Up on Olympus 2

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"Please, Dickie?" 

"I think it's a bad idea." 

"I'll keep you safe." 

"What if Zeus gets angry at me?" 

"I won't let him touch you. I promise. Besides, it's just for a few hours." 


"Thank you!"

Wally had been trying to convince Dick to go to dinner with him for the past hour. Dick had been scared (rightfully so), worried the gods would be angry with him for being there. He wasn't a god, or a hero. He was just someone Wally had saved. One wrong move, and someone might smite him.

Dick could feel the power on the mountain, the result of the gods all gathering together. It made him feel like a bug, tiny and powerless if someone tried to squash him. One wrong move, and he'd be with Lord Hades instead of Lord Hermes. It made him nervous.

Wally lead Dick to the dining hall, where several of the gods already resided. He felt the attention shift to him, and his heart sunk to his stomach. "Well, looks like we've got a roach. Who's this?" Ares asked, summoning a spear. 

"He's not a roach. He's with me. This is Daan."

Ares, also known as Connor, scoffed. "We all know that's not his real name. What is it?" 

"That's the name he wants to use. Use it." Conner huffed, but dismissed his spear. 

Artemis walked over, kneeling down to Dick's height. "Hello, Daan. I am Artemis. The redhead over there is my brother, Apollo. Welcome to Olympus." 

Dick bowed, heart pounding against his chest. "Thank you, my Lady."

Artemis smiled. She liked this mortal. He was humble, not prideful like some of the heroes she had met before. He knew how dangerous this situation was for him. He wasn't bragging about how he was spending time with the gods he worshipped for so long. If only more mortals could be like him.

The gods introduced themselves, most forming the same opinion as Artemis. The mortal, Daan, was a nice break from all the greedy and prideful mortals. He was respectful of all of them. He was very nervous, but no one could really blame him. Some gods could be jealous, or angry for no reason. Daan had no defenses against that.

Dick managed to get through the night all right. Sure, there were a few seconds where he thought Ares might kill him right there, but Wally always protected him. Ares did try it once, but the spear was quickly knocked away. All of the other gods were protecting him as well.

After Wally got Dick to fall asleep, he went back to the other gods. "So, have you thought about my offer?" 

"We have. I, for one, think it is a good idea. We have all seen he is different." Artemis started, plucking the string on her bow. A few others nodded, murmuring their agreements.

"What'll happen if we do this? He's humble, yeah, but that might change once he changes." Ares growled. 

"You've seen him, Ares. You know his respect is genuine. I see no reason he would change." 

"So, besides Ares, we're all in agreement?" Poseidon, also called Orin, asked. The gods nodded. "Good. It's time to add another to our ranks."

Dick woke up pressed against Wally's chest, the god snoring softly. Dick smiled, pressing a kiss to Wally's nose. He enjoyed being with Wally, and the other gods, although they made him nervous. He enjoyed being on Olympus, with the gardens and the views and the magic that was all around. It was a lot different from Earth.

Wally groaned, rolling over and laying on top of Dick. "Morning, baby." 

Dick chuckled, gently pushing on Wally's shoulder. "Morning. Mind getting off me?" 

"I would, but..." Wally stretched dramatically, pressing Dick farther into the bed. "I like it right here."

Dick giggled, squirming as Wally's hands came to tickle his sides. Wally's weight had him pinned, trapping him as Wally continued his attack. Wally added a bombard of kisses, pressing them all over Dick's face. Dick's giggles turned to laughs, and Wally found himself falling in love with that beautiful sound.

"Y'know, it's nice, being able to spend forever together." Wally whispered, stopping his attacks and wrapping his arms around Dick's waist. 


"Well, we came together after you fell asleep. They agreed that you deserved to be a god. You'll be with me forever now."

Dick's eyes widened, his breath freezing in his throat. "You're serious?" 

"Dead serious. You, good sir, are the god of unusual requests. That good with you?" 

"It's better than anything I could've hoped for. I just don't understand what I did to earn it." 

"You made me fall for you, and you earned the respect of the others. You deserve it and more, Dickie. I love you." 

Dick smiled. "Love you too, Walls."

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