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Wally was slightly surprised when he saw what was on Dick's TV. Of course, he wasn't really meant to be there, but he was anyway. He hadn't been invited or anything, he'd just been bored.

The anime How to Keep a Mummy was playing. It was a cute little anime he'd found a few years ago. It was his comfort anime, which worried Wally. Dick didn't usually watch this unless something was really wrong.

Where was the acrobat? Asleep on the couch, with a blanket draped across his legs. The dude looked knocked out, like a tank could drive through and he'd keep sleeping. He was drooling all over the cushions, which would probably be a pain for him to clean later.

Wally sighed, reaching over the back of the couch and pulling the blanket up over Dick's body. Maybe he'd just had a bad day. Wally shouldn't freak out yet. Besides, if something was happening, he needed to be rational.

Wally sat down on the end of the couch, watching the show. Ever since he'd be Dick, he'd slowly been getting addicted to anime. At this point, he could probably call himself a weeb. There was just something so incredible about anime that you couldn't get anywhere else.

There were times Wally could see the similarities between Dick and Sora. They both loved to cook, although Dick wasn't as good, and they both loved to take care of things. For Sora, it was Mii-kun. For Dick, it was his family.

When the episode ended, Wally turned off the TV and turned to the sleeping boy. Now he just had to figure out how to get Dick to bed without waking him up. Maybe he should leave Dick there? No, that probably wasn't good for his back. Dick had enough back problems from being an acrobat, he didn't need more.

Wally sighed, bending down and sliding his arms underneath the acrobat. Maybe he could do this smoothly enough so Dick wouldn't wake up. He'd probably been doing it long enough to know how Dick slept. Besides, the dude was zonked out.

At least, Wally thought he was. The second he was off the couch he started awake, accidentally punching Wally in the nose. "Dude!" He yelped, dropping the acrobat. "Sorry, Walls! You scared me." Dick fretted, standing up and grabbing Wally's shoulders. "It's fine. I kinda deserved that."

"What time is it?" "Nine. You fell asleep watching How to Keep a Mummy." "I've been asleep for three hours! My sleep schedule is going to be screwed." Dick cursed under his breath. "Rough day?" "You have no idea." "I have an idea. You were watching your comfort anime."

Wally sat down on the couch, pulling his hand back. A thin trail of blood was leaking from his nose, dripping down to his lip. "I'm gonna get you a paper towel. Stay there." Dick walked to the kitchen, mumbling under his breath.

Wally gladly accepted the paper towel, holding it to his nose. Dick wouldn't meet Wally's eyes, constantly looking away somehow. Wally got the feeling accidentally hurting him had only made Dick's day worse. "Hey, I'm okay. It'll probably be healed in an hour or two. You don't need to worry." Wally smiled at Dick, trying to cheer him up.

Dick just looked away again. "Alright, talk to me. I don't like silence." "This whole day just sucks. I spill my cereal, I get rear ended by some idiot in traffic and I'm late to work because of it, I had to deal with some Karen who thought a black man was breaking into his own apartment with his key, and it's been snowy all day. And to top it all off, I punched my best friend in the face."

Wally chuckled. "Dude, we've done it to each other before. Remember when I accidentally broke your nose, and Bruce almost killed me?" Dick smiled. "Yeah." "Or that time in the cave I dared you to hang upside down for an hour, and you almost passed out?" "Yeah." "A little punch like that doesn't bother me."

"I still feel bad about it." "Eh, I'll be fine. I've been punched plenty of times before. It sure as hell won't be the last time I get punched." Wally wrapped his arm around Dick's shoulders. "True." "Anyway, we both know you'd punch me again when you're feeling better for five bucks." "Yeah, but not now." "It'll be fine. See? The bleeding's already stopped." Wally moved the paper towel, showing that no more blood was dripping from his nose.

"You just don't know when to shut up, do you?" Dick chuckled, wiping his nose. "That's my specialty! You want to be around an idiot, find me!" Dick chuckled again, laughing at Wally's stupidity. "You know, I could come over more often, or just move in." "Iris kicking you out?" "Yep. I gotta find a place by the end of the month, and where better than with my best bro?" "I see your logic, and I agree with it. Pack your stuff, you're moving in." "Yes! Thank you, Dickie Bird!" Wally practically crushed Dick in a hug. 

"Can't breathe." Dick gasped out, sucking in a breath when Wally let go. "You won't regret this, Dick!" "Just get your stuff. I need to tire myself out." "I could help with that." "Wally!" "Ow! I thought you didn't want to hurt me!" "I said punch. Slapping is another matter entirely." "Uh huh. I'll remember that for tonight." "No, you will not." "What can I say? You got the best ass out of all of us, Dickie." "I'm well aware. It's my ass after all." "I wouldn't mind taking a bite of that cake." "Wallace Rudolph West!"

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