This is not what I needed

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Dick woke up thinking the day was going to be fine. Crime was low, rent was paid, and they were good on food for the next few days or so. Maximus was snoring into his back, and Wally was curled against his stomach. It seemed like a good day.

For a while, it was a good day. He and Wally were off work, so they got some much needed time together. They had spent most of the morning in bed, only getting out because of the speedster's stomach. Maximus gladly followed, stopping to stretch and yawn.

Dick grabbed a bowl and the box of cereal, sitting on the couch. "C'mon, Dickie. You know we keep the food in the kitchen." Wally chuckled. "What's life if you don't live it dangerously?" "Relaxing?" "Touché."

Despite protesting the food on the couch, Wally plopped down next to Dick with toast in his hand. "No butter? What heathen did I let move in with me?" "I'm too impatient to let the butter melt, and it doesn't help much." "Have you tried putting butter on the bread before toasting it?" "No. Thanks for the suggestion, though."

Dick groaned as his phone started ringing, not wanting to get up. "I've got it." "Thanks, babe." "No problem, my wittle couch potato." Wally teased, kissing the end of Dick's nose. "Says the speedster who won't move unless bribed with chips or kisses." "Kisses are very valuable things. They're not something to be messed with." Wally called as he walked to the phone.

Dick kissed Wally's cheek once he sat back down, taking the ringing phone. "This is The Grayson-West establishment, how can I help you?" "Hello, Richard. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Dick paled. "Dick? Hey, you okay?" Wally asked, watching as Dick lowered the phone and ended the call.

"Dick, talk to me. What happened?" "It's Her. She found me." Wally's eyes widened as he realized what Dick was saying. "Do we need to go somewhere for a while, hide out until this is over?" "I-I think so." "Alright. Would the Manor be alright, or is it too obvious?" "It's fine. We need to go, now."

Dick was given Maximus before being picked up. He snuggled into Wally, trying to keep from panicking. She knew his phone number. She knew where he lived. She knew where to find him again. She knew where to torture him again.

Dick felt the wind pound against his face and ruffle his hair, but he didn't at the same time. He felt everything, and nothing at all. Maximus whimpered, nosing at Dick's face. The next thing he registered was being set down, now in front of the Manor. Wally knocked on the door, wrapping an arm around Dick's waist.

Alfred opened the door, clearly surprised to see the couple. "Master Wallace?" "Hey, Alfred. We've got a situation." "May I ask what?" "She called." Alfred ushered the boys in, closing the door immediately. "When?" "Three minutes ago. She knows Dick's phone number. We needed to go, before she came to us."

Wally led Dick to the living room, sitting him on a couch. He still wasn't talking, eyes unfocused as he stared at the ground. Alfred gently shook Dick's arm, only to get no reaction. "Get Master Bruce. He has always known how to calm Master Dick down, especially when she is mentioned." Alfred instructed, kneeling down by Dick.

Maximus wiggled out of Dick's limp arms, curling up in his lap. Alfred's worry increased more when Dick didn't even move, practically ignoring the dog. Dick cared very much for Maximus, and never ignored him. Even if Dick was in excruciating pain, he did his best to pay attention to Maximus.

Bruce hurried to Dick, noticing the increasing shaking. "What happened?" "She called Dick's phone. I brought him here, because he said it was safe enough." "I need the room cleared. Wally, keep the others from entering while I calm him down."

Bruce took Alfred's place, kneeling next to Dick. "Dickie? Can you hear me?" "Bruce?" Dick's voice sounded hollow. "It's me. She's not here, Dickie. She will never be able to touch you again." "What if she does? What if she comes back for me?" "I will never let her come near you, neither will anyone in this family. I promise."

Bruce pulled Dick into a hug, gently rubbing his back. Dick hugged Bruce tightly, burying his head in his shoulder. "I'm scared." Dick whispered. "I know. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you don't have to be." "Promise?" "Promise."

Bruce picked the acrobat up, gently holding him. "I'm going to take you and Wally to the cave. If she calls again, the computer will alert me and track her calls. If you need anything, we're all here. The League will be alerted, and she will be found. You just need to relax, and trust that we'll find her."

Before Dick realized it, he was in the cave, being set in the computer chair. Bruce wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, moving to make room for Wally. Dick let Wally hold him, sharing the blanket. "I guess this means date night has turned into pet sitting." "What better date than bathing...six animals?" "Seven with Maximus." "Well, I'll bathe as many animals as it takes to make you happy." "Very dorky of you."

Dick snuggled into Wally's chest, trying not to think about Her. She had done something no one else had done, and he hated it. For weeks after it happened he scrubbed his skin raw just to get rid of her hands, to get rid of her lips. It was only when he and Wally started dating that some of his bad habits ended.

"I love you, Dickie. I promise, I won't let her touch you ever again. She won't be able to lay a finger on you." Wally whispered, nuzzling into Dick's hair. "I love you too, Wally. Promise you won't leave me?" "I promise."

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