The angel with blue wings

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Wally sighed as he entered his apartment, sliding down the door. Today had been a wild ride from start to finish. It seemed like problem after problem kept coming up, and without Dick to help him…well, Wally didn't like to think of Dick being gone.

Dick had died two weeks ago, killed in the final battle with the Light. He'd sacrificed himself to save everyone, drawing his last breath in Wally's arms. His last words had been whispered in Wally's ear, a small and quiet "I love you." He'd been buried in Gotham cemetery, next to his parent's graves.

Maximus trotted up to Wally, nuzzling against his leg. Wally grabbed Maximus, pulling him into his lap. "I miss him, bud. I really miss him." He sighed, letting his head thump against the door.

His phone started ringing, making him sigh. He pulled it out of his pocket, looking at the caller ID. Why would Uncle Barry be calling him? He shrugged, answering the call. "Hey, Barry." "Hey, Walls. We need you at the watchtower." "Now?" "Yeah. It's urgent. I know you're still trying to adjust, but we really need you." "I'll be there in a minute." "Thanks, Kid. When this is over, want me to go to your apartment with you?" "That sounds great."

Wally set his phone down, standing and heading towards his room. Maybe he should go back. It's what Dick would want. He'd want him to carry on, to keep saving the city. Besides, the Team still needed him, whether as Wally Grayson-West or Kid Flash.

"I'll be back, bud. Be good, okay?" Wally whispered, kneeling down to pet the dog. He was now in his Kid Flash costume, although he didn't feel comfortable wearing it. This is what he'd been wearing when Dick passed away. It was the last thing Dick had seen Wally in before he was gone.

Wally zipped to the zeta beams, allowing himself to be transported to the watchtower. When Uncle Barry called, he always ended up in the watchtower. When someone from the Team called, he went to the Mountain. It was simple logic, really.

Barry met him at the zeta beams, pulling the younger speedster into a hug. "He'd be proud." He whispered, keeping Wally close. He knew how hard it was for Wally to come back here, since it was filled with memories of Dick. "I miss him." "We all do." "What did you need me for?" "He wanted you." "He?" "We're not sure. Just…follow me."

Barry led Wally to the garden, where the rest of the League stood. They were surrounding something, keeping their eyes on it. "What's going on?" "He appeared a few minutes ago, asking for you. He hasn't posted any threat so far, so we were going to see what he wanted."

Wally slipped past the League members, finally seeing what they were looking at. It looked like a man, but his body was covered in a soft, golden light. He had wings folded against his back, which were a brilliant blue. He also had blue eyes that watched Wally as he stepped closer.

"You wanted me?" Wally gulped. Those eyes…they looked so much like Dick's. The creature nodded, stepping closer to Wally. "What do you want?" It grabbed Wally's hand, holding it up.

The next thing Wally knew, he was surrounded by the same warm glow, and the creature had changed. Now, he had a mischievous smile, beautiful blue eyes, and raven black locks. He was donned in his hero costume, the blue wings now spread. "Hey, Walls." Dick smiled, grabbing Wally's other hand.

"Dickie?" Wally whimpered, wrapping his arms around the other. "It's me, Walls. It's me." Dick hugged back, chuckling. "B-But how? Are you…" "Alive? No, I'm not alive anymore. However, I wasn't done fighting, so I became an angel." "Is that what that form was?"

"I'm a guardian angel. Only certain people can actually see identity, and only when I want them too. Wally, you're who I'm guarding. When you pass, I'll be able to join you in your heaven, and we can have rest." "R-Really?" "Really. I love you, Wally, and I'm so proud of you." "What did I do?" "You got up. You are lunch, and dinner. You kept going, and you are trying to adjust. I don't think I could do that."

"You really think so?" "I do. I need you to do me a favor, okay?" "What is it?" "Keep an eye on my family. Make sure they don't fall apart. Keep Jason from drinking too much. If they complain, or try to fight, tell them Dick wanted you to. They'll understand." "What do I tell the League?" "Tell them your guardian angel was visiting. I'll be watching over you, Walls."

"I love you, Dick." Wally sighed. "I love you too, Wally. Keep getting up. Keep fighting. I love you so much, and I will always be proud of you. Just try not to do too many stupid things." Wally giggled, kissing Dick's cheek. "I will." "Alright. For them, no time has passed. However, you're going to feel a little groggy when you come out of this." "Okay. See you later?" "See you later."

Wally closed his eyes, feeling one last kiss on his lips. The next thing he knew, he was in someone's arms, and loud voices were talking to him. "Please quiet down. I can't understand you." Wally groaned, opening his eyes again. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Just have a headache." "What happened?" Wally smiled. "My guardian angel came to visit."

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