Even speedsters get sick

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Set before the wedding.

Wally was not expecting to wake up with a headache. He wasn't expecting his body to hurt, nor for his skin to feel like it was submerged in ice. Even with Dick pressed against his stomach, he was freezing.

Wally shivered and leaned into Dick, pulling him closer. Dick woke up, concerned when he felt Wally shaking. Even in the Arctic, Wally was never cold. The chattering teeth was also concerning.

"Walls? You alright?" Dick asked, turning around. "Cold. Everything hurts." Wally mumbled, snuggling into Dick. "You're sick. Let's take care of that." Dick said sadly, but kept a small smile on his face. If Wally saw, he needed to be reassuring.

Dick pulled away, tucking Wally in. Wally groaned, trying to grab Dick's hand. "I know, babe. But I need to get you some things, so you can get better. I'll put on Star Wars if you let me get this." Wally whimpered, but laid down again. Dick kissed Wally's forehead, not caring about germs in that particular moment.

Dick got a hand towel, a bowl and glass of water, and snacks for the speedster. Wally was tossing and turning, clenching his stomach tightly. Dick set the items on the counter, then grabbed Wally's hand. Wally held on tightly to Dick's hand, whimpering softly.

"I know, babe. Just hang on. You'll be feeling better in no time." Dick whispered softly, pressing gentle kisses to Wally's face. Wally leaned into the kisses, needed the touch. Dick didn't realize how much better he made Wally feel.

Dick placed the now damp towel on Wally's forehead, cooling the burning boy down. Wally groaned again, head pressing into the pillow. "I know, Walls. I know. But I'm here, and I'm not leaving until you're better."

Dick stayed beside Wally, giving kisses and cuddles throughout the day. Wally had a high fever at least, burning up and sleeping restlessly. Dick called Bruce and told him he was unable to work today, and that he needed someone to patrol Blüdhaven. Bruce reluctantly agreed to send Tim, knowing there was something besides a business meeting going on. Dick's job didn't have business meetings.

Wally suffered from fever dreams. They didn't happen often, and Wally rarely got sick, but they happened nonetheless. He dreamed of his father, of his mother, of abuse. He pleaded with an unknown figure to stop, to leave him alone. Dick had never seen Wally have a fever dream before.

Bruce landed outside Dick's window, looking in. Dick was sitting next to the bed, holding a struggling Wally down. His face showed panic, and his voice betrayed fear. Bruce couldn't understand what Dick was saying, but his body language was tense, which meant it wasn't good.

Bruce slipped into the apartment, closing the window behind. "It's alright, Wally. Just breathe, calm down. You're safe, no one will hurt you." Dick sounded close to tears. This was scaring him, and Bruce knew it.

Bruce set a hand on Dick's shoulder. Dick jumped, eyes wild. "It's alright, Dick." "I've never seen him like this. I-I don't know what's wrong." Dick stuttered. "I know, it's alright. It's a fever dream. He's alright." "H-He's not answering, he's not responding, I can't get him to calm down." "I know. But you need to calm down too. You'll go into a panic attack if you don't, and Wally doesn't need that. Take a breather, I'll watch over him."

Dick stepped outside of the door, sliding down the wall. Bruce turned to the bed, where the squirming boy laid. Bruce pulled grapple line out and tied Wally's torso to the bed, holding the arms down. Wally was mumbling, head tossing around.

"No, dad, please. Stop, I'm sorry." Wally begged. "He's not here. It's alright, Wally. Dick's waiting for you to get better. He needs you to get better. Your father can never hurt you again." Bruce whispered, rubbing his thumb against Wally's shoulder.

Wally stilled, panting harshly. Bruce heard Dick shift, standing again. He quickly removed the cable, hoping his son didn't get angry at him. He only had so many limbs.

Dick leaned against the doorframe, looking drained. "Is he alright?" "For now. What about you?" "I'm fine. Just…worried." "He's never been this sick, has he?" "No. I'm worried this isn't just a fever. His body would have already worked through it if it was. He's still sick." "Whatever it is, he seems to be getting better." "Hopefully." "Get some rest, Dick. I can take care of him." "If you're sure. And Bruce?" "Hm?" "Don't use grappling line on my boyfriend again."

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