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Dick was an Omega. Not something talked about often, but it was a fact. He was the only one in the entire batfamily, his siblings being Betas while Bruce and Alfred were Alphas. Dick hadn't found an Alpha yet, which was concerning Bruce. If Dick went into heat without an Alpha, he would only suffer.

Wally was an Alpha. He came from an Alpha Omega family, his father the Alpha and his mother the Omega. He was looking for his Omega, hoping to find the perfect one. Sure, he'd tried a Beta, but it didn't feel right. Like they didn't fit together in a puzzle.

Dick had been talking to Wally one afternoon, voicing his concerns about not finding the perfect Alpha in time. According to Leslie, he only had a week to find an Alpha, or he would be in pain for however long his heat took. Wally had realized that this was his chance to find the Omega he sought. The Alpha in him snarled that Dick was his, and Wally had to push that voice down. In the end, it was Dick's choice, not his.

"I just worry they're not going to be right. If I bond with a jerk, that's it. I can't back out, I can't change anything. I'm scared." Dick admitted, burying his head in his arms. "I know it's kind of sudden, but maybe…maybe I can be your Alpha? If you don't want to, you don't have to, but I'm in the same situation. I'm looking for an Omega. You're looking for an Alpha. You only have a week until your heat, and I think it would work. But if you feel like it's not right, I won't force you to do anything. It's your decision, and I won't pressure you to make it now. But if you think it's right, I'd like to be your Alpha."

Wally gently grabbed Dick's hand, waiting for a signal to stop. Dick was silent for a few minutes before nodding. "Alright. I'm willing to try." "I promise I won't let you down. If you ever need to back out, I won't stop you." Wally smiled, kissing Dick's hand. Dick blushed, but smiled. Maybe this was who he was meant to be with.

For the next five years, it seemed that way. Wally treated Dick like a king, never pushing him to do anything he didn't want to do. They rarely ever argued, and quickly made up afterwards. Whenever Dick's heat crept up, Wally took care of him. Dick never felt like he wasn't loved when Wally was around. All the other couples in the League hoped their relationship was as good, as they knew there was no possibility at better.

The day Wally died was the day that all changed. Dick never left his bed, sobbing into the pillows at times and begging for his Alpha. He quickly grew weak, which was strange for him. Even when Wally hadn't been there he had never deteriorated this quickly.

Leslie was called in after a week. Dick was curled into Bruce's side, sobbing into his chest. Bruce was shushing Dick, rubbing his back and holding his hand. He was pale, shaking, and looked like he'd lived on fish food his entire life.

"How long has he been like this?" Leslie asked quietly. "Since Wally died. We knew it would be bad, but he's gotten too unhealthy too quick. We've tried giving him food, but he gets sick for a few hours. We can't get him out of bed at all. I've never seen him like this." Bruce sighed, gently scratching Dick's back.

"It's called Omega depression. If the Alpha is killed, the Omega will try to join them. Even if Dick wanted to live, the Omega in him will reject everything that keeps him alive. The only way to stop it from happening is if he's with an Alpha at all times, and it has to be one he's familiar with. As long as he can smell an Alpha's scent, his body won't destroy itself. If he's without an Alpha's scent for more than a day, that's it. He's dead." Leslie reluctantly told Bruce, knowing he would understand. Dick's solo crime fighting career was over.

For months, Dick was stuck to Bruce by the hip. He grew quiet, and soon didn't speak at all. Dick only ate when Bruce ate, and only slept when Bruce slept. If Bruce was called away for something, he was with Alfred, but still followed the same rules. He didn't speak, and only ate or slept when the Alpha did. That wasn't how it had been with Wally, but that was a different relationship.

Dick moved back into the Manor, bringing Maximus with him. He still kept the apartment, but he knew he had to come to Bruce. Gotham was too dangerous for the Batman to leave. Dick would go through boxes of his stuff, not having the heart to move Wally's. It felt right, having Wally's stuff in his last home.

The only thing of Wally's that Dick brought was his sweatshirt. It still smelled like him, and Dick refused to wash it. If he washed it, he washed away Wally's scent. He always kept it hidden, knowing Alfred would probably try to wash it, given the chance.

One day, Bruce had to go somewhere. He didn't tell Dick where, just that he would be back. Unfortunately, Alfred was visiting family, and every Alpha seemed to be doing something already. Dick had tried asking if he could come along, but Bruce had told him there was a surprise involved, and that Dick had to wait. Dick didn't like waiting without an Alpha nearby.

While Bruce and every other Alpha were gone, Dick pulled on Wally's hoodie and stayed in it. It was like being in a giant bear hug from his Alpha. Dick had the hood pressed against his nose almost constantly, breathing in the scent he missed. The scent from the person he missed.

Dick was curled on the couch all morning, reading something he'd seen Wally read once. He liked doing things Wally liked to do. It made him feel closer to his Alpha. Besides, Wally would want him to be happy, and doing what Wally did made him happy.

A scent tickled Dick's nose, which told him they were far away. But it was a familiar scent, one he had been yearning for since his mate died. Dick quickly set the book down, heading towards the scent. He knew this scent.

Dick opened the door to the front, watching as a car drove up. The scent was only getting stronger, and more familiar every second. His heart was speeding up, pounding against his throat. He really hoped this wasn't his imagination.

Sure enough, he stepped out. Dick smiled as tears came to his eyes, covering his mouth in amazement. Out stepped Wally, smiling as if he'd never died. "Wally." Dick whispered, moving forward. Wally ran forward, pulling Dick into his arms.

"Dick. I'm here, I'm here baby." Wally whispered, pressing kisses to Dick's face. "I-I don't understand. How?" Dick whispered. "The energy didn't kill me. It just brought me to a different world. Bruce went with a team to get me. Guess what that world only allowed, though?" "Alphas?" "Bingo. It's why every Alpha was busy. Now, why don't we go inside, and you tell me everything that happened?" "That sounds perfect."

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