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Dick lived in a world of soulmates and love. Everyone had a soulmate, and their soulmate had something that connected them. Dick had always loved the idea of finding his soulmate and growing old together.

When he was eight years old, the age a soulmark appeared, nothing changed. His skin was empty, and his heart was broken. He was assured there were many ways soulmates met, soulmarks were just the most common. His Mami and Tati both had soulmarks, though. Little birds that flew around and chirped on their shoulders.

When Dick was in the Juvenile Detention Center, he was teased and pushed around for his lack of a soulmark, and his mismatching eyes. One green and one blue eye made him a freak. Just another part of his life that was cursed. He cried himself to sleep every night, wishing his Mami and Tati were alive.

When Bruce took him in, Dick hid his eyes with sunglasses, or his mask. No one saw his eyes, besides Bruce and Alfred. He didn't even dare to show Wally, his best friend. If Wally saw, he would just think Dick was a freak too. He'd tell Dick to get the hell away from him and never to return.

Bullies at his new school teased him, always attempting to steal his glasses. Dick managed to keep them out of their grubby hands, hiding his secret. He knew the world was mean, and he knew they would jump on the chance to have material to bully him.

Dick developed a crush on Wally as the years went on, even though he knew it was hopeless. Wally had a black spot on his hand, where he would touch his soulmate for the first time. It would turn rainbow, and Wally would be happy forever. That was all Dick wanted. If he didn't have a soulmate, then he could be there for Wally when he found his.

Wally and Artemis started dating, Artemis convincing Wally somehow that they were soulmates. Something burned in Dick's chest every time he saw them together, although he knew it wasn't explainable. He felt it should be him under Wally's arm, him holding Wally's hand, him getting flowers. Dick identified the feeling as jealousy a few weeks later.

Years went on. Wally and Artemis broke up after Wally realized Artemis had been lying to him. Dick changed to Nightwing. The bullying got worse.

Dick wore a hood when he could, hiding from the people who searched for him. Wally would allow Dick to stay at his apartment when it was getting especially bad, letting him leave Blüdhaven every now and then. If Wally wasn't there, Dick used the key he was given and made sure to replace anything he ate.

Wally was open about his eyes, which we're mismatched as well. Dick hoped, but he didn't have a black mark. Wally couldn't be his; he had two marks. Dick only had one, and it was a curse.

Dick and Wally had been in the park when the bullies managed to corner Dick, surrounding the duo. They'd pushed Wally away, leaving Dick alone. Two had grabbed his arms and a third had taken his glasses. Dick clenched his eyes shut, struggling to get out of their grips. Dick heard Wally arguing with the group, and heard a sickening crunch.

The bullies let go laughing, pushing him down before running and calling names. Wally pulled Dick into a hug pulling his hood up. He knew Dick preferred having his eyes covered. "M-My glasses. Wally, where are my sunglasses?" "I'm sorry, Dick. They crushed them. I've got a pair in the car you can use. I can grab them." "Let's just go. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we're out of sight."

Wally led Dick to his car, sitting him in the passenger seat. Wally put the pair of sunglasses on Dick's face, feeling him shake. "Hey, you ok?" "F-Fine." "No, you're not." "I'm not?" "You're not. They've done this before, haven't they?" "Not this exactly, but they've tried." "Why didn't you tell someone?" "What could they have done? I'm a freak, Wally. They'd have continued no matter what."

"Hey, look at me. You are not a freak. They're the freaks, for bullying you. You haven't done anything." "It's how I was born, Wally. They want to see my eyes." "Why would they…your soulmark. That's what it is. They want to see your soulmark." "It's not a soulmark. It's a curse, and I hate them. I've hated them for years. They've never done me any good." "Don't say that. One day you'll find your soulmate, then you'll realize they weren't a curse."

The ride home was quiet. Wally glanced over at Dick whenever he got the chance, but he wasn't noticed. Dick was staring out of the window, hands shaking. He looked like he could start crying. Out of the side of the sunglasses, Wally could see a blue eye. Wally realized that was the first time he'd seen either of Dick's eyes. Maybe that was his eye. It had to be; Dick was the only person whose eyes could be that vibrant. He wondered what the other color was.

At Wallys apartment, Dick collapsed on the couch. Wally sat in front of him on the floor, grabbing his hand. "Can I…can I see them? You don't have to show me if you don't want to, but I want to know what makes you think you're a freak." "Why?" "Because you don't need to think like that. Because you're too amazing to think of yourself as a freak. Nothing, and I repeat nothing, should do that to you."

Dick sighed. "If you don't want to, you don't have to. I'm just curious." "No, it's fine. I just…no one besides Alfred and Bruce have seen my eyes and liked them." "I know one is blue. I saw it on the ride here. I didn't mind it." "You didn't see the other." "I'd like to."

Dick sighed again, but reached up for his glasses. Wally recognized the eyes as Dick took them off. How could he not? He saw them every time he looked in the mirror. "Dick, they're beautiful." Wally reached up. "You're just saying that." "No I'm not. They're gorgeous, Dick. They look like mine." "It can't be us, though. You've got a mark on your hand. I've only got my eyes."

"Maybe, but we're closer than anyone else I've met. Maybe were not perfect, but we're our version." Wally thread his hand through Dick's hair, kissing Dick. Dick kissed back without second thought, years of hidden emotions crashing over him. Wally finally knew.

When Wally pulled back, he smiled and moved his hand to Dick's cheek. Dick glanced down at it and gasped. "Wally, your hand." Wally looking down to see his hand now rainbow. "Looks like we're meant for each other after all. Can I have another kiss?" Dick laughed, but pulled Wally up to him. Maybe Bruce wouldn't be happy, but he wasn't Dick. He'd have to deal with it.

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