Prom night

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Dick Grayson was the youngest of the Wayne siblings. His brothers were extremely protective of him, and Dick knew it. The first time Wally came over, he was nearly decapitated by a batarang. Dick had to beat them away or they wouldn't leave Wally alone.

Terry was the oldest. He was currently traveling in Japan, attending a meeting that Bruce was unable to go to. They managed Wayne Enterprises together, and  often brought back gifts from wherever they traveling. Terry was the Red Bat, and was set to take over as Batman when Bruce retired or was killed.

Damian was the second oldest. He was in college, and was getting a degree in business so he could help Bruce and Terry. He was very snappy, and sometime scared Dick. Dick never blamed him though. He knew transitioning from assassin life to civilian life, even after years of work, was difficult. Damian was Katana, a hero who wore a bat on his front. He was the only hero in the family who wore a bat and didn't have the word bat in his name.

Tim was the middle child. He was also in college, working on a degree in technology. He had clinically diagnosed anxiety and depression, and often held Dick in hugs. Dick knew Tim felt ignored most of the time, and was always happy to help him. When Tim got low on his antidepressants, Dick usually went with him to refill the bottle. Tim was Red Robin

Jason was the second youngest. He'd lived on the streets before he came to the Manor, and was a very rough child. He often wrestled with Dick, even when Dick said he didn't want to. Jason was always trying to get at Bruce's alcohol, and often got his cookie privileges taken away. He was Red Hood, and Dick had no idea where the name came from.

Dick was Robin. He was the baby of the family, and everyone knew it. It often led to kidnapping attempts, but his family took care of him. Dick had Peanuts, his stuffed elephant, that went almost everywhere. He didn't go on patrol, or to school. If the other kids at school found Peanuts, the bullying would only get worse.

Dick was excited. Wally was taking him to prom soon, and he was looking for the perfect suit. He and Wally were searching together, as Bruce had offered to pay for Wally's suit. Damian and Tim had come along, to help supervise and make sure the two weren't up to anything inappropriate.

Wally couldn't help but smile when he was with Dick. The way Dick just radiated beauty was enough to knock Wally out. When Dick smiled, Wally smiled wider. When Dick laughed, Wally laughed at well. Even when Dick was crying, Wally couldn't help but love him. He was hopelessly devoted to Dick, and he didn't care that he was. If anything, he was glad.

Wally was with Tim, and Dick was with Damian. It was a plan they had made, so they could be surprised by what the other was wearing. Dick was with Damian, because the other had pretty much vowed to make Wally's life hell.

"First prom?" Tim asked Wally, watching as he searched for the jacket. "Yeah. I'm nervous." "Why? Prom is awesome." "I know, but I want it to be awesome for Dick. It's his first too, and he deserves a perfect night. I want to make sure it goes well for him."

Tim smiled. "As long as you're there, he'll be happy. I live with the kid, and he's helped me through a lot. He'll be happy no matter what." "Still. I want to put effort into it. I want to show him how special he is to me. He doesn't deserve a box of chocolates and an awkward dance. He deserves the best I can find."

Tim's smile got wider. He knew how much Wally really loved Dick, and he could see how much Dick loved Wally. Tim was often the one to sneak Wally in when he had the energy. He was happy for Dick, considering he had such a loving boyfriend. Conner, Tim's boyfriend, was just as amazing. Tim had received a lot of protests from most of the family when they started dating. Dick and Alfred were the few who didn't protest him dating a kryptonian.

Wally finally picked out a suit that fit him, and chose a green tie. He and Dick were supposed to go up to the register at different times, to keep it even more of a surprise. Wally just hoped Damian hadn't accidentally scared Dick again.

Wally had Dick's hand in his the whole ride back to the Manor. Even with Damian glaring at him, he didn't let go. Dick was happy with it, so Wally was happy. Dick thought he saw Tim shake his head at Damian, but he wasn't sure.

The night of prom seemed months away. Every night Dick found it harder to sleep, usually resorting to some form of sleep medicine. Bruce wasn't letting him on patrol, simply to insure nothing happened before the date. Of course, that ended with a acrobat that had way too much energy at night.

The day of prom, neither were allowed to see each other. It was supposed to be a surprise, and had been the plan all along. Dick still couldn't help the pang of wanting he felt when he thought of Wally. Wally was his boyfriend, and it hurt to be away from him for so long. They could usually call, or text, but that wasn't allowed yet.

Four o'clock came slowly, but Dick was ecstatic when it did. He was finally going to be able to see Wally again, after hours of waiting. Even with Damian listing safety precautions again and again, Dick was excited. He had no doubt that Wally had something in store for them.

Their night started with dinner. Wally was taking Dick to a restaurant, once again using money Bruce had given him. Wally told him it wasn't necessary, that he could pay for it, but Bruce had insisted. Since he had been pretty much threatened to take it, Wally took the money. Better to take it and enjoy the night than not take it and have bats following him around.

Dick was pressed against Wally's side in the booth, leaning his head on Wally's shoulder. "I missed you." Dick sighed. "I missed you too. You look beautiful." "You do as well. How are you paying for all this?" "Bruce practically forced me to take his card." "That makes sense."

Once they ate, they were on their way to the park. Wally's school had decided that prom was going to be outside, which Dick didn't mind. That meant he could see the stars. Besides, Dick didn't really like loud events. If it had been in the tiny area Wally's school called a gym, Dick's ears would've been blown out.

The night was filled with dancing and laughter. Dick laughed at Wally's antics, and they danced to whatever song they felt like dancing to. Having gone to many events together, they could dance to pretty much anything.

Wally walked with Dick around the park, holding hands. The party was nice, but it was the quiet places that he saw the best of Dick. That was where he saw Dick the happiest. He knew Dick would always be happy in the field, but the quiet and relaxed times were the best when looking for a peaceful Dick Grayson.

"It's getting pretty late. Do you want to go back? Wally asked. "I think I just want to sit here for a bit. Have some peace and quiet." Dick led Wally to one of the picnic tables, sitting on the bench. Wally sat next to him, holding his hand.

"I love you." Wally whispered. "Why don't you tell the world?" "I just told my world. You mean everything to me, Dick. I don't care about anything else when I'm with you. You're all I need to live, Dick. If we weren't still high school students, I would have a ring, and ask you right here if you would marry me. Dick, you have no idea what it's like without you. My heart yearned for you when we're separated. Every time I hold your hand, it's like electricity coursing through my skin. I love you, Dick Grayson. I always will."

Wally kissed Dick, gently cupping his face. Dick kissed back, knowing exactly what Wally meant. Every second away from Wally was a nightmare. Being with Wally was a safe haven, a high that Dick wanted to chase. Luckily, the high seemed to love him right back. He loved Wally with all his heart, and nothing would change that.

Dick looked behind Wally and smirked. "Let me guess. Your brothers followed." "Bingo." "Think they'll kill me?" "Nah. Terry's here, he won't let them get the chance." "I love you, Dick." "I love you too, Wally. Now, let's go kick some sense into my brothers." "I'd like nothing more."

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