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Dick was flung into a tree, his body crashing to the ground. Deathstroke had been at it again, and Dick was trying to deal with him quickly. Right now his brain and to have turned to slow motion, the tree fuzzy and swimming. Dick swallowed a lump in his throat and closed his eyes, trying to think. What was he doing again?

Someone shouted something. It felt like it took forever for his brain to realize they were calling his name. A hand on his arm, another on his neck. It took Dick a second to realize they were there. The voice was back, but this time it was soft, soothing. They were saying something, but it just sounded like gibberish to Dick.

The hands started slowly moving him, rolling him into his back. The one that had been on his neck cupped his face, the thumb brushing against his cheek. Dick managed to crack his eyes open to see a very blurry person, yellow and orange and tan work a hint of green near the top that Dick thought he knew.

"Hey…there he is. Can you hear…" the person asked, parts of his sentence blurring out. "Sorta. Bits and pieces." Dick mumbled slowly, leaning into the hand. "Okay. That's good. Just hang on, ok?" The voice said slowly. Dick nodded, wincing at the headache he had.

Another person came over, lots of green and tan and a yellowish color near the top. "How…he?" "I think…caused him to be dazed…pretty loopy. Contact M'gann…need the bioshop. I'll stay…in case he returns." The yellow person said. The green person left, and the yellow person looked down. Or at least Dick thought he did. It looked like he was looking down.

"Hang on. M'gann is on the way. It'll be alright." The voice slowly whispered, grabbing onto Dick's hand. Dick vision was slowly becoming clearer, allowing him to tell where the colors began and where they ended. Dick moved his hand to hold the one cupping his face, arm feeling like it had a million anchors attached to it.

"I love you, Dickie. You're doing so good, babe." It took a free seconds, but Dick realized who this was. "Walls." "It's me, babe. Don't strain yourself. M'gann's almost here." "What…what happened?" "Deathstroke slung you into a tree. It collapsed on your leg, and your head was hit in the initial impact. We got the tree off, and turned you onto your back. I think you might have twisted your ankle, so I'll have to carry you for a bit."

Dick furrowed his eyebrows. "I didn't feel a tree. And I don't feel anything from my ankle." "It's part of being dazed. M'gann thinks your mind is convincing itself that it's not in pain. It wasn't as serious as your head injury, so it's not focused on it." "Oh." "Yeah. How are you feeling?" "A little better. I don't think I can flip off of rooftops tonight, but better." "Good. M'gann landed, so we'll get you to Leslie and get you checked out. If she clears you, I'm taking you home."

Wally picked the dazed body up, being careful to not jostle the boy. The ride to the mountain was quick, and the trip to the medbay even quicker. Leslie confirmed Wally's suspicions, and sent Dick home with orders to stay in bed for the next three days.

Wally laid Dick in the bed, covering him with the blanket. "Night, babe." "Night Walls." Wally moved to go to the couch, but Dick latched onto his wrist. "Cuddles?" Wally smiled. He could never say no to Dick. "Cuddles. Then sleeping." "Fine." Dick was going to be the death of him one day, but Wally would enjoy it.

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