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Smut warning! Don't like, don't read. We've been over this before.

Dick had been feeling awful all day. Sure, turning eighteen and waiting for his rank was annoying, but he didn't think it involved a fever. His legs felt shaky, and his stomach burned. He had no idea why, but he felt a strong desire for Wally, his Alpha boyfriend.

"Dick? Are you feeling alright?" Bruce asked, peeking his head through the door. "I think I'm sick." Bruce reeled back, sniffing into the air. "You're not sick." "How do you know that?" Dick panted, trying to sit up. "I can smell it. You're in heat."

Dick paled. "What?" "You're in heat. You've presented. We need to get Wally here, or you're going to be in a lot of pain." "What's gonna happen to me?" "Your body is going to be very hormonal for a while. Wally will know what to do, trust me." "Is that why I feel sick?" "It is. Just stay in bed. I'll call him." "How long will this take?" "I don't know. Just try to stay calm, okay?"

Dick laid back down, trying to breathe. It felt like his body was melting, and not in a good way. He felt weak, and it seemed like he would just pass out at any second. Wally was the only one who could fix this.

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened again, revealing the redhead. "Wally." Dick gasped, panting like a fish out of water. "I'm here, Dickie. Don't you worry, I'm going to take care of everything." Wally smiled, closing and locking the door. "It hurts." "I'm going to make it better, I promise."

Wally pulled the blanket down, rolling Dick onto his back and cupping his face. Dick leaned into Wally's hand, the Alpha's touch soothing some of the fire under his skin. "I'm going to take care of you, Dickie. I promise." Wally leaned down, gently kissing at Dick's neck.

His hands slid under Dick's shirt, slowly pulling it up. Dick's skin was tinted red, covered in sweat. "You'll be okay, Dickie. I promise. I'm gonna take care of everything." Wally whispered, moving his kisses down. Dick hissed as they continued moving, feeling it awaken the arousal that had been hidden in him for hours.

"Ah! N-Not there, Wally!" Dick whimpered as Wally sealed his lips on his pec, nibbling on the skin. "Just breathe, Dickie. You'll feel better soon. You've just got to let yourself fall into the pleasure." "I'm scared." "I've got you, Dickie. I'll keep you safe. I'll make you better."

Wally slid Dick's pants and boxers off, revealing thighs that were dripping with slick. "So ready to be filled, aren't you? I bet I could just slip in right now." Wally said as he nibbled on Dick's ear, cupping his face. "Wally, please." Dick whimpered again. "I've got you, Dickie. Don't worry."

Wally circled one finger around Dick's hole, which was quivering, much like the rest of Dick's body. It was practically gushing slick, showing Dick's readiness to bear a child. As much as they wanted one, they weren't ready yet, so Wally would have to be careful.

He slipped one in, shuddering at the rush of pheromones that hit his nose. Dick was really deep in heat. How long had he been like this? There was way too much slick for it to have just started. Dick arched his back, crying out as Wally pressed against his prostate. The pleasure was driving him insane.

Wally slipped the second in, carefully watching Dick's face. It was flushed a very deep red, a mixture of pain and pleasure. "Where's it hurt, baby? Tell me." Wally said softly, trailing kisses up Dick's torso. "Stomach. It burns." Dick huffed out. Oh, no. This wasn't going to go away so easily.

"Dickie, when did you start feeling bad? I need to know." Wally directed Dick's face to his, looking down at him. "Last night? Sometime after dinner. I thought I'd just eaten something my stomach didn't like." "Dick, you've been in heat for hours. It's going to take a few rounds to knock this out." "How long?" "At least all day, if not longer. Hope you don't have any plans." "N-Not today."

Dick tensed up as Wally slipped the third in, shivering up a storm. "Wally, please." "I have to make sure you're stretched properly. I don't want anything tearing." Dick whined, and Wally entwined their fingers. "I'm going to in, then. Try to stay still, okay?" Dick nodded, allowing Wally to move his legs.

