Avatar 3

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Dick had been airbending for three days. Alfred had learned some airbending forms when he was training to be the Avatar, which he was teaching to Dick. It was actually pretty easy for Dick to learn the moves, perfecting them almost overnight.

It didn't come without consequences. His siblings grew scared of him, acting as if he was a ticking time bomb. The media grew insane about the information that Dick was a bender, and he never got a moment of peace from them. The people outside of the Manor also acted weirdly around him. He wasn't that different. Why were they all scared of him.

Dick was in the cave one morning, going through the training simulation. He was spacing out, letting his airbending move him around. Sure, he was somewhat paying attention, but he was mainly thinking about the changes in his life. He felt alone, and he knew he should tell someone, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Dick finally landed on the other side, turning around to watch the simulation end. It was usually calming, watching the simulation disappear, but today it just seemed to fuel his anger. It had left him too. He only had a few people who hadn't left him.

"Dick? What are you still doing up?" Bruce asked as he came down. "I could ask you the same thing." "Is something wrong? You've been acting strange recently." Dick sighed, sitting on the edge of the platform. "Nothing's wrong. Everything's just...changing." "Changing how?" Bruce sat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Almost everyone treats me like I'm a ticking time bomb, just waiting to go off. You, Alfred, and Wally are the only ones who don't act weird around me. The media won't leave me alone, and nobody outside of the hero community wants to talk to me. They're scared of me. Nobody wants to be around me anymore. And it's all because I can bend air. How does that make me different than before?"

Bruce wrapped his arm around Dick's shoulders, holding him close. "It doesn't. They just don't realize that." "I wish they would already. I haven't changed that much. Sure, I'm not a nonbender anymore, but that's the only thing that's changed. It clear as day. Why does it feel like storm clouds are covering their eyes?"

"Tell you what: why don't we go on a camping trip?" "We?" "You, Me, and Wally. Obviously, the others can't be left without some sort of care, so Alfred will stay with them. But you need a break. A three day trip will be a good rest. We don't have to tell anyone else, if you don't want." "That sounds perfect." "Good. Go ahead and start packing. We'll leave this afternoon." Bruce pat Dick's knee, standing up to pack himself.

"C'mon, Dickie! Clue us in! Where are you going?" Jason clamored after him, trying to peak into Dick's bag. "It's a secret! I'll tell you guys when I get back. Stay out of my room." "Dickie!" He whined. "Or I'll just have to show everyone those photos I found." "You wouldn't dare." "Try me."

Wally chuckled, wrapping an arm around Dick's waist. "We're almost ready to leave." "I'll be right there." Wally nodded, heading back to Bruce and the car. They were just waiting for Dick now. "Think this'll work?" Wally sighed, leaning against the car. "I do. The media doesn't know we're leaving, and his siblings don't know where we're going. We'll be alone, and he'll finally get the rest he deserves."

Dick finally ran out the door, being chased by his siblings. He slid into the car, being followed by Wally, who closed the door. "Thank goodness. Thought I'd never shake them off." "Well, you won't have to worry about that for long." Wally smiled at Dick. "For real, though."

They were going to a campsite on the outskirts of the forest surrounding Wayne Manor. It was private, and only the family had access to it. It made it easy to go on trips and completely throw the others off. They thought the trio was going somewhere entirely different.

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