Good old fashioned ruts 2

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Smut again! Don't like, don't read.

Since both were Alphas, both had to deal with ruts. Wally's weren't nearly as bad as Dick's were, as he could control himself. Sometimes things slipped out, but it was natural. When in rut, they automatically thought of their partner as Omegas. Both were guilty of it, and had learned it wasn't a sign of offense. It was a sign of being so deeply in love with their partner.

Wally woke up in the middle of the night, dizziness making his vision swim. Dick's smell was filling his nose, making him hungry for the younger. His back was turned to the other Alpha, revealing his tan shoulders. His tan, unmarked shoulders. Wally's mouth watered, and he had a sudden desire to devour Dick, to take him as his own.

Wally reached over, shaking Dick's shoulder. If he was going into rut now, he was letting his mate know. He wasn't just going to shove Dick into this. "Dickie, wake up." The Alpha inside him was screaming, begging to take what was his. He had to claim Dick, to mark him so badly until nobody could deny he belonged to Wally.

Dick groaned, rolling onto his back and peeking one eye open. "Walls? What's going on?" He whispered. "It's my rut." Wally sounded…embarrassed? Why would he be embarrassed?

"Okay, just give me a second." Dick swam over to his dresser, looking for the sign Bruce had given him two months ago. It was a way for people to know not to interrupt the two.

Wally's arms snaked around Dick's waist, begging silently for help. "I know, Walls. Just let me find this thing, then I'm yours." Something in Wally didn't like that, and he bit down on Dick's neck. "Ow! Wally, what the hell?" "You're mine." He growled, biting down on another spot.

"Just let me hang this up." Dick said as he finally got a grip on the sign. Wally growled again, biting down on Dick's shoulder. "You don't need the sign." "Unless you want to be interrupted, I need to put it up."

Wally was silent for a moment before letting go. Dick hurriedly swam to the door, opening it and hanging the sign. He could feel Wally watching him from the bed, drinking in every inch of flesh. The bites on his neck and shoulder stung, but in a way that made him excited.

As soon as he closed the door, Wally growled again. Dick took that as a 'come here' growl. Not wanting to endure the rage of an Alpha in rut, he complied, sitting in the bed. Before he realized what was happening he was pinned down, teeth attaching to his collar bone. Hands held his to the bed, making it impossible to move them.

The harsh bites turned into love bites, to remind the younger just how much he was loved. Gentle kisses were peppered in as well, usually up towards his chin and face. Dick was fine with just letting Wally take over, letting him be the Alpha in this situation.

He was quickly flipped onto his front, one hand holding his arms down. "Stay." Wally whispered in his ear. That whisper sent shivers down his back, making him want to obey Wally forever. At the start of their relationship, Dick probably would've refused, letting his Alpha pride take over. Now, he was willing to be dominated and treated like an Omega, but only by Wally.

Both of Wally's hands travelled to Dick's hips, pulling them closer. Dick held in a squeak, anxiously awaiting Wally's next move. He was waiting for those hands to move, to tease him endlessly.

Similar to his rut, Wally didn't do that. He leaned in, getting as much of Dick's slick as he could. Dick jolted, surprised by how quickly Wally was going. Wally normally teased him first, made him desperate for his Alpha. He was going faster this time.

Dick shook as Wally ravaged him, struggling to keep his arms still. He wanted to reach back, to push Wally further, to get more pleasure. His head was fogging up with the need to be filled and dominated by his Alpha.

Wally finally drew back, watching as Dick's entrance clenched and shivered around nothing. Dick looked back, something in his eyes that drove Wally wild. A silent plea, a need for Wally that couldn't be filled with anything else.

Wally didn't waste any time. Dick didn't have time to brace himself before Wally was inside, pulling Dick back to meet his hips. Wally's hands moved to Dick's as he started thrusting, turning the younger into a pile of mush. There was something so beautiful about how the moonlight laid on Dick's skin, distorted by the water. It made him look magical.

Dick held onto Wally's hands tightly, being driven crazy by the way Wally could just control him. The pleasure rippled through his body, fogging his brain even more. He could feel the marks being laid on his back, teeth digging in occasionally. It just made him feel better.

Neptune, he was close. "W-Wally, please." Dick begged. "What is it?" Wally whispered. Now that his mate was his, he needed to take care of him. "I n-need to come." Dick stuttered. The need was filling his body.

"Come whenever. I've got you." Wally's voice was like velvet, sweet and rich in his ears. Wally sped up, trying to push his Ome- his Alpha, over the edge. Dick arched his back as he came, pressing up against Wally's chest. Wally wrapped his arms around Dick tighter as he came, locking his knot inside the younger.

It took a few seconds of harsh breathing and gentle touches to calm them down, until they laid on their sides. Wally had his arms around Dick's waist, softly kissing his neck. "You okay?" Wally asked quietly. "Yeah. Thanks, Walls." "Two days of this isn't going to be easy on you. I don't want you getting hurt." "I'll tell you if I'm hurt. Right now, I think we need some sleep." "Agreed. Night, Dickie." "Night, Walls. Wake me before you go on another romp." "Will do."

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