The death of a brother

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Losing Jason had hit hard. Dick had been heartbroken to know the kid he considered his brother was dead. Bruce didn't even have the decency to tell him Jason had died.

Dick had refused to leave his room for days. Wally had stayed with him, making sure he didn't hurt himself. Dick cried for days, sobbing into Wally's chest, thinking he could have done something. If only he'd been there. Maybe he could've saved Jason.

"Dickie? It's time for breakfast." Wally whispered, pulling the covers down. "I'm not hungry." "You skipped lunch and dinner yesterday. At least eat this." Wally gently prompted, sitting the acrobat up. Dick looked blankly at the bowl of cereal, which Wally handed him.

"Did you know Jason used to dig through the boxes for the toys that came with them? He had a whole collection in his room." Dick said hollowly. "Yeah? What else did Jason do?" Wally sat next to Dick, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"He really liked dogs. When we were on patrol, he'd pet every stray he found. God knows how many times he was bitten." Dick's voice wavered, tears prickling at his eyes. Jason always said it was a sacrifice he was willing to make, being bitten for the greater good.

Wally cupped Dick's face, wiping the tear away. "I know, baby. I know." "I miss him so much." "Tell you what. You eat breakfast, and we'll go visit his grave. We'll visit your parents while we're there too." Dick nodded, letting Wally get up and get ready.

Dick eventually set the empty bowl on the nightstand, moving to get dressed. "Oh, no mister. You have not eaten as much as you need, and I've practically had to force water down your throat. I'm going to carry you around. You're way too weak to walk." Dick sighed, but allowed Wally to help him.

They stopped by a flower shop, getting some for Jason's grave. Dick chose red flowers, since Jason had always loved red. Dick spent the day in silence, only thinking of Jason.

Wally carried Dick to the grave, sitting him in front of it. "Are you okay?" Wally asked. "I don't know." "Well, I'm here. If you need to go home, we'll go home." "No. I wanna stay." "We'll stay as long as you need to."

Dick leaned against Wally's side, looking at the headstone. It seemed like yesterday they were playing with each other, annoying Bruce and eating Alfred's cookies. He missed Jason so much. "I didn't get to know him very well, but for what it's worth, he was a good kid." "He was stuck up, arrogant, a real jerk, and I wouldn't have traded him for the world."

"I know you wouldn't." Wally replied softly, kissing Dick's forehead. "Do you think he's mad?" "Why would he be mad?" "I wasn't there to save him." "You didn't know, Dickie. You couldn't have done anything." "I should've known." "But you didn't. You and Bruce weren't talking, so there wouldn't have been a way for you to know."

Dick sighed. "I know you miss him, but blaming yourself won't help anything. Jason's probably calling you an idiot for doing that." Wally smiled. Dick didn't respond. He just laid against Wally's side, watching the grave with a blank expression.

They stayed at Jason's grave most of the day, sitting in comfortable silence. Wally only left to get water and food, both of which Dick refused. He just wanted to be there for his brother. He never got to tell the kid how much he loved him.

The sun set, and the moon rose high in the sky. Dick had been moved so his head was in Wally's lap. Wally loved being able to play with Dick's hair. "Do you want to go home yet?" "I wanna stay." "We do have to go eventually." "I know."

They sat in silence again. Dick was falling asleep in Wally's lap, but he wanted desperately to stay awake. He needed to be awake for Jason. Even if his eyelids were extremely heavy, Jason deserved having someone there.

Dick woke up on Wally's back, being carried in a piggy back. "Walls?" "Hey, Dickie. How are you feeling?" Dick yawned. "What time is it?" "Eleven. You fell asleep about thirty minutes ago." "Did you tell Jason goodbye for me?" "Of course I did. Let's get you home."

Jason watched from beside the tree as Wally brought Dick to their car. He'd been surprised to know how much Dick really cared. He should probably tell Dick he was back. Then again, Dick might go telling Bruce. Jason decided there that Nightwing and Kid Flash would be the only people he never killed.

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