Up on Olympus

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Wally, also known as Hermes, looked down on Earth from his balcony, watching the mortals down below. As the messenger God, he got lots of praise and prayers, but there were a few in particular that caught his attention. All from the same mortal, but all over the last three days, praying for help.

Normally, he got prayers for safe passage, or fast speed. He never usually got prayers for help. He'd tried to find the mortal who was calling him, but something was blocking him. He knew which kingdom he was in, and he knew he was near the castle, but he wasn't sure where he was. He couldn't locate him.

Wally went down two days later, when some big event was going on. People were flooding the streets, shouting over each other as music played. Wally was hidden as a bird, flying around to avoid the mortals. He could feel the prayers coming from that mortal again, more desperate than they'd ever been.

He perched on top of a column, looking down in the courtyard below. There, chained to a strange tree, was a mortal boy. Sure, he was dirty and bruised, and he had crudely wrapped bandages around his waist, but Wally could already tell he was beautiful. He had beautiful black hair, and his blue eyed looked like Zeus's sky. Wally felt his heart skip a beat, and he felt a desire to have this mortal.

The other mortals went silent, the King sitting on his throne. He only spoke two words, but he spoke them with power. "Kill him." A guard moved forward, a sword in his hand, ready to spill the beautiful man's blood. Wally decided that he wasn't going to allow that.

He flew down in front of the man, transforming back in a shower of light. The chains melted off of the boy, although he did not move. He was shocked, trembling like a little dog. The crowd murmured among themselves, although many bowed as sight of the god. It wasn't often a deity payed them a visit.

Wally helped the beautiful mortal stand, pulling him to his chest. "Hello. My name is Hermes." 

The boy's eyes widened. "Lord Hermes." 

"I got your messages. Apologies for not being able to locate you sooner. There was another force interfering." 

"I-It's no problem, my Lord."

"Who are you?" A man called from the crowd. 

"I am Hermes, god of the messengers. I am here for only one person." 

"He's a criminal, my Lord. A horrendous one." The King insisted, standing up and walking closer. 

"I'm not. I'm innocent!" The beautiful one insisted, pressing into Wally. 

"I'm afraid I must agree with this one. I see no criminal here."

"He invaded a temple. Left blood all over the place." 

"I was injured, and it was a safe place!" 

"You defiled a temple!" 

"I did no such thing!" 

"Which temple?" Wally interrupted. 

"Yours, my Lord." 

"Strange. I keep an eye on my temple. And I haven't seen him defile anything. I saw him seek shelter. Now, if you don't have any other objections, I'm taking him with me."

The mortal yelped as Wally picked him up, not used to being handled like he weighed nothing. 

"He must be punished!" 

"He is innocent. Let this be a warning to all of you!" Wally called out as he looked through the crowd. "The next mortal to hurt an innocent will have a future in Tartarus. Be careful who you convict."

Wally teleported back to Olympus, taking the mortal to the baths. It was nice and empty at this time of day, which gave him plenty of time.

"Where are we?" The mortal asked quietly. 

"Olympus. I'm going to get you cleaned up and healed." 

"But why would you bring me here? I'm mortal." 

"Because, not many call on me for help. They ask for other things, but never help. I was intrigued by you."

Wally stripped the mortal of his clothes, setting him in the warm water. "What's your name? You were being blocked from me earlier, so I didn't get to ask." 

"My name is Dick. I go by Daan, since it's more acceptable to them." 


"I'm not from here. My family is from another land. I was trying to go back when I was attacked." Wally hummed, helping Dick removed the dirty bandages.

Everywhere on the boy was dirty. It was like he'd been thrown into mud and stomped on. Thankfully the water was magical, and stayed clear, otherwise he'd have a pissed off Poseidon on his hands. Even after a thorough cleaning, Dick still had dirt in his hair. He'd ended up with several washings before he finally got clean/

After getting new clothes from one of the servants, Wally took Dick back to his home. All the gods had homes on Olympus, and Wally wanted Dick to get familiar. Every minute was more alluring with this mortal, and Wally had an idea of what he wanted.

"This is my room. It's not as extravagant as some other gods, but that's okay. It's nice to me." Wally looked down at Dick, who seemed nervous about something. He kept messing with his clothes, his hair, his fingers; anything he could find. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing! It's just...not even the richest kings on Earth had this. What did I do to deserve being saved by a god?"

Wally smiled, wrapping an arm around Dick's waist and grabbing his hand. "You, my dear, happened to be the loveliest mortal I've ever laid my eyes on. You're so pretty." 

Dick blushed, looking away. "M' not pretty." 

"Yes, you are. You're absolutely stunning, darling, and I'm glad I managed to save you in time."

Wally leaned down, getting on Dick's level. Dick looked up at him, blushing horribly. He was so nervous. This was the god he'd begged to save him. The god who had defended him in front of the King. Now the god who had called him beautiful.

Wally sat on the bed, pulling Dick into his lap. "Now, as for repayment, I want you to stay with me." 

Dick went rigid. "M-Me? Stay here?" 

"Yes. I like having you around. Besides, I haven't taken you to Asclepius yet." Dick nodded, trying to hide his trembling. Sure, he hoped to be saved, but to live here? In the home of the gods? He'd never expected that.

Wally pulled Dick closer, pressing their lips together softly. Hades, Dick even tasted amazing. Wally wanted to keep Dick close, to never let anything harm him again. He didn't care if Dick was mortal, or if Zeus objected. Wally would find a way to keep them together forever.

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