up. He wouldn't want to worry him so early in the morning, especially not for something as simple as nausea. He had been so busy taking care of Dick all week, and he needed his rest.

Dick knelt down in front of the toilet, gagging on the bile. He felt awful. Maybe they'd overdone it. Maybe Dick's body hadn't been able to handle three feet. Wally's shape shifting had made that week fun, but now Dick was wondering if it was what made him feel sick. He hoped not. Three feet had been the best, and he would stand by that until he...well, he couldn't die, so until he found something better.

Dick finally threw up, stomach spasming as he forced bile out. He felt lightheaded, and his throat hurt now. He's always hated throwing up, even on Earth, and he's not sure he'll ever like it. It just seemed so awful, like something that should only happen in torture sessions. Yes, Dick knew about those. The servants that acted out had them before going back to work. Luckily, Wally had made it very clear that Dick would never have one as long as he was around.

"Dickie? You in here?" Wally called as he opened the door. "Wally." Dick whimpered. Wally walked over, sitting next to Dick. "Hey, darling. Are you okay?" "Throwing up. My stomach hurts." "Do you feel hot?" "No, just nauseous. I think we might've overdone it." Wally grinned. "Or it could be something else."

"Like what?" "I think this is morning sickness." "What's that?" "Here, do these. It'll prove if I'm right or wrong." Walked handed Dick three small objects, all still wrapped. "Right or wrong about what?" "It's a surprise. Just do them, okay? I'll explain if they're positive."

Dick followed the instructions, waiting impatiently as they did their work. Why was Wally being so weird about this? What even were those things? He'd never seen them before. He didn't even know what the thing tested for. What would make Wally so excited about Dick feeling ill? Was their relationship getting rocky?

The first one beeped, and Dick picked it up. There were two lines, but Dick didn't know what that meant. All the words were in a foreign language, and Dick couldn't read it. "Stupid test. Stupid language." Dick growled, now waiting on the other two.

Sure enough, they all had two lines. Now all Dick had to do was find Wally and ask him what the hell that meant. Was he sick or something? Was there some sort of magic thing going on with his body? He still didn't fully understand being an Incubus. Maybe he should ask Kirishima about that some time.

"Wally? What do these lines mean? I can't read this." Dick asked as he stuck his head in Wally's office. "Here, let me see." Dick handed the tests to Wally, sitting on his leg. Wally let out a loud whoop, wrapping his arms around Dick and spinning him around. "Whoa, Wally, easy! What's going on?" "Dickie, you tested positive!" "Positive for what?" "You're pregnant, Dick! You're carrying my child."

Time froze. Dick found himself unable to breathe, excitement welling up inside of him. He had Wally's child? "Wh, how?" "It was your heat, Dickie. We did it so much, your body changed to get pregnant. It started when you became my bride, but it's finished now that you've been through your first heat. I can't wait to tell the other Lords!" Wally stopped spinning, kissing Dick with as much passion and excitement he could give.

News spread quickly. Demon Lords, whether high or low ranking, all came by and congratulated  the couple. Dick lost the band around his waist, which symbolized he was with child. His stomach started rounding out within a few weeks, and Dick found himself finally accepting the fact that he had a child. It seemed like a dream at first, something he couldn't quite convince himself of. He'd never had a child before, never even held one. How was he supposed to be a good parent?

Wally kept Dick close after that, usually holding him in his lap as he brushed his thumb over the growing baby bump. Dick didn't object. He was glad to let Wally hold him and care for him. His back was starting to hurt from the baby bump, and it was a pain he didn't like. It left him feeling like he couldn't relax in certain positions anymore, least he never be able to get up again.

Nine months went by quickly, and the demon community was waiting anxiously for the child. Dick was due to go into labor any day now, and he was never alone. Whether it was Kirishima, who was going to help him with the birth, or one of the servants, or Wally, he never had a moment of alone time. It was something Wally suggested, in case Dick went into labor.

Dick and Kirishima had been talking about how to care for the baby when the contractions started. Kirishima recognized it easily, and pulled Dick to the bed before telling one of the servants to find Wally. Unlike human babies, demon babies couldn't be born until the father was present. Dick would be stuck in labor until Wally got there.

Wally held Dick's hand as he pushed the baby out, whispering sweet nothings and words of encouragement to try and distract Dick from the pain. He knew birth was no easy thing. It had left brides bedridden for months before. He'd even heard a story about a bride who was paralyzed because their body wasn't made for the baby they were birthing. He could only hope Dick made it through okay.

A shrill cry finally broke the air, and Dick relaxed as much as he could. The baby was finally out. Kirishima wrapped the baby up and handed it to one of the servants, moving up to check on Dick. Wally was cupping his face, whispering to him with a smile on his face.

"Congrats, Dickie. It's a healthy boy. Do you have a name?" "Yeah, I do." "What is it?" "Vixon." "Powerful son. I like it. The servants are cleaning Vixon up, but he'll be out soon. You can hold him then." Dick nodded, pulling Wally's hand to his chest. He couldn't wait to see how life would be from now on.

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