"Got any condoms?" Wally asked. Dick was supposed to have a box, in case he went into heat, like today. "That nightstand." Dick pointed to his right, where he hid them from his younger siblings. "Okay. Give me just a few seconds." Wally opened the drawer, grabbing one pack from the box.

Dick shivered as Wally's tip pressed to his hole, the sensitivity driving him up the wall. It was like a blessing and a curse at the same time. On one hand, he felt better than he ever had, and they hadn't even started. On the other hand, he was losing his ability to think clearly, and he didn't like that. He liked being a little aware of his surroundings.

He arched his back and gasped as Wally pressed in, the sensation making him lose his mind. "I'm gonna wait, Dickie. Just tell me when you're ready." Wally said softly, kissing Dick's face. His Alpha side was screaming to take his Omega, to make him pregnant, but he was holding it back. This was for Dick as well, not just him.

After a few minutes Dick nodded, wrapping his arms around Wally's shoulders. "I'm okay now." "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay now." "Alright. I'm gonna start moving. If it's too much, tell me." "Okay. How do you know all this?" "Bruce had me take some lessons, in case this happened and you needed me to take care of you."

Dick nodded, tightening his grip as Wally started moving. It felt like all the pleasure he'd received in his lifetime was hitting him at once, taking his breath out of his throat. This felt too good to be true. At least some of the fire in his belly was disappearing.

The only thing Dick could do was hold onto Wally, his body and brain a mess as Wally thrusted into him. Was he going to be like this for hours? Days maybe? He hoped not. It was overwhelming him. He was scared.

His body, on the other hand, seemed to like it. He was so hard it hurt, and he was too aware of every move Wally made. Every kiss, placed on his skin like it was porcelain. Every thrust, which felt like it was tearing him apart. Every breath, which reverberated in his chest.

Now that he thought about it, he couldn't remember Wally getting out of his clothes. He didn't remember him putting on the condom, nor did he remember when the sun went down. What time was it? Had they time travelled somehow? He was tired.

"Dickie? You there?" Wally asked, cupping his face. "Wally? What happened?" "You passed out. We've done it about five times today. How do you feel?" "Tired." "What about the heat? Is your stomach still hot?" "Not as hot." "That's good. That means we're getting close to the end." "What time is it?" "Eight pm. You've been asleep a lot." "I don't remember much." "I didn't expect you to. It's your first heat, after all. You've never experienced this before, and you were so far in when we started. But it's okay."

"You must be tired." "It's fine. I've been dozing a little today. Besides, we're almost done. I think about two more times should do it?" "How can you tell?" "It's how long your body takes to react. You've been taking longer, which means you're not as sensitive, which means you're nearing the end."

Dick yelped as Wally hit his prostate again, tightening his grip on the redhead. "There?" Wally asked. Dick nodded, burying his face in Wally's shoulder. Wally was going to drive him over the edge one day.

"W-Walls, m'close." Dick panted, feeling himself get on the edge. "I'm there too. Just come whenever, babe." Wally grunted, holding Dick close. He'd already marked Dick as his, but the Alpha said do it again.

Dick gasped as he came, tightening his grip on Wally's shoulders. Wally pushed himself all the way in as his knot formed, locking himself inside of Dick. Thank whoever was listening that Dick had an entire box of condoms. It would keep him from getting pregnant, hopefully.

"Easy, Dick. Just breathe. I've got you." Wally whispered, kissing at where he'd accidentally bitten down on Dick's neck. "Have you claimed me yet?" "I-I didn't know if you wanted me to yet, so I was going to wait until you told me I could." "Of course you can. I love you, Wally, and I wanna be with you. So do it, before my heat ends and we have a year to wait again." Wally nodded, leaning down to Dick's scent gland and biting down. Now everyone would know Dick was his.

"So, how long do we wait?" "About an hour this time. If you're done, you'll just sleep. If you aren't, you'll wake up and try to do another round." "Cool. We'll get cleaned up after this?" "Once my knot goes down, yeah. I love you, Dickie." "I love you too, Walls."

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