Deal with the devil 6

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You thought this series was over, didn't you?

It was that time of year again. When the Demon Lords met, and the brides went into their separate room. Dick had checked his suppressants this time, and was sure they were real, so he didn't have to worry about any sudden heats popping up. Luckily, he hadn't worried about that for seventy two years.

"Hey, Artie. How's Lord Zatana been?" Dick asked as he entered the room. The term Lord was gender neutral down in hell, so they didn't have to worry about offending anyone. "She's been good. We're learning how to deal with Zara's midnight tantrums, but we're fine otherwise. What about you?" "It seems like yesterday Vixon was still little. I kinda miss my baby. I know he's off, making a name for himself, but I do wish he'd write."

Artemis chuckled. "He may just be busy. It's not easy, becoming a Lord." "I know, but still. Just a little, hey I'm fine, would be better than nothing." "You'll get something soon. In the meantime, Zee and I have to figure something out to get some sleep." "Have you tried warm blankets?" "No, I'll have to try that."

"Hey Dickie, you mind helping me with this?" Kirishima asked, motioning to the blanket in his lap. "No problem. What's up?" "It's mine and Bakugou's  650th anniversary in three days, and I'm trying to make him a blanket, but it's not working well." Kirishima was blushing. "Here, show me what's wrong."

"I can't get this stitches right. Imagine that, a bride that can't sew." "You can see just fine. You're inverting your stitches here when you didn't do that here. Once you fix that, it'll be fine." "Thanks, Dickie! You really are a big help." "It's no problem. I like helping. It makes me feel like I'm doing something productive." "I know what you mean, brother."

Wally opened the door, knocking on the frame. "Dickie, it's time to go." Dick stood up, handing Kirishima the blanket. "Good luck, Kiri!" "Bye, Dickie!" Dick followed Wally out of the hall, holding onto his hand. That was a fast meeting.

Wally took Dick through an unfamiliar part of the marketplace. Everything seemed much…dirtier here. It reminded Dick of the streets he used to live on. Something wasn't right. Wally would never take him anywhere dangerous on purpose.

"Hey, Walls, did you remember to feed the hell hound earlier?" Dick asked, quietly summoning a knife. People could get into some weird stuff, he would admit, but it helped in situations like this. "I did." Dick pulled his hand out of Wally's, holding the knife out in front of him. "We don't have a hell hound. Who are you?"

Wally grinned, his appearance melting away until he was five feet tall, dressed in a suit and tie. "I am the ruler of this place. I simply had to get you out of my little brother's grip for a while." "What do you want with me?" "Just a little chat, that's all. I'm afraid your husband is rather protective of you."

Dick took a step back, eyes glancing behind him. He had enough space to get out. Sure, he would probably have to shape shift, but he'd deal with the effects later. Weak and tired was better than prisoner. "Now now, didn't my brother teach you any manners? It's not polite to try and leave a conversation." "Conversation over. I'm going home."

The demon chuckled. "Such confidence. I see why he chose you. He never was one for the cowardly type. Although, I'm sure those eyes are just a bonus." "Stop flirting with me and leave me alone." "Snappy, too. The perfect bride for him."

The demon grabbed Dick's arm, pulling him close and grabbing his chin. "Maybe I should keep you for myself. Might be fun to tease Walls for a while." "Let go of me!" Dick slid his knife down the demon's arm, leaving a trail of blood. The demon screeched, and Dick took off, shifting into a mouse and hiding. He had to get back home.

"Not bad, kid. There aren't many knifes that can cut me, so good job. But I'll find you. Let's play a game, shall we? You get to Wally first, I'll leave you alone. I get to you first, you're mine for a while. Let the game begin." The demon disappeared, leaving a trail of smoke behind him. Dick started making his way back through the marketplace, towards the meeting hall.

Wally was panicking. "What do you mean, he's gone?" "I mean, someone that looked like you said the meeting was done, and took him. We all thought it was you! The energy was almost exactly like yours!" Kirishima explained nervously. He never should've let Dick go. Now he was Satan knows where, and they had no idea who took him. "Oh, no he didn't. I swear, if Lucie is behind this, I'm going to tear his horns off!"

"Who?" "My brother. That idiot has always been one for pranks, and for taunting me. I'll bet that's where Dick is. That's probably why the energy was so similar." "Why would your brother want Dick?" Bakugou asked. He was all to familiar with Wally's brother. "Because he knows he's special to me. He always does this with anything I love. I'm just surprised he didn't do this before."

Dick stepped into an alleyway, transforming back into his demon form. That wasn't enough, though. He changed his hair to blond, and his eyes to red. That should help throw that demon off his scent. He summoned a cloak just in case, pulling the hood up. Sure, he was back in the nice part of the marketplace, but that guy could be anywhere.

"Maybe we should get some help. Guards would work." Bakugou suggested. "We can't. If he does have Dick, he might hurt him." "What about servants?" "He'll get suspicious. We both know that servants only come out when the Lord is home. We're not home." "I hate that he knows all this." "Believe me, I do too." "Have you gotten any word from Dick?" "No. The connection is being blocked, but I know he's close. I can feel him."

Dick was less than ten yards from Wally. He could see him, could see Bakugou as well, and was pushing through the crowd to get to him. He must've been gone three hours by now. Was Wally mad at him? He'd gone with someone else. But that wasn't his fault! He'd been tricked. Wally did look angry.

"Wallace! How've you been?" The demon called out, wrapping his arm around Wally's shoulder. "Get your hands off me. What did you do with my bride, Lucifer?" Wally threw it off, grabbing him by the shirt. "Calm down, little brother. He's perfectly fine." "Where, is he? I'm only giving you one chance." "I made him a little deal. If I got to him first, he was mine for a while. If he got to you first, I'd leave him alone."

Wally growled, pushing him to the side and walking down the stairs. "Come on, don't be like that! I haven't seen him, and I wanted to meet the demon who won your heart." "I was keeping him away because I knew you'd pull something like this. You always do this! If he's hurt, I swear I'll leave you with more scars."

Dick snuck over, making sure to keep his hood down. "Come on, brother, it's not that bad! Little bugger actually managed to cut me! He can take care of himself." "That's not the point! I don't put Dick in danger for fun! I hate when he's in danger! You just come around and make everything dangerous, especially for him!" "Those hornets were an accident." "What about the plague? The exploding packages? The serpent you sent down?" "Just little pranks."

Dick grabbed Wally's hand, pulling his hood down. "Dickie." Wally sighed, pulling him close. "See? He's fine. Now, if you'll excuse me-" "Oh, no you don't. You owe him an apology." "Come on, can't I slip past just this once?" "No. Now." Lucifer sighed. "Fine. I'm sorry I kidnapped you. Now, I must go." Lucifer disappeared again.

Wally hugged Dick again. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine. Just shaken up." "Alright. Let's get you home. I'll make you a bubble bath, okay?" Dick nodded. He let his hair and eyes fade back to their original color, a wave of nausea hitting him as he did. Wally helped him inside the meeting hall before picking him up, holding him to his chest.

"Just go to sleep, Dickie. I've got you. Wally's got you." Wally whispered, kissing Dick's forehead. Dick couldn't help but smile, leaning into Wally. It had been a long day. It was about time he let someone he trusted hold the cards.

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