This is for you

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Figured y'all might wanna know how the doctor scheme played out

Dick pulled Wally inside of their base, practically crushing him in a hug. "Are you okay? Tell me you're okay." 

"I'm okay, Dickie. Nobody saw me. How are you? How long have you been binding?" 

"I haven't today. What were you thinking? You could've been captured!" 

"I wanted to give a gift to my baby boy. Is that so wrong?" 

"When it almost costs you getting caught by the Bat? Yeah! I don't want to be separated because you tried to do something for me." 

Wally kissed Dick's cheeks, wiping away the tears that had formed. "Don't worry about that. Don't you want to know what I got you?" 

"...A little." 

"You told me you wanted top surgery and to get your tubes tied, but you haven't because you don't want  your blood to be used to identify. Is that correct?" Dick nodded. "Well, I've got a surprise. Put on your mask real quick." Dick pulled it out of his pocket, slipping it over his eyes. "Alright, boys, bring em in!"

Two burly men pulled a doctor and a nurse in, sitting them on the couch. Their hands were tied and they were blindfolded, and Dick felt a rush of glee inside of him. "Darling, meet Transitional Surgeon Dr Helling and his assistant, Nurse Bensing. They'll be the ones performing your surgery." 

Dick laughed, wrapping his arms around Wally's neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" 

"No need to thank me, Dickie. You go get cleaned up. We're starting as soon as we can. Take these two to the med-bay and tell them their assignment. If all goes well, they'll be back home in no time."

Wally walked into the med-bay about fifteen minutes later, grinning at the two medical professionals. "Hello, gentlemen." 

"What do you want with us?" Dr Helling asked. 

"I assume they told you your assignment?" 

"Yes, but two surgeries back to back?" 

"We don't have a lot of time here. You do the first one, wait a day, then do the second one. You give me care instructions, then you're home. Although, depending on how long he takes to heal, you may not have to keep it a secret for long." 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Until he is able to function alone, you cannot tell anyone. Try, and you'll die. Once he's able to walk around and care for himself, I'll allow you to go to the police."

"Why would you do that? What do you have to gain?" 

"I have a special message for Detective Harvey Bullock. So, the sooner he heals, the sooner you can tell Harvey I want to meet. Understand?" Dr Helling nodded. "Good. You have your equipment, and you have your sedatives. You also have blood, which matches his blood type. He hasn't had any fluids for the past three hours, and he's been keeping himself clean for six days. No food since yesterday. If he dies, you die too. Got it?" Helling and Bensing both nodded. 

Wally stood at the edge of the room as they put Dick under, watching careful for any signs of escape. They started with the top surgery, since that was the one Wally was most familiar with. The surgery took about two hours, and Helling knew the clock was ticking. This had to be a quick, yet efficient surgery. Any mistake might get them killed. He knew the redhead had several knives on him, and he was sure the men outside the room were armed too. There was no safe way of escape.

Helling finally stepped back. "The first surgery is done. He needs to lay still for about an hour before being moved to a bed. He should wake up in about three hours or so." 

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