Deal with the devil 3

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Dick was out in the garden, picking fruits from the trees. Contrary to popular belief, hell wasn't all flames and torture. The demons had formed a culture, and the sky was actually a beautiful blue. It had a day and night cycle, which allowed plants to grow. Hell was actually divided up into plantation, with demon lord's to rule over them. There was also a central marketplace, where the meeting hall stood.

Dick had graduated to a dark blue dress, a gold band adorning his forehead. He had been Wally's bride for about ten months now, and had about two weeks until his heat. The neck piece was acting as a scent blocker, to keep the other demon lords from smelling how close he was. An unwed demon lord would do anything to get at a Succubus or Incubus in heat.

"Darling! Are you out here!" Wally called as he stepped outside. "Yes, I'm in the pomegranate tree!" Dick called, plucking two and putting them in his basket. Wally stood below it, holding onto the ladder Dick was using.

"Come down, I've got a surprise for you!" Coming, just let me get this last one." Wally smiled as Dick reached for one last pomegranate, unable to keep it off his face. Dick was just so beautiful, tan skin clashing beautifully with the gold and blue.

Dick slung the basket over his back, climbing down the ladder. "What's up?" "The Demon Lords meeting is in two days. If you want, you can go and meet the other brides." "Really!?" Dick was excited. He'd only been to the marketplace once before, and he'd never been in the meeting hall. "Really. It'll probably be a long meeting, but you'll have other people to talk to. Do you want to?" "I'd love to!"

Wally chuckled, kissing Dick's forehead. "Good. I'll have the servants pack some heat suppressants, so you don't go in early." Dick nodded, getting on his tip toes and kissing Wally. The redhead was taller than him, and Dick had found out that was a smaller form he took to make Dick feel better. His true form was well over forty feet tall, with dark red skin and eight foot tall curved horns.

Those two days passed quickly. Dick was busy helping around the Manor, something he insisted on doing. He said he felt better when he was doing something with his hands than doing nothing. It was hardwired into him, after all. You worked for what you got. You reap what you sow.

Dick held onto Wally's hand as they walked through the marketplace, the crowds parting for the Demon Lord and his bride. Everyone here was either a high-ranking servant or a low level demon getting supplies for their Lord's land. Dick loved seeing all the different demons.

"Dickie!" A familiar voice called as he walked in the doors. "Kiri!" The redhead ran over, wrapping Dick in a hug. "I'll let you two go where you go. It'll be a few hours until you see me again, Dick. Will you be alright?" "I'll be fine. I've got Kirishima." "I'll to my best to take care of him, sire." "Thank you. Until later, my love." Wally kissed Dick again, walking through a set of doors with pitchforks on them.

"Come on, you'll love the others." Kirishima pulled Dick along, talking about all the brides. There was Tamaki, bride of Mirio. Harley, bride of Pamela, also known as Poison Ivy. Midoriya, bride of Todoroki. Wyynde, bride of Kaldur. M'gaan, bride of Connor, and Zatana, bride of Artemis.

Dick followed Kirishima into another room, which looked a lot like the living room at the Manor. There were lots of couches, a table with eight chairs, and a fireplace. The other brides were there already, each clothed in a different color. Kirishima had red, M'gaan had light green, Zatana had yellow, Harley had black, Tamaki had purple, Wyynde had a light blue, and Midoriya had a dark green.

"Everyone, this is Dick. He's a new bride." Kirishima announced, closing the door behind him. Dick waved shyly, wishing Wally was here. He didn't feel quite as shy when Wally was around. Now, it felt like they were staring at him.

Thankfully, it only lasted a moment. They broke out in large smiles, voices clamoring to welcome him. Kirishima led him over to the couch, talking with the others like old friends. They probably were. "Name's Zatana. It's nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too. Wally was telling me about all of you."

They slowly introduced themselves, voices overlapping over each other in an attempt to be heard. Dick was starting to feel better, relaxing more. The atmosphere of the room was comfortable, and the other brides didn't make him feel like a deer in headlights. They let him get used to them, letting him ask the questions he wanted.

"Ooh! Come on, Dickie, it's lunchtime!" Kirishima smiled, dragging him over to the table from earlier. "But I'm not hungry." "Well, it'll be better to try, don't you think?" "I guess." "You sure you're okay?" "Yeah. My heat is in a few weeks, and Wally said it was normal." "It is. I just wanted to make sure you weren't sick or something." "No, I'm fine. Just not hungry."

The only thing Dick managed to eat was a small apple. The smell of food made him nauseous, and the room was really hot. The fire must be really strong this time. The Manor wasn't usually this warm. Maybe he just wasn't used to the heat yet. It was hell, so it was supposed to be hot.

Dick walked over to a couch when lunch was done, flopping down. "You sure you feel okay? Your cheeks are really red." Kirishima frowned, putting the back of his hand on Dick's forehead. "No. It's too hot." Kirishima's eyes widened. "Shit. Dick, where are your suppressants?" Dick grabbed his bag from the ground, reaching in and pulling out a small bottle. "Damnit. I knew it." "Knew what?" "These are fluke pills. You're going into heat."

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