I'll prove it to you

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It had been a few weeks since Damian had found out about Dick being a Neko. Dick continued to wear the hoodie, but left his ears and tail out in the open. If Damian knew, he knew, and he didn't have to hide anymore. Besides, if Damian tried to hurt him, Wally was there to save him. He knew Wally was always going to be there for him.

Dick was out on patrol one night, partnered with Bruce, when it first started happening. The common criminals and the big guys all seemed to be laying low, which made him suspicious. If everyone was laying low, there were two options. One: everyone was just tired, and needed a break, or two: something big was coming.

"Hear anything?" Bruce whispered. "Not yet. There's a couple pigeons I could grab down the street." "You don't eat pigeon." "I can learn." "Dick, this is the same situation as the mice incident." "In my defense, Alfred wouldn't let me. But he's not here now." "While I may not be there physically, I can still hear you, Master Dick. No eating the pigeons." "I'm just curious as to what they taste like." "Curiosity killed the cat." "But satisfaction brought it back."

"If you wish to contract some disease by eating a pigeon, know that I will not be gentle with you." "And, that's where my plan ends." "Brilliant idea, Master Dick." "I have survived yet another night." "I wouldn't be sure about that. We may come across someone." "On a night like this? When nobody's out?" "There may be someone big. You need to stay sharp. We can't-"

"Shh!" Dick hissed, flocking his ears around. "What?" "Footsteps two blocks down, moving fast. Headed this way." "Hide." Dick ran over to the fire escape, hiding right under the roof. Bruce landed next to him, pressing himself to the wall.

"Come out, little Neko. I know you're here somewhere." Dick paled. He knew that voice. His heart pounded in his chest as Slade got closer to him. It was his old owner. How did he know where Dick was? Sure, he knew Dick was Bruce's son, but how did he know Dick's location?

"A little birdie ratted you out, Grayson. I'm going to find you again. Just wait and see." His voice was getting louder. Dick wanted nothing more than to shrink into a ball and disappear. "I'm going to cause a distraction. You and Bruce get out of there while you can." Wally whispered in his ear. Dick grabbed Bruce's hand, flicking his ears to the right. Bruce would know what that meant.

The footsteps started going the opposite way. "Now's your chance!" Dick pulled Bruce forward, jumping to the ground and running through the alleys. Bruce was quick to follow, trusting the young cat more than himself. Dick had enhanced senses, and could get them out of danger quicker.

It was taking everything in Dick's power not to panic. He had to keep pushing on, he had to get Bruce out of danger. He was the only one who could hear where Slade was without getting close to him. He had to let the adrenaline keep him going.

Dick led them back to the Batmobile, listening for trouble as Bruce got in. "Let's go!" Dick climbed in after him with shaking hands, barely able to see through the tears lining his eyes. His chest heaved as Bruce drove away, trying to draw in air, but failing. Dick was going into a panic attack.

"Dickie? Talk to me, Dick. You're safe now. Are you hurt?" Dick shook his head. "Say it, Dick. I want to hear you say it." "N-No. I'm n-not hurt." Bruce grabbed Dick's hand, rubbing the back of it. "He can't hurt you anymore. Just hang on until we get to the cave, okay?" Dick didn't respond, too busy gasping for breath as he held onto Bruce's hand for dear life.

"Dick? Dick, answer me. Just hang on, okay?" "I-I can't b-breathe." Dick choked out, hunching over. Bruce cursed, swerving into an alley. He immediately pulled Dick into his lap, petting behind his ear. "It's okay, Dick. You're safe now. Breathe with me." "You've got to breathe, Dick. You'll be alright." Wally whispered, kissing Dick's cheek. Dick's eyes were closing, which he didn't want. He wanted to stay awake, he wanted to stay with Bruce. He didn't want to pass out.

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