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Dick was snoozing in his bed, the soft splash of the water above his head keeping him relaxed. He'd been helping Bruce with the kingdom recently, and he was tired. It usually involved looking nights of paperwork he didn't think existed.

Merfolk were swimming in the distance, laughing and talking as they went about their lives. Bruce and Dick usually took the day off after very long nights, which meant they got to sleep in. Sure, Dick's brothers were awake and most likely causing trouble, but they didn't have to worry about that at the moment.

Of course, Dick had no intention on getting out of bed. The blanket over his tail was weighted, so it didn't float away, and it seemed to agree with his plan. He would probably spend most of the day in bed.

He heard a giggle, and felt the water around him shift. He then felt someone slip in next to him, giggling to themselves. "Wakey, wakey." Wally whispered. "Too early." Dick whined, hiding his face in Wally's chest.

Wally and Dick had been mates for six years. Things had been a little rocky at first, with both being Alpha males, but they figured it out. They both understood what ruts were like, so they could help the other out. Everyone envied the two mermen, wishing for a relationship like theirs.

"You'll miss breakfast." "Not hungry." Wally frowned to himself. The threat of missing breakfast usually always got Dick out of bed. "You feeling okay?" "Yeah, m' just tired." "Late night?" "Mhmm. You're warm." Dick snuggled farther into Wally's warmth, wrapping his tail around the speedster's.

Wally chuckled, pulling Dick up and kissing his forehead. "You're cute when you're sleepy." "Shush. Can't sleep if you're talking." Wally giggled again. Dick had to admit, he liked the sound of Wally's giggle. It made him happy to hear it.

The door to Dick's chamber slammed open, startling both Alphas. One of the guards were standing in the door, breathing hard. He was covered in squid's ink, and then poor boy looked traumatized. "What happened?" Dick cried, sitting up and swimming towards the merman.

"Let's just say your brothers are getting at it." He huffed out, leaning against the doorway. Wally grabbed a washcloth, helping the guard clean his face. "Wally, you take care of him." "What about you?" "I'm getting my hands on those idiots I call my brothers."

Dick stormed through the castle, looking for any commotion. His brothers were sure to be the center of it. It shouldn't be too hard, just look for the place covered in squid ink. They would not be happy when he got his hands on them.

He found them in a hallway, Jason and Damian having cornered Tim. The cornered boy looked terrified, as the other two were holding sacs of ink. Dick swam up behind them, grabbing them around their waists and pinching them until they dropped the ink.

"C'mon, Dickie, it was just a bit of fun." "Jason pouted. "You're version of fun is my version of a headache. You good, Tim?" Tim nodded, although his eyes still betrayed his fear. His tail was splattered with the dark substance. "Go get cleaned up, okay? I'm gonna come check on you once I've dealt with these two."

Jason and Damian sulked in Dick's arms, knowing they were caught. Once Dick got his hands on you, you were doomed, especially if you'd woken him up. Nobody had ever escaped him, including the speedsters currently residing with the royal family.

"Dickie, where are you taking us?" Jason sighed. "The cells." "C'mon, Dickie! It wasn't that bad." "You woke me up on my day off. You covered a guard in squid ink and attempted to do the same to Tim. Like hell it wasn't that bad."

After leaving his brothers with the guards in the prison, Dick swam back to his room, fully intent on going back to sleep. His bed sounded even better, now that his brothers had bothered him so much. Maybe he could convince Wally to lay down with him.

"Ow, ow! That hurts!" Dick heard Tim whimper from behind his door. "Sorry, Tim, but they got this ink between your scales, and I've gotta get it out." Wally quickly apologized. Dick swam in to see Tim at his desk, and Wally sitting in front of him with the washcloth, which was now covered in ink.

Dick swam over to Tim, wrapping his arms around his little brother. "You okay? Other than the washcloth digging into your tail?" "Yeah. Ow! Fine." Tim ground his teeth, trying to keep from hitting Wally with his tail. His grip on the chair was making his knuckles turning white.

Wally finally sighed. "I'm finished, Tim. You're free to go." "Thank Poseiden." Tim let out a shaky breath. Not only were his knuckles white, but his face had gone pale from the pain. "Go get some rest, Timbo. I'll talk to Bruce later, figure something out." Tim nodded, lifting himself and swimming out of the room.

Dick went back to his bed, curling under the blanket. "Well, at least life is never boring around here." Wally chuckled, slipping under the blanket with him again. Dick hummed, turning to lay on Wally's chest. "Just this once, I want today to calm down." "I'm with you. I don't think I have the heart to put Tim through that again." "I agree. He looked like he was about to cry."

There was a difference between water and mermaid tears. There was a silvery gleam to a mermaid's tears, which would be attributed years later to mercury. Mermaid tears had a tiny percentage of mercury, and thanks to their immunity, it never affected them. It was one defense they had against predators. Their enemies died when they started crying.

Wally kissed Dick's forehead, pulling him closer. "Wanna go back to sleep?" "Yes." "Then sleep. I've got you." "Bruce isn't gonna be happy." "We'll talk to him later." "K. Sweet dreams, Walls." "Sweet dreams, Dickie."

I'm so sorry about the short chapters earlier! I was just trying to get something out. This is a new AU I'm working on, I'm explain more in the next few chapters. Till next time.

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