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Dick cracked his eyes with a groan, trying to drag himself from his cold slumber. Half of his body was numb, and the other half was sore. Had he been kidnapped again? Was this some sort of drug he'd been forced?

He dragged himself up, looking back at his legs. They were buried in snow, and he could guess they must've been there for a long time. At least a few hours, if he had to estimate a time. He needed to move before he became too cold.

After several minutes of removing snow and little rocks, Dick finally got his legs free. Okay, he was free from the snow, but where was he? It looked like he was in some sort of cave, with the snow covering his only exit. Why was he here?

Dick shivered as a chill ran down his back, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm up. He needed to get away from the snow. Even in his warmer suit, he was freezing. He probably had some frostbite or something down on his legs, considering they'd been buried in the snow.

He crawled to the back of the cave, not trusting himself to walk without falling. His body was stiff, and it felt like he was dragging his legs more than using them. Maybe he'd gotten a cold, or something. It was very likely.

"Dick, can you hear me?" A female voice popped into his head. "Loud and clear, M'gann." "Where are you?" "I'm in a cave. Snow has blocked the entrance, and I think my legs are pretty much out of commission." "Are they injured?" "They've been buried under snow. I just woke up a little bit ago, so they've been trapped for a while. It'll take time before I'm back."

"Keep talking to me. I can track your mental signature, and find you." "That may not be an option for long." Dick could feel his body shutting down. It was getting harder to keep his eyes open, and he kept slowing his thinking down.

"Dick, listen to me, do not close your eyes! I need you to stay awake so I can find you!" "You might want to hurry up, then." "I'm pushing the ship as fast as it can go. You just need to stay awake a little longer." "I'm sorry, M'gann. Don't think I can do that."

M'gann cursed, slamming her fist on her leg. "What's wrong?" "I've lost the signal. He was too weak to stay awake for long." "Did you get a lock on the location?" "Not a very good one. He's about six miles east, but I don't know where exactly." "We can look once we get there." "Wasn't there an avalanche near there?" "Best guess is Dick got caught in it."

Wally didn't say anything. What if Dick was caught in that avalanche after all? Sure, M'gann had gotten in touch with him, but she'd lost him. Maybe he was close to being dead. Wally didn't want to believe it, but he knew there was no way Dick could survive out here for long. He hoped they could find the acrobat before it was too late.

Sorry for the short and sucky part, but school is kicking my butt right now. I'll probably post part two in a few days.

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