Sick brother

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Taking a little break from the villain AU. We'll resume later.

Tim was stuck in bed today, the common cold having struck him down. He'd been out in the rain for patrol, and the rain had decided to be a bitch and make him sick. Alright, fine, maybe it was the fact that he'd been up for two days. Jeez, he'd been up for six. Stop pressuring him. Besides, he'd made up for it with twelve Monsters. He was fit as a fiddle. Definitely not about to collapse into a puddle and pass out.

The door to his room creaked open quietly, soft footsteps padding in almost silently. Tim looked over to see Dick, who was smiling softly. "Hey, Timbo. Heard you got sick." 

"Yeah. Rain got me." 

"You sure it was the rain and not the fact you've been awake for days?" 

"Now is not the time to discuss my flaws as a human being." 

"Chill. I'm not judging. Just came to check on you." 

"I'm sick, tired, and bored. I'm perfectly fine. Having a great day. It's not like the gods chose to curse me."

Dick giggled. "Such a drama queen." 

"I am, and you will put respect to that name." 

"Your name isn't stupid, though." 

"You actually got that reference?" 

"Yes. I'm a millennial, not a boomer. And even if I was, I'm around you guys enough to know the memes. Who do you think was the original meme lord on the team?" 

"Thank the gods for that. You charge my crystals?" 

"Yep. Lit your deity candles, too. Loki was happy to see me." 

"He likes you." 

"Likes you too. Apollo almost burned me, though. I think he prefers you." 

"He does. That means he's gonna whine all day." 


"S'not your fault. You got my computer? I wanna do some files."

"Sorry kiddo, but Bruce said not until you're better." Dick ruffled Tim's hair. 

"You're no fun." 

"I'm saving you from getting lectures." 

"I'll deal with lectures. I am positively bored right now. I need to do something. Please?" 

"Nope. Begging only helps one person, and it's not you." 

"Yeah, it helps him get some D." 

"Which one?" 

"Both. You and your-" 

"I'm gonna stop you right there."

Tim chuckled. "Anyway, just wanted to see if you were hungry. Alfred is making lunch." 

"Not really." 

"Too bad. He's on his way up." 


"Alright, little witch. Better work your attitude or the spirits are gonna feed on it." 

"The only spirit here will be you once I get my hands on you." 

"Feisty. Well, you might wanna get rid of that spunk before Alfred force feeds you." 

"I hate you." 

"You love me." 

"Bite my ass." 

"I won't bite yours. I'll bite Wally's-" 


Dick chuckled, retreating from Tim's room. He went to the library, where Wally was munching on a granola bar. "How is he?" 

"Sick, but snappy as ever. He'll be fine. You do what I asked?" 

"Yep. All Monsters are outta here. Coffee is Alfred regulated, and I made sure to check for Red Bull and Bang." 

"You're the best." 

"Y'know, speaking of Bang-" 


"But Dickie!" 

"Later, when we're back home. Not here, with Alfred on the prowl." 


"I love you, you know that." 

"I do."

Fast forward to that night. Dick was asleep in his room, curled up on Wally's chest. He'd stayed up longer than he usually did, waiting to hear something from Tim, but there was nothing. He assumed the teen had fallen asleep, so he did the same. It had been a rather easy patrol, very few crimes to stop, but Dick still felt uneasy. He knew something was wrong he just couldn't put his finger on it.

A hand on his arm woke him up, shaking him urgently. Dick groaned, looking over at the shaking form. "Tim? What are you doing up?" 

"I don't feel good." 

"You're sick, Timmy. C'mon, lets get you back to bed." 

"No. It's really bad." 

Dick frowned, wriggling his arm free of Wally's grip and putting the back of his hand on Tim's forehead. "You're really warm. C'mon, let's get you to the bathroom." Dick slipped out of Wally's embrace and led Tim to his bathroom, sitting him in front of the toilet. "You stay right there, okay? I'm going to get Bruce."

Needless to say, Bruce made no hesitation before he leapt up and ran to Dick's room. They could hear horrible retching inside, and Dick noticed the bed was now devoid of a redhead speedster. They found Wally next to Tim, holding his hair back as he spat bile from his mouth. 

"Hey, kiddo." Bruce knelt down on the other side of Tim, rubbing his back. 


"I'm here, Tim. I'm here." 

"I don't feel good." 

"I know." 

"This sucks." 

"Believe me, we know. How many times have you thrown up?" 

"Once. Hated it." 

"We all do."

Tim received many cuddles that night, and was infuriated when he found out all of his Monsters had been stolen.

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