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Wally was hyperventilating, tears dripping down his nose. Dick was gone, taken on a team mission he'd been benched from. Who knew what was happening to him? He could be hurt, or tortured, or something! Wally couldn't stand Dick being hurt.

Barry and Bruce were kneeling next to Wally, trying to keep him calm and trying to keep people from crowding the poor kid. He'd gone into a panic attack when he'd heard Dick was kidnapped, sliding down the wall and pulling at his hair. "Wally? Can you hear me, kiddo?" Barry asked. Wally nodded.

"We're going to get Nightwing back. I promise, we're going to find him." Barry's voice was soft as he soothed Wally's hands from his hair. "But he could be hurt, they could be hurting him-" "Shh. It's ok, he's ok. They're not hurting him. He's going to be fine, but only if you calm down. Trust me, Wally." Barry put a gentle hand on Wally's arm.

After a few minutes, Wally managed to relax. He wasn't ok, Barry and Bruce knew that, but he was better than he had been. Bruce pulled an energy bar from his belt—a habit forced into him by his eldest—and offered it to Wally. Wally shook his head and turned away, worrying both men. They'd never known Wally to refuse food.

Barry tried to get Wally to rest. Wally refused. Bruce tried to get Wally to eat. Wally resisted. He didn't know where Dick was. Why the hell would he think of eating or sleeping at this time?

The third day of this strange behavior, and Bruce located Dick. Wally immediately demanded to go with them, not leaving any room for argument. He was going with them, and he was going to get his boyfriend back. Despite the fact that he was thin with dark under eyes, Wally was firm, and many of them feared the anger in his eyes.

The ride was almost completely silent, the only sound being the computer announcing the ETA. Wally was the cause of worry, as Bruce and Barry knew what was going around Wally's head. Anger, sadness, self hate. How many times had Bruce seen those expressions on Dick's face?

As soon as the ship landed, Wally was gone. Barry sighed and looked at Bruce. Wally was going to get himself killed one day. Especially if he kept carrying this behavior. Bruce simply shook his head. Speedsters were reckless lovers.

Wally found Dick locked in a cage, shivering as he rubbed his arms. He seemed ok. Wally sighed. "Dickie? Angel, can you hear me?" Wally asked. Dick looked up. "Wally?" "Yeah! Yeah, it's me. I'm going to get you out of here, ok?" Wally reached his hand through the bars to feel Dick grab it.

"Wally, why are you so thin?" Dick asked. "I wasn't hungry. Not with the thought of you being gone running around in my brain. But that doesn't matter right now. Think you could handle it if I vibrated you out of here?" Dick nodded.

Wally vibrated his molecules and stepped through the bars, picking his angel up. Dick snuggled into Wally, making it clear he didn't want to go anywhere without Wally. Wally quickly exited the cage, feeling the blood dripping to his lips already. Wally set Dick down gently, only to hear a whimper.

"Dickie? You ok?" Dick shook his head. "Twisted my ankle on the mission. I've done what I could, but I've had no pain relievers. I don't think I can walk on it." "Do you think you could walk if I supported you? I don't think I have the strength to carry you to the ship." Dick nodded.

Wally wrapped his arm around Dick's waist and watched Dick carefully, looking for signs of pain. Dick limped out slowly, clearly needing rest. Had he slept in that cage? "Tell me if you need to stop, ok?" Wally whispered. "I will. I promise. I'm ok for now."

Dick managed to get to the ship before he could no longer walk. Wally picked him up again and laid him on the gurney. Dick grabbed onto Wally's hand again, holding it close. Wally leaned down so their foreheads touched, gripping Dick's hand back. "I love you, Dickie." "I love you too, Wally."

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