Self conscious

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Set before John and Adam.

Dick shivered as Wally's lips ghosted his neck, blowing soft puffs of air. His throat felt tight, and his body was tingling with anticipation. After months of fretting and worrying, Dick had agreed with Wally. It was going to happen sometime, and Wally said he'd be gentle.

Wally slid his hands under Dick's shirt, warm hands sliding up cold sides. Dick whimpered and grabbed Wally's hands. Wally had been trying to remove his shirt. "Did I do something?" Wally asked, pulling himself up. He was straddling Dick, but lifted himself so Dick could get out if needed. Dick deserved to feel comfortable doing what they were doing. If he did something, and Dick didn't like it, he planned on stopping it immediately.

"C-Can we leave my shirt on? I don't like looking at my scars." Dick blushed, looking away from Wally. Wally kissed Dick's cheek, grabbing his hand. "Whatever you need. Why don't you like look at them? They're beautiful." "They're not beautiful. They're hideous." "No they're not. I've told you before, and I will tell you until the end of time: they're absolutely beautiful. I don't care if for some reason you end up looking like Deadpool, I will still love you. Scars don't mean anything to me, other than that you're a survivor. You're beautiful, inside and out."

"I don't understand how you can love them. All they do is mar my skin." "No they don't. They highlight how strong you are. I'm not going to push you to if you don't want to, but can I see them? You don't have to look, but I like seeing them." Dick was silent for a beat, and Wally was scared he'd screwed up months of gentle reassurances when Dick nodded.

Wally slowly pushed the shirt up, waiting in case Dick decided to stop him. When he'd pulled it all the way off, Dick shivered. Wally kissed his collarbone, his hands warming Dick's chest up. Dick slowly relaxed under Wally, and he was no longer frightened of Dick feeling forced. If Dick said stop, he'd still stop.

A soft moan slipped past Dick's lips as Wally's lips found some spot near his collarbones. "Found it." Wally whispered cheekily. "What?" "Your sweet spot. You like that, don't you?" Wally nipped at the spot, making Dick squeak. He couldn't deny it felt…strangely pleasant. Wally moved his lips to a scar, kissing it softly. Dick gasped softly, one hand threading through Wally's hair.

Wally continued kissing at Dick's scars, sometimes leaving love bites on the skin. Dick's skin jumped every time Wally placed a kiss. It didn't feel right, having something as valuable as Wally's lips on a spot as detestable as his scars. Dick tried to whimper, to get Wally to stop, but his body wouldn't let him. He hated this and loved it at the same time.

Wally seemed to sense the war going on inside of Dick, and moved back. Dick whined, mind torn between pulling Wally back, or ending it there. Wally gently shushed Dick and pressed kisses to his face, cupping his cheeks. "It's alright. I won't go further if you don't want me to." "Hgn. What?" Dick's mind was absolutely scrambled.

"I think we need to stop for tonight. You're getting very weird. Let's get you some water, and see if we can tone back that craziness in your head." Wally moved so he sat beside Dick, instead of straddling him. Dick whimpered at Wally's absence, needing the speedster more than he realized.

Wally piled pillows up and say Dick against them, feeling his forehead. Dick was a little warm, but nothing unusual for what Wally had been planning. He was definitely a little loopy, and Wally wondered if Dick was on any pain medication and didn't tell him.

After getting Dick water and in a comfortable position, Wally tried to figure out what had happened. Dick had clearly been hesitant, but couldn't seem to respond to anything. His grip had only been getting looser on Wally's hair, and his voice had been getting softer.

"Dickie? Can you hear me?" Wally asked, using a gentle tone Dick never heard him use with anyone else. Dick tried to say something, but all he could do was whimper. "Hey, it's alright. Breathe, just breathe. You're safe." Wally gently shushed Dick, covering him with the blanket.

Dick latched onto Wally's arm, pulling the speedster down with him. "Ok, you are getting way weird. As much as I love you, I don't think you're in the right mindset for this." Dick didn't respond, he just cuddled into Wally's side. Wally slowly placed an arm around Dick's waist, very worried. It wasn't until the next morning Dick was back to normal, and they were both very confused on what happened. Nevertheless, Dick remained very cuddly, and Wally couldn't complain. Maybe they'd find out one day.

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