Coffee Shop

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This was coming eventually. We all knew it.

Wally had a favorite coffee shop. It was small, and it wasn't usually crowded, but the food was always good, and it was very clean. Wally wasn't really sure why he was drawn to the coffee shop. Maybe it was the good food, or maybe it was that cute server who always took his order. He always had the best smile. Maybe it was the birds he had tattooed on the back of his neck. There was no telling.

All Wally knew is that one day, he'd make that server fall for him. It didn't matter if his mom and dad would approve. He loved the other, and like hell was he gonna quit. Whether it included tipping him extra, or complementing his beauty until he had a light blush dusting his cheeks. He'd found out after his third time that the server's name was Dick, and nobody else had served him since. All the other employees knew there was something going on between the redhead regular and Dick.

Wally came in one winter morning, shivering as he closed the door. He found his regular spot, pulling out his laptop to work. "Hey, Walls. Your usual?" Dick asked as he walked over, leaning on the table. 

"Yeah, although an addition would be nice." 

"Oh? What's that?" 

"Your number." Dick chuckled. 

"Sure. Keep dreaming, lover boy." 

"Are you saying you don't want mine?" 

"I'm saying it's not advised." 

"You've known me long enough. Have I been giving you stalker vibes?" 

"Nah. I just know most criminals usually seem like regular guys. I'll go put your order in." 

"Thank you, dear." Dick chuckled again, heading to the kitchen.

"Uh oh. I know that look. Your boyfriend came in again, didn't he?" Artemis teased Dick. 

"He's not by boyfriend, but yeah. He asked for my number." 

"So? What'd you do?" 

"Told him it wasn't advised. I like the guy, but we all know the nicest people can be the meanest back stabbers." 

"Come on, Dickie. You're always blabbering about not having a date to go to events with your family. You like the guy, he likes you, so ask him out! Go on a date or something. Get out of your house for once and go enjoy life."

Artemis handed him Wally's drink and a Sharpie. "What's this for?" 

"So you can write your number. If not on the cup, at least on the check." 

"Are you trying to set me up?" 

"No, I'm trying to hook you two up so I don't have to constantly hear you talk about him. Now go." 

"That's kinda counterproductive, but whatever." 

"What was that?" 

"I said there was stuff on the counter." 

"Sure. Man up and talk to him now." 

"Fine! No wonder Zee had gray hairs." 


Dick walked out of the kitchen, setting Wally's drink down. "Your drink. If you need anything, just holler." 

"Got an extra pair of eyes?" 

"What for?" 

"This project I'm working on. It's for my college class." 

"What is it on?" 

"Well, I'm a chemistry major, and we've been assigned a project for the semester. Only problem is, I was assigned a compound I've never heard of before. What even is this?" 

"That's copper telluride." 

"That must be you then, because you're cute." 

Dick couldn't help the giggle that welled up from his gut. Wally smiled. Jeez, the ebony was cute when he laughed. He'd heard of copper telluride before. He just wanted Dick to laugh. "That's so cheesy." 

"But you laughed." 

"I did. I'll admit it." 

"Pretty good, huh?" 

"Yeah. Was that all you needed?" 

"Yep. I'll let you know if anything else pops up." 

"Alright. Good luck on your school work." 

"Thanks. Good luck with your customers." 

"With the Karens in this city? Fat chance." 

"Well, one can hope." 

"One will be let down."

Dick went to the kitchen again, grabbing a piece of paper. "So? You gonna give it to him?" Artemis asked. 

"Is Dickie's boy here again?" Roy shouted over the machines. 

"Yeah! Asked him for his number too!" 

"Dickie, you scoundrel!" Roy chuckled as Dick elbowed him in the side. 

"It's not that serious." 

"Are you kidding? You've been obsessed with this guy for months! Tell  me you're giving it to him." 

"Maybe. I'm still thinking about." 

"Well, you better think fast. He's already cleaning up."

Dick looked over, and found that Wally was indeed throwing his cup away. "He was fast today." 

"Maybe he's got a meeting or something." 

"Maybe. Excuse me." Dick made his way out of the kitchen, scribbling on the paper. 

"He's hopeless." Roy sighed, peeking out from the kitchen to watch the interaction.

"Oh well. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." 

"You're speaking truth, Artie." 

"Don't. Only Dick gets to call me Artie." 

"Ooh, feisty." 

"Don't make me slap you."

Dick made his way over to Wally, who was closing his computer. "You're leaving early today." 

"My uncle wants to meet up. I had to stop by here first." 


"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow?" 

"Actually," Dick handed him the paper. "Call me tonight." Dick winked, walking off again. 

Wally looked down at the paper, which had Dick's number on it. He smiled to himself, making a mental note to put it in his phone. He was excited to see where this was headed.

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