Fairy Tail

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"Remind me never to go into a lab with you ever again, genius." Dick groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. "It's not my fault my shoelaces came untied." Wally huffed as he sat up, cracking his back. "You're really going to get in trouble when we get back from…wherever we are." "Is that a village?" "Maybe they can point us to Gotham."

What happened? Well, Dick and Wally were at a tech lab when Wally's laces came untied. He tripped, knocking him and the acrobat into some sort of portal. So far, Wally didn't see any signs of a way to get back. Dick really was going to kill him.

"Let's see if we can find a map or something." "That place in the middle looks pretty popular. It's got a cool symbol and everything." Wally pointed to the large building by the water. "Yeah. Maybe it's a town hall, or a museum. Let's check it out." Dick stood up, wincing at his ribs. Okay, those were definitely bruised.

"Are you hurt?" "I think I just bruised my ribs. I'll be fine. Once we get in town, we can find a doctor or something that can check it out." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure, idiot. I've been through worse than this." Dick playfully rolled his eyes, smiling at his wonderful and dumb boyfriend.

They walked into town, looking around at all the buildings. Dick started talking to one of the merchants while Wally went into a shop, looking for something. Dick explained that they weren't from around here, and that they were lost. The merchant directed him to the building he saw earlier, which was actually a guild hall for the Fairy Tail guild.

Wally came out with two sandwiches, handing one to Dick. "Get any info?" "We're in Magnolia, where the Fairy Tail guild resides." "What's a guild?" "Based off what he was saying, I think it's like a group for certain people. There are multiple, but Fairy Tail is known for being reckless and slightly destructive." "Sounds like the team would fit right in."

The entered the guild hall, surprised at what they found inside. People using magic, all with the same bizarre tattoo. Dick recognized it from the outside of the guild hall, and realized what the guilds were for. "Wizards." He whispered. "There's no way." "Look at them, Wally. I guessed it when we first arrived, but all their tech seems to be run on magic. I have as much trouble believing it as you, but it's the truth."

"Hey, guys! Here to join?" A pink haired guy asked. "Oh, no. We're lost, and came to try and get some directions." Dick explained. "Oh. Well, if you need to find a place, Gramps is the guy to ask. C'mon, I'll introduce you. I'm Natsu." "I'm Dick, and this is Wally." "Nice to meet you two. Either of you wizards? I can smell electricity on one of you." "Wally's a speedster. I don't have any powers." "Maybe I can teach you some! It shouldn't be too hard. You just gotta listen to nature to be a wizard, although Erza says I don't listen to anyone."

Dick chuckled. "I like this guy." "You and me both. Oh! Do you guys have a doctor or anything nearby?" Wally asked. "Yeah. Why?" "I bruised my ribs earlier. We just want to get them checked out." "I'll take you guys over there once you talk to Gramps." "You don't have to do that." "I want to! I like helping people."

Natsu led them through the hall to Gramps, who was sitting on the bar. "Gramps, this is Dick and Wally. They're lost." Natsu smiled, sitting at one of the bar stools. "I sense power in you two. What kind of wizards are you?" "We're not wizards. Wally is a speedster, but I don't have magic." Dick explained. "Are you sure? I can sense it in you." "Well, I've never had any signs of power, so not really."

"They're just trying to get home, Gramps." Natsu smiled sheepishly. He didn't mean to have Gramps interrogate them. He just wanted to help them get home. "Where are you from?" "A place called Gotham. The idiot beside me knocked us into a portal, so we're lost." "There is no Gotham I've heard of. Are you kids sure you just went into a portal?" "Positive! It was set for a dimension away." "That may explain it. It's going to take some time to get you two home again."

Dick nodded. "Is there an inn nearby? Somewhere we can crash for a few nights?" "You guys can stay here! We've got plenty of room." "Only guild members can stay overnight." "One of them is a speedster, although I have no idea what that means, and you said you sensed power from the other. That means they both have wizard potential, therefore they can join." "Why are you only this smart half the time?" "It's part of my charm."

"Well, boys? What do you say about joining the Fairy Tail guild?" Dick and Wally looked at each other and smiled. "I think that sounds awesome." "You'll be given a tattoo of our symbol. Once it is on, it can never come off." "Do we get to choose where it goes?" "Of course! And you get to pick the color!" Gramps smiled at them.

"I think I'm going to get mine on my shoulder blade. Should be pretty easy to hide from Bruce." Dick shrugged. "I'll do the same. I don't want Barry killing me at fifteen!" Wally chuckled. "Colors?" "Blue." "Red."

They peeled their shirts off, revealing the nasty bruises on Dick's back and their lithe forms. "That doesn't look good." Natsu winced. "It'll heal." "You two work out?" Elfman asked. "Yeah, although this little monkey was an acrobat for the first few years of his life." Wally ruffled Dick's hair. "I still am an acrobat. You're just stingy you're not as flexible." "Yeah, yeah, shortie." "Just wait, I'll be bigger than you one day." "That day ain't today."

"It's like another Natsu and Gray." The woman behind the counter sighed. "That's Mirajane. She'll be giving you your tattoos." Gramps interrupted. Mirajane pulled out a stamp, which confused them. Did they say anything about it? Of course not! They didn't want to be rude.

Dick bit his lip as she tattooed him, fighting back the urge to whimper. The tattoo itself didn't hurt, but it brushed up against his bruise. "Not bad. It's suits you." Wally smiled to the younger, rolling his own shoulder. That stamp really was effective. Dick pulled his shirt back on, already liking the tiny weight on his shoulder. "Welcome to Fairy Tail, boys. Let's get you home."

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