Different Dimensions 2

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Dick crumbled to his knees again, losing sight of Wally as the worlds split. He'd…he'd lost Wally again. Nightwing? Your heart rate is increasing. You may go into an asthma attack if you're not careful. The computer reminded him. "I haven't had an attack for five years. I've been through worse and not had one." Dick pointed out, wiping his eyes.

That may be, but there is always a chance. You've never been sent to another dimension like this. Do you have your inhaler, just in case? Dick nodded, pulling it out of his belt just to be sure. It was blue, designed by Bruce so he could use it on patrol. Bruce was one of the few to know he had asthma. He'd been reluctant to let Dick on patrol, his doubt backed by an asthma attack Dick had at the Manor. But Dick reassured Bruce he could do it, and he had.

Dick slipped it back in his belt, making sure to clasp the pouch closed. Wally was another to know of his asthma. It was why Wally always calmed Dick quickly before a panic attack. Dick could easily slip into an asthma attack if he didn't calm down.

A drawer opened in the computer, revealing a blanket. "What's this for?" Dick asked as he pulled it out. For you. You looked distressed, and my research concludes that being in a blanket is a way of calming a person down. Dick smiled and wrapped himself in the blanket. "Thanks."

It is my pleasure. Do you need to talk? "Probably. But I don't want to talk. I just want my Wally back." Dick sighed as he sat in the chair. You always talk about your Wally. Do you own him? "Hmm? No, nothing like that. I would do anything for Wally. I call him mine because I love him too much to lose him."

The computer was silent. It didn't understand human emotion as well as Dick wanted to. Will you be alright? "Once I get home. I miss him." Human emotions still elude me. I don't know how to console you well. Dick chuckled. "It's fine. I should probably update you, but I don't know if it'll carry into the other dimension." That would be wise.
Wally was waiting for something, anything that told him where Dick was. Bruce was searching as quickly as possible, knowing the speedster was one minute away from breaking down. "Anything?" Wally sounded desperate. "Almost. I'm near the dimensional file." Bruce said reassuringly.

Wally was pacing, trembling all over. Barry was walking with him, trying to keep him calm. Wally ignored him, biting his fingernails and muttering to himself. Barry couldn't make everything out, but something told him it was about Dick. He could hear something about an angel, and a promise.

"Here it is. The cave can convert the zeta beams into temporary portals that can connect the dimensions together. Wally, do you think you can run in and get him out?" Bruce asked. Wally nodded. "Absolutely." He was able to get his angel back.

Dick was sitting in the cave, the blanket wrapped around his body. The cave was getting colder. Nightwing? Are you still there? The computer asked. "Yes. Just cold." I can warm the cave up. "I might be gone before then, and I don't want you to have to do that for nothing."

The beams fired up, making Dick gasp and stand up. Something ran through and grabbed him before running back, not giving him a chance to breathe. Dick felt himself be carried through the beams, and a lightheadedness hit him. Something seemed to wrap around his ribs, squeezing as tightly as possible.

When things finally stilled, and Dick could see again, he found himself in Wally's arms as the redhead hugged him. But it wasn't relief that washed over him; it was panic. He couldn't breathe. The computer had been right, his asthma was aggravated.

Dick unclasped the pocket that held his inhaler, starting to gasp. Wally caught on and grabbed the inhaler, putting it up to Dick's mouth. Dick breathed in a few deep breaths, letting the medicine open his lungs again. "Dickie? You ok?" Wally asked. "Yeah. Lungs weren't happy…with the quick dimensional traveling. Asthma attack." Dick panted, a small smile finding its way to his face.

Wally frowned. "It's been five years. Are you sure?" Dick nodded. "I wouldn't forget it. How long was I gone?" "Three hours. We kept him safe." Barry smiled as he knelt down, Bruce during next to Wally and grabbing Dick's hand. Dick snuggled into Wally and closed his eyes. Wally kissed his forehead. "Welcome home, angel."

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