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Dick didn't know what was wrong with him. Ever since that party Bruce's friend hosted, Dick had been feeling really sick. It had only been a day, yet it felt like it had been a year. Wally had been trying to keep his fever down, but it kept rising through the night.

Leslie was paying them a visit in a few minutes, to try and figure out what was wrong with Dick. Dick had barely eaten anything that morning, pushing it away as soon as he could. Wally had to bribe Dick with kisses just to get him to take pain relievers. This was really, really bad.

Dick was dozing when she arrived, sleeping on his side. He shook slightly, which concerned Wally. Even sick, he shouldn't be shaking this much. Maybe the fever was turning into something worse. If he hadn't already called her, he'd be talking to Leslie right now.

"Dickie, it's time to wake up. You need to drink some water." Wally shook Dick's shoulder, grabbing the glass of water from the nightstand. "Tired." "I know. I just need you to sit up for a little bit." Wally wiggled one arm under Dick's back, sitting him up. Wally held the glass as Dick drank, neither of them trusting his shaking hands.

"You don't look good." Leslie sighed as she came in. "Thanks." Dick mumbled, trying his best to keep his eyes open. "He's been like this since last night. We thought the food from the party might've upset his stomach, but it hasn't calmed down, and the fever is only getting worse. It's getting really bad." "What medicines have you given him?" "Just some over the counter stuff. Fever reducer, pain reliever, that kind of stuff."

"I'll need to do blood tests, to determine what this is. It isn't an ordinary sickness. The doctors around Gotham have been getting calls all morning about symptoms like this. Anyone twenty years old or younger has this. Your brothers have it too." "They do?" "They do. Luckily, they've got Alfred to treat them. You, on the other hand, only have Wally." "I would be mad, but I can't compete with Alfred." "None of us can."

Dick closed his eyes, just trying to rest them. It took a lot of energy to keep them open for long. He wasn't expecting to be shaken awake, jolting slightly. "There you are. You were out for a good five minutes." "I was just resting my eyes." "You fell asleep. I managed to get a blood sample while you were. I'm compared it to the other blood I have, and see if I can find anything that may be causing this."

Dick closed his eyes again, letting his body go limp. He was exhausted. He'd just take a nice nap, then he'd eat something. That sounded like a great plan to him.

Once again, he wasn't expecting to be woken up. "Time for dinner, Dickie." Dick furrowed his eyebrows. "I just took a nap." "You've been out for most of the day. We tried waking you before Leslie left, but with no success. She said let you sleep until I could wake you."

"Has she found anything yet?" Dick asked, trying to stay in a sitting position. "Not yet. She's probably had a lot of patients, though." "True." "Hungry?" "Not really." "You still need to eat." "I know." Dick sighed, feeling the exhaustion start to weight his eyelids down again. "Hey, stay with me! Look at me, Dick. Focus on me. Keep your eyes open." Wally said softly, cupping Dick's face and directing it to face his.

"I don't know how long I can stay awake." "That's okay. If you feel like you're about to pass out, just tell me." "You're lucky you're twenty three. This stinks." "I know, Dickie. If you're in bed and complaining about it, it must be bad. You never complain about being in pain." "Believe me, if I could, I would take whatever medicine I need to and get over this already."

Wally chuckled, leaning over and kissing Dick's forehead. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" "Plenty of times." "Well, I'm about to tell you again." "Why don't you show me instead?" "Because you're sick, and Leslie would kill me if she found out." "True. Oh well." "Any hungrier?" "I'm sleepier." "You've still got to eat." "I know."

Wally managed to keep Dick awake long enough to finish a bowl of soup, although it was a challenge. He could barely take his eyes off of Dick, or he'd be falling asleep again. Wally knew Dick was trying to stay awake, and he knew how much pain the acrobat must be in, but he also knew what Leslie had told him. He had to keep Dick awake as long as possible.

Dick sighed as he finally finished the bowl, laying down again. "I'm stuffed." "Get some sleep. I'll wake you in the morning." Wally smiled, pulling the blanket up. "I love you, Walls." "I love you too, Dickie. I'm sure Leslie will have an answer soon." "Hopefully." "You'll be back to swinging through Blüdhaven soon." "I wish it would happen sooner rather than later. I'm going to go crazy if I have to stay in bed all day." "You've been asleep all day!" "Doesn't mean I'm not going crazy."

Wally chuckled, grabbing the empty bowl and heading to the kitchen. He loved Dick. He was very sassy, and Wally absolutely loved when he'd stun villains into silence work it. It was always an amazing sight. He wished he had Dick's snark. Sure, he had a pretty good sense of humor himself, but Dick could floor anyone just by talking to them.

Wally went back to their room, where he found Dick passed out in his bed. Dick was bundled up in the blankets, with his face buried in the pillow. He looked like a kid, and Wally couldn't help but smile. Even though he knew Dick was in a lot of pain, he just looked too cute to keep frowning.

Wally slid in next to Dick, wrapping his arms around the younger. "I'll take care of you, Dickie. I promise I won't leave your side until you're better." He whispered, nuzzling into Dick's hair. He was going to keep that promise, no matter what.

Leslie called Wally the next day, waking him up. "Wally West speaking." Wally yawned. "I found out what's making Dick ill." Wally sat up. "Really?" "Someone slipped poison in the food, designed to attack the immune systems of the younger crowd. Luckily, we've dealt with this before, and have a cure ready. I need you to run over and grab Dick's." "I'll be right over. But, what do you mean you've dealt with this before?"

"The poison is tied to a gang here in Gotham who are trying to get parents in a frenzy. They've done this before, and I have no doubt they'll do it again. Right now, I need you to get Dick's medicine. The sooner he gets it, the sooner he'll get better." "I'm going now."

Wally slipped out of bed, grabbing his running boots off of his costume. "Walls?" Dick rasped, eyes cracking open. "Hey, Dickie." "Where are you going?" "Leslie has your medicine. I'm going to grab it. I'll be right back, I promise." Wally leaned down, kissing Dick's forehead. "Be careful." "I will. You get some sleep." "Love you, Walls." "Love you too, Dickie. You'll be better in no time."

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