Loopy Dick Grayson, anyone?

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After a week in the hospital, Dick was released. Bruce helped Wally get Dick back to the apartment, leading him forward. Dick had been put on this new drug that made him very loopy. He'd already tried to count all the freckles on Wally's face and neck, insisting he had to know. Wally had simply let him, surprised Dick could see straight enough to count properly.

Jason thought it was funny at first. Dick just kept spouting things, and Jason honestly doubted he knew half of what he was saying. He'd been laying on the couch with his head in Wally's lap when he started. "Did I ever tell you guys about the time Jason got stuck in the cave?" Dick giggled, thinking about it. Jason paled.

"I was doing the obstacle course, and Jason thought he could do the same stuff as me. He ended up failing in thirty seconds. He was caught in a net, but his hands were caught just right, so he couldn't get them out. He didn't ask for help, and was stuck until patrol." Dick giggled again, snuggling into Wally's thigh.

"Dick! You said you wouldn't talk about that." "There was another time, after that, when I found Jason in his room. He was sobbing into a pillow, crying about how he couldn't pet a dog. Found out the was drunk two days later." "Alright, Dickie. I think Jason's embarrassed enough." "But I got more stories!" "What about Damian? Anything about him?" Wally asked, knowing Damian was with the Titans.

"Damian was washing Alfred the cat when he fell, straight into the tub. He told me not to tell anyone, but he's not here, so I guess is okay." Dick giggled once again. Wally could listen to that sound forever. It was just so cute. He would probably faint if he kept listening to it.

"Anything else?" "He tried my coffee once and thought he'd been poisoned because he claimed there was too much sugar." "Sounds like him." "Tim, you put monster in your coffee. You can't be talking." Dick mumbled. "No wonder you stay up for days!" "I'm a busy guy."

"What else does Tim do?" "Jason, don't you dare." "I'm just curious." "Tim was laying down and I thought he was resting, but it turns out he'd taped a case file onto the ceiling and had been staring at it. I took it down and made him go to sleep." "Dick." Tim groaned, hiding his blushing face in his hands.

"Hey, Jason, what's the second amendment?" "What is it, Dickie?" Jason wanted to know what Dick had to say. "The right to bear arms." Dick flexed an arm, making himself laugh. Wally started laughing, trying to cover his mouth. Dick's sense of humor ranged from dad jokes to dark humor, but Wally loved every joke.

Bruce simply sighed. "Why don't you like my joke? Do you not like these guns?" Tim leaned on the kitchen counter, turning red from suppressed laughs. "I think it's time you went to sleep." "But I feel fine." "Bed." "Looks like Bruce is amused." "How long until you send that video to me?" "Sending it now." "That video does not leave this family. No social media, no friends see it. That's private." Bruce instructed, helping Wally lead Dick to the bedroom. "Fun sucker." "Guess he really is a vampire, huh?"

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