Good old fashioned ruts

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Smut warning! Don't like, don't read.

As an Alpha, Dick had ruts. It was an entire week of being agonisingly horny. Wally had them too, but they were never as bad as Dick's. Dick's had always been horrible, leaving him exhausted by the end of it. Even Bruce admitted he'd never seen a case like that before.

Dick had learned to recognize the signs. Heat flashes, dizziness, the urge to just pin Wally down and take him until both were sated. Sometimes Dick could recognize them immediately, and others they crept up on him, into he realized what was going on.

He'd just finished training the new cadets when he felt it: the first heat flash. It stabbed Dick in his core, making him feel like lava was swirling in his stomach. He quickly dismissed the young merfolk, trying to get away as nonchalantly as possible.

Wally ran into Dick as he was swimming, and smelled the hormones coming from his mate. It was a distinct smell, but not a very strong one. Most merfolk wouldn't even realize they were smelling it, but Wally did. Wally knew what he was about to go into.

"Let's go to our room, okay? I'll tell Bruce what's going on, then we'll take care of you." Wally whispered in Dick's ear. Dick nodded, but his hold on Wally's arm didn't loosen. "Dickie, you've gotta let go. You need to go lay down until I get there, okay? You'll feel better." "It's too hot." "I know, I know. I'm gonna take care of everything."

Dick managed to nod, letting go of Wally and swimming towards his room. Wally wasted no time in getting to Bruce, quickly explaining that Dick was in rut, and it would be a while before he was free. He was practically vibrating with excitement at the idea of having Dick alone for an entire week.

As soon as Wally closed the door to Dick's room he was pounced on, being pinned to the wall. Dick's breath was heavy against his neck, and his skin was burning to the touch. Wally didn't even have time to ask what Dick was doing before teeth sunk into his neck, marking his skin with a bruise.

"Ah! D-Dickie, we should go to the bed." Wally stammered. "Can't wait. Need you now." Dick replied, biting down again. Wally panted, leaning his head to the side to give Dick more room. For the next week, Dick's hormones would be controlling his actions. Wally couldn't wait.

Dick continued to mark Wally's neck and shoulders, leaving the redhead a moaning mess. What could he say? He liked being bitten, and Dick's hands kept traveling all over his body. It was like being tortured and rewarded at the same time.

Dick's hand turned Wally face, locking their lips together and shoving his tongue into Wally's mouth. Before Wally realized what was going on, Dick had turned him around so that his back was against the wall. Wally could feel Dick's erection against his tail, having emerged from the slit that kept it hidden.

"Dick, bed." Wally tried to command. Sometimes, he could get Dick to listen to little requests, and sometimes it ended with Dick being rough. Both were good, but in this instance, he needed Dick to listen. "I can't, I need you." Dick sounded desperate as he attached his lips to Wally's throat again. "Then let me carry you. Come to the bed with me, and I'll let you take over then."

Dick moaned at the idea, loosening his grip on Wally. The older merman swam to the bed, quickly followed by the desperate younger. As soon as he got there he was pinned again, teeth marking his chest. Unlike the normal marks, rut marks stayed on his skin, so everyone would see what Dick did to him. It wasn't abnormal to see merfolk with the marks, so Wally knew he wouldn't be in too much trouble.

Dick turned Wally onto his stomach, holding his arms behind his back. Wally couldn't move, and he loved it. As much as his Alpha pride ruled his life, there was just something so captivating about being dominated by Dick. Sure, his shoulders, neck, and now his back looked like he'd gotten mauled, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Dick's free hand snaked down to Wally's hips, prodding at the weeping slit hidden in his scales. Both Alphas had two sets of sex organs, because of the nature of their relationship. It was a natural occurrence, as mates could change their biology to match.

Everything was silent for a moment. Wally almost looked behind him to see what was going on before something soft started poking at his entrance. His eyes went wide as he realized Dick was eating him out. "D-Dick, wait! It's-hmph! It's too sensitive!" Dick didn't seem to hear the redhead. He was lost in his own world, trying to lap up as much of the slick as possible. The taste was like heaven, and he wanted more.

Wally was lost in the pleasure as Dick dived deeper, tongue hanging out as he moaned and groaned. Even though he was preoccupied, Dick's hand never let go of Wally's arms, keeping him in place. It was too good, and Wally knew that. He didn't use his back very often, as Dick was usually the one to bottom. It left him shaking, tears in his eyes as Dick ravaged his body.

The soft tongue left the slit, leaving it quivering and clenching around nothing. Dick moved Wally's arms so they were above his head, kissing at his shoulder blades. "D-Dickie?" Wally whimpered. "Shh. I've got you." Strange. Just a few minutes ago, Wally was the one saying that.

Wally laid his head down on the pillow as Dick's tip scraped his entrance, holding back a moan. With one quick thrust Dick was in, filling his walls. Wally's mouth was open in a silent moan, his breath caught in his throat. It was too good to be true.

Dick was only still for a second. The first thrust was hard and fast, leaving Wally reeling. One of Dick's hands moved to cover Wally's mouth, his mouth sucking a mark into Wally's neck. "Neptune, you're loud. Maybe I should get you a gag. I want to keep all those pretty sounds to myself." Dick growled, noticing how Wally moaned extremely loud after that.

"You want that, don't you? You want me to gag you, so I can use this hand elsewhere. Maybe around your throat, hmm? You always said you wanted to try choking. Or maybe I should jack you off while I'm thrusting into you. Make you come more and more until you can't anymore. What do you think?"

What did Wally think? He wanted all of it. He wanted Dick to tie him up and have his way with him. He wanted to be gagged, so nobody but Dick could hear him scream. He wanted to be choked, to be held close by his Alpha and his strong hands. Wally nodded, his erecting painful against his stomach. "Good boy." Dick purred, and that sent Wally over the edge.

He could feel his cum against his stomach, heavy against the water around him. Every liquid in merfolk bodies was denser that the water around them, so they didn't float off. It made cleanup much easier, and right now it served as a reminder of the power Dick had over him.

Dick growled, moving the hand from Wally's mouth to his hair. "Did I say you could come yet?" Wally whimpered as Dick pulled his hair, loving the slight sting in his scalp. "N-No." "No what?" Wally gulped. "No, Alpha."

The words felt foreign on his tongue, and yet so right at the same time. Poseidon's trident, he loved being dominated. He loved dominating, don't get him wrong, but there was a feeling he got when he was reminded that Dick could take control. He loved that feeling.

"Don't do it again." Wally nodded. He was supposed to say something…right? He couldn't think of what it was. He was lost in the pleasure. The grip on his hair loosened, and Dick leaned down again. Once again, Wally's head was turned, and Dick connected their lips. Dick pressed them together tightly as he came, filling Wally to the brim. His knot inflated, locking them together.

Both collapsed onto the bed, panting. Since they were Alphas, they didn't have to worry about getting pregnant. "…Walls? You okay?" Dick croaked. It seemed his hormones had calmed down enough for him to form a coherent thought. "Yeah. Just tired. That was hot, Dickie." Dick chuckled. "Didn't mean to go so Alpha on you." "M' not complaining."

Dick turned them to their sides, wrapping his arms around Wally. "I'm saying this early, but thanks for putting up with me. I know it's not easy." "It's worth it if you feel better. I know it's not easy for you." "Yeah. I wish I knew why it was so bad." "Whatever the reason, I'll be right here to help you." "Thanks, Walls. Ready for another round?" "Wait, what? Ah!"

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