Deal with the devil 2

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Dick was sitting in Wally's office, sitting on his couch. His lord was talking to some of the servants, and had told Dick to wait there. Dick had become a more common part of the Manor, usually by Wally's side. He'd found that as time passed, he fell more in love with Wally every day. The redhead was just so...loving.

"Close your eyes, darling. I've got a surprise." Wally's voice echoed in his head. He was still getting used to their telepathic connection, but he couldn't say it wasn't nice. Sometimes, he could send filthy images in his head to tease Wally, and the demon would find him and take him until he saw stars. It was his favorite thing to do.

Dick did so, hearing the door open and several demons walk in. Wally must have brought some servants with him. It wasn't unusual to find servants milling around. Dick was still hesitant to talk to them, despite Wally urging him to. He'd never had servants before, and it felt strange, for people to be serving him. All his life, he'd had to fight for everything. Now it was being handed to him on a silver platter.

Hands grabbed his, and gently stood him. "Keep them closed for a little bit. I've got an outfit for you." Dick felt the clothes he'd been wearing get taken off, and he felt slightly uncomfortable. He didn't like being so exposed. It didn't take long for new clothes to be put on, soft and loose around his body.

"Alright, now open them." Wally commanded, leading Dick over to a mirror. Dick's eyes widen, surprised at the image in the mirror. That...was him. In the beautiful white dress that tightened around his waist, the gold neck piece embedded with jewels and spread over his shoulders, and the gorgeous ring on his finger. He'd never been in anything this beautiful.

"Well? What do you think?" "It's amazing." Dick said softly, twirling around. "It's is called Bride's wear. It's the outfit a bride will wear when with their lord, especially out in public. It comes in many different colors too, but white typically symbolizes a new bride. Besides, the color looks beautiful on you, my jewel."

Dick didn't know what to say. Nobody had ever given him something this amazing. The dress for perfectly, hugging his curves yet still hanging loosely. Wally wrapped his arms around Dick's waist, pulling him close. This was his jewel, his bride, his prized possession. He looked like everything Wally had dreamed of.

The servants had filed out of the room, closing the door behind him. "Well? How does it feel?" "I...I don't know what to say. I've never gotten anything like this before." "Well, there will be plenty where that came from. I plan on spoiling you, my dearest, until you can want for nothing more. You will be the most envied bride, so beautiful the others can't possibly compare."

Wally spun Dick around as he talked, making him hold onto the taller. "The others?" "Every demon lord must eventually get a bride. Most get it within the first days they are here. I wanted to wait until I found the perfect one." "And?" "And I've finally found him." Dick giggled, tilting his head as Wally kissed his cheek.

Wally sat down in his chair, shifting Dick so he sat across his lap. "The other demon lord's will be jealous when they see you. They'll wish they'd waited and grabbed you, but I'll be able to say I'm the only demon to touch you. I'm the only one you'll wed." Dick smiled, leaning his head on Wally's shoulder. He loved Wally.

A brisk knock rang out, startling Dick. Wally gently held him down, shushing him softly. "Enter." Two demons entered, the smaller also dressed in Bride's wear. "Hello, Bakugou. Kirishima. I'm surprised to see you here." "I'm surprised to see you finally got a bride. I just wanted to see if the rumors were true."

"They are, indeed. Dick, this is Bakugou, another demon lord, and Kirishima, his bride. This is Dick, my bride." Dick waved, getting a bright smile from the redhead and a grunt from the other. "Anything else?" "We have that meeting later today. Could just go ahead and move it up." "True. Dick, why don't you go with Kirishima to the living room? Bakugou and I will meet with you later." Dick nodded, letting Wally set him down then leading Kirishima out.

"Pretty big place you got here. You finding your way around okay? I know it's hard adjusting to the afterlife, and being an Incubus." Kirishima asked as he walked. "Yeah. Wally has this place memorized, so I can tap into that memory and figure out where I need to go. And, it is weird, but not necessarily hard." "Yeah. Heats are the best, though. It's an entire week of getting my husband to myself." "I haven't had one yet." "Well, when it happens, don't be scared. Just tell Lord Wallace, and he'll be able to help you." "How will I recognize it?" "It's instinct. You'll know as soon as it starts."

Dick sat down on one of the many couches, Kirishima sitting next to him. "Do you want anything? Water, coffee, tea?" "I'll take some tea. traveling through hell takes it out of ya." "You seem more comfortable here." "Well, I've been here about two hundred years. What about you?" "Two weeks." "Really? No wonder you're so uncomfortable! Don't worry, it gets much easier once time starts going by. So, what do you remember about your life before hell?" "Not a whole lot. I remember blood. Living on the streets. Cops wouldn't leave me alone. Villains either. I had to fight for food, shelter, anything." "I'll bet it's weird being in the mansion, huh?" "You have no idea. It's weird, being able to ask for things and getting it."

"Yeah, it get's better, though." Kirishima smiled as he took the tea cup from the servant. "So, what about you? What do you remember?" "Well, I remember a fire, and lots of screaming. I remember being on the streets, like you, and I can remember the smell of burning flesh. I remember some sort of robbery going down by where I usually lived, and I remember gunshots. The next thing I knew, I was here, and Bakugou was standing over me." "Did you know him before?" "I don't know. Why?" "Just curious. It feels like I've known Wally for a long time, but I haven't even been here a month. I was wondering if..." "If I knew my lord before coming here?" "Yeah."

"I don't remember much, but I'll tell you this. Life sucked up there. But down here, we're basically royalty. All the damned souls, the ones who come down here for punishment, are the servants and slaves who treat us." "If we're not meant to be down here, why are we?" "It's the middle point. We weren't good enough for heaven, but not bad enough for eternal punishment, and our lives were never great to begin with. It's the same with all brides down here. You should meet some of the others sometime." "There's more?" "Yeah! The lords host a big meeting at the end of each year, and the brides go to another room and hang out until they're done. I think you'd like them."

Dick nodded, wrapping his arms around his stomach. "What's wrong?" "I don't know how anything works around here. I mean, there's lords and brides and servants and meetings, and all I've ever known is fight for what you need. People live like royalty, and I've been a street rat all my life. I don't know manners, or dancing, or any of that high society stuff." "This is the afterlife. The high society stuff like manners will come naturally, now that you're Lord Wallace's bride. I'm sure he can teach you how everything works, if you ask. Bakugou always makes time for me."

The brides looked up as the lords entered the room, Kirishima and Wally smiling at the sight of their partner. "Come on, Kiri. We've got to get back." "Alright. Bye, Dick. It was nice meeting you." "It was nice meeting you, too." Kirishima waved as he stood by Bakugou, disappearing a moment later. Dick looked down again, focusing on his ring.

"Is something wrong?" Wally asked, sitting by Dick. "I feel so left behind. Everyone seems to fit in around here, except for me." "That's just because you're new. Everything will get better." "Everybody says that, but nobody says when it gets better. How long am I going to feel like an outcast?" Wally smiled softly, pulling Dick into his lap. "I don't know when exactly things will change, but they will. Time is a funny thing here. Nobody seems to have an exact time for anything. But I'll tell you this: whether it's tomorrow, or a million years later, I will always love you. I'll love you, even when you feel more comfortable. You're my bride, Dickie. My precious jewel."  

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