Percy Jackson part 2

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Dick had been at Camp Half-blood for three years, and loved it. He got to visit Poseidon pretty much whenever, and got to learn more about controlling the sea. He had three beads on his necklace, two less than Wally's. He was one of the top campers, often beating Percy and Kaldur in training.

Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to talk with Zeus much. He was beginning to believe that Zeus was ignoring him on purpose, despite his every effort to talk to him. Percy had been woken up one night to see Dick leaving the cabin, and had followed him. Dick had gone to the Zeus cabin, sitting in front of the Zeus statue.

"Why don't you talk to me?" He asked, looking up. "Are you mad that Poseidon claimed me first? Are you being petty again?" The statue was still. "Y'know, if you actually grew a pair and talked to your kids, you wouldn't be such a deadbeat dad. At least Poseidon talks to me. You won't even give me five minutes to explain what happened with my mom. Did you pull another trick? Convince her you were who you said you were, not who you are?" Silence was the only answer Dick got.

"Poseidon is much braver than you. He admitted that he fell in love with my mom, and he told her he wasn't my dad. For all I know, you disguised yourself as my human dad just to get with my mom. You never played fair." Dick glared at the statue, daring it for a reaction. Of course, nothing.

"Fine. It's not like I wanted answers, anyway." Dick stood up, moving to leave. "You play a dangerous game, boy." Zeus's voice hissed. "Took you long enough. Why have you been avoiding me?" Dick snapped, hands on his hips. "It is not that simple." "Then what is it? Don't tell me the Lord of Olympus is afraid of his own son."

"You have more power than you know." "I know I do. Having two godly dads is going to give me a lot of strength." "The more I interact with you, the stronger you get, and the more likely it is something will attack you." "The stronger I am, the better chance I stand against those things." "I have many enemies." "I'll have your enemies just from being your son. Don't you think being around me will help me fight them? That's what you gods like to do. Send your children to fight your battles."

"You best watch your tongue, boy." Zeus stepped closer. "Or what? You'll eat me? Be just like your dad?" Dick shot back, electricity crackling up his arms. Zeus glared at Dick, and he glared right back. Percy could feel the hair on his arms raise from the static electricity.

Zeus sighed. "You are angry with me." "No, what gave it away? Of course I'm angry! I try contacting you for years, and this is the first time you talk to me? You didn't even claim me! Do you know how many times I swore that first night wasn't real? That there was no way my dad could be that much of a deadbeat? At least Poseidon claimed me. At least he talks to me on a regular basis. At least he's enough of a man to face his children!"

"Calm down. Your lightning will wake the camp." "Wake the camp? Who cares about the camp! Years of neglect, and all you can do is tell me to watch my tongue, and to calm down? Do you treat Jason and Talia this way? Did you treat Perseus this way? Is this what you call parenting?"

"I have my reasons." "At least have the balls to claim me. Not now, when no one is around. Claim me in the middle of the day. Act proud of your kid for once. Otherwise, forget about ever asking me for help." Dick turned to leave when Zeus grabbed his arm.

Dick was prepared to be killed, not for the electricity to disappear. "As much as I'm sure you want the camp to know I'm your dad, I don't think they want to know at two am. I will consider your proposition. Until then, work on your temper." "Says the man who imprisoned Prometheus." "I was younger then. I had no control of my temper." "From what Poseidon tells me, you still don't." "I can get worked up." "You and me both."

Dick left the cabin, going back to his bunk. Percy snuck back into the cabin, curling up under the blanket. Dick was insane to talk to a god like that. Percy was proud of him. How many times did he wish he could talk to Hera like that?

Percy waited until Kaldur left the cabin to confront Dick. Said acrobat was sitting on his bunk, strapping on his boots. "Dick, we need to talk." "About what?" Percy sat on the edge of his bunk. "Last night."

Dick blushed. "Percy," "Wait. I just want to know: did you really call Zeus a coward who needed to grow a pair?" "Basically. Why?" Percy smiled. "That's my brother! C'mon, I'll have the Stolls sneak in soda." "Really?" "Heck yeah! You did so dam well, so you deserve a reward." "You're not mad?" "Why would I be mad? I've wanted to do that to Hera so many times I've lost track. You are truly a son of the sass god." "So, you know how you're Persassy, and Kaldur is Snarkdur?" "Yeah." "What would I be?" "How about the Flying Sassmaster?" "I like it. It's got a nice ring to it." "Then let's go to breakfast, Flying Sassmaster."

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