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Dick always had Haley's Circus in his heart. It was where he was born, where he lived for the first eight years of his life. It was also home to his first friend, Zitka. Dick always visited Zitka when he came around, or if the elephant was sick. He never missed the chance to visit her.

He'd been in Blüdhaven for seven months when he got homesick. He missed the circus. He missed Zitka. Zitka had always been his friend, and was always there to support him when others weren't. Right now, after Wally's death, he needed a lot of support.

Dick found out the circus was visiting Gotham again, and decided to go. He needed to see Zitka again. He'd lost so much recently, and he just needed her. She was one of the last things he had from his past.

The strongman was the first to spot Dick. "Hey, Dickie! Is been a while since I've seen you." He smiled. "Hey, Bruno. Zitka here?" "Still in her stall. Are you okay?" "Fine. Just...dealing with some loss. Figured a visit might cheer me up." "Good idea. C'mon, she's this way."

Bruno led Dick to the animals, keeping an arm around the younger. Dick had his hands wrapped around his biceps, grasping tightly onto his jacket. Dick missed Wally so much. He really hoped Zitka could help.

Bruno lifted the flap, gently pushing Dick forward. "Haley will probably be by soon. You know he loves that elephant almost as much as you do." "Zitka is special. Thanks, Bruno." "Is no problem."

Dick smiled as he walked closer to Zitka, reaching out for the trunk. "Hey, Zitka. How have you been?" Dick hugged her trunk. Zitka trumpeted quietly. "I missed you too, girl. Are you getting plenty of food?" Dick asked, allowing Zitka to pull him closer.

"Bruno told me you were in here. It's good to see you again, kiddo." Haley smiles as he walked in. "Hey, Pops." Dick hugged the ringmaster, happy when Haley hugged back. He missed Pops as much as he missed Zitka.

"I'm sorry about your husband, kid. He was a good one." "He could've been a good dad." "How far?" "About two months." "You're gonna be a single parent?" "I'm not giving it up. Besides, the rest of my family is there." "This your first?" "Yeah. We were gonna name him John."

Zitka nudged Dick with her trunk. Pops was one of the few who knew about Dick's condition. He knew Dick cared too much too let that baby go. He also knew that Dick would need help taking care of it. "If you ever need some help, you know where to go." "I do."

Zitka hugged Dick again, pulling him closer to her. "I didn't forget about you, Zitka." Dick chuckled, hugging her again. "You could stay with us, if you want." "Thanks for the offer, Pops, but I don't think constant traveling will be good for John. I've lived a life in the city too long, and I'd be exhausted." "You're always welcome here."

Haley left, and Dick sighed. "You won't leave me. Right, Zitka?" Zitka rumbled. "I miss him. I miss him a lot. He would've been a good dad." Dick's smile faded. If he had one wish, it would be for Wally to return to him.

Haley entered the fortune teller's tent, seeing her polishing the crystal ball. "Hello, Haley. I assume you want me to whip up some of my magic?" "What makes you say that?" "I saw you with the boy. That baby won't survive without both parents, and you know that. Already he grows weaker." "The only solution we have is to bring back Wally. He won't go with the circus, he's not travelled enough recently. We both know he won't date anyone else. You've done this before."

"Yes, for a child who had lost everything. I wish I could've done it for him." "Mary and John didn't want to be brought back. They fought against you. Something tells me Wally won't." "What do I tell him? Some strange woman he never met before is suddenly telling him he can come back? He will be suspicious." "Tell him Dick and John need him."

Dick was still with Zitka hours later, laying on her back. He could almost fall asleep here, if he had a blanket. He didn't want to go back to Blüdhaven yet. He was too tired to get up. He'd played with Zitka since Pops left, and he could use a break.

"I don't wanna leave, Zitka. I know I can't stay, but I don't want to go back. I don't want to leave you." He whispered, petting Zitka. Zitka rumbled, and he sighed. "I miss you too. If I could, I'd bring you with me. I don't think my landlord will let me, though."

Haley came back in. "How are you doing?" "I'm doing better. I think the visit helped a lot." "Good. I've got a surprise for you." "Wanna tell me what it is?" "It wouldn't be a surprise then. Just stand in front of Zitka and close your eyes." Dick slid off her back, and she wrapped her trunk around him again.

Dick heard feet shuffling against the hay. Zitka tightened her grip on Dick, holding him closer. Dick smiled, petting the leathery skin. She had always been protective of him. An elephant never forgets. Dick would say she's always remembered everything he told her. She was one of the creatures he would talk to when he needed to trust someone with a secret.

Hands grabbed his. He knew these hands. Hands that were soft, but had a rough edge to them. Dick opened his eyes to see Wally, smiling at him. "Hey, Dickie." Dick threw his arms around Wally, pulling him close.

"How?" "Your fortune teller has some serious mojo." "I always knew she did! She was way too good." "I'm glad she is." "You and me both." "How have you been? You and John?" "We're both fine. Even better, now that you're here. I love you." "I love you too, Dickie."

Dick chuckled as Zitka pulled him closer again. "It's okay, Zitka. He's my husband. He's family." Zitka sniffed at Wally, playing with his hair. "She likes you." "I'll glad. I'd be terrified if she came after me." "She won't do that. She's sweet." "That's what you say about your family, and they still terrify me." "Just trust me." "Babe, I've always trusted you." "Good. Now get over here and kiss me. It's been too long."

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