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Wally looked up as Dick walked in, smiling at the younger. "Well, hello, handsome." "You must be looking in a mirror, then." Dick wrapped his arms around Wally's neck, kissing him on the cheek. "How'd it go?" "It went well. Mark for a scrape on the side, but he's in the infirmary." "That's good."

Wally wheeled the chair back, allowing Dick to sit across his lap. "We're going to be having guests tonight." "Suit and tie?" "Yes, but keep your gun out of sight. They believe this is diplomatic, but I wouldn't put it past their men to try something." "Do the rest of my family know?" "They were the ones who told me. Now, why don't you give me a kiss?" Dick chuckled but complied, feeling Wally wrap his arms around his waist.

"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" Wally asked, kissing behind Dick's ear. "Many times." "Then I'll say it again. Your eyes are positively gorgeous." "Yours are too." "I know, but I love to dote on you. You're too pretty to be left without praise." "You talk like I'm some fragile thing." "You're not fragile. I just like to point out the beautiful things I see."

A knock on the door broke them apart, making them sigh. "Come in." Wally called, watching as the door opened. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Anthony, the doctor, said as he came in. "Of course not. How's Mark?" "He'll be fine. I stitched up the wound, and put him on an IV drip. If he rests like he should, he'll be fine in about a week."

"I'm glad to hear that. Any other injuries?" "The other teams were here tonight, so no one else was injured." "That's good. Go back to tending Mark, then go home. Get some rest, spend some time with Lucy." "Thank you, sir." Anthony left, closing the door behind them. "So, when are these visitors coming over?" "In about an hour. We've got a little time." "Not much." "Well, we've still got all night." "Eager for a little fun tonight, aren't we?" "It's been over a month."

Wally chuckled. "You've been missing me, haven't you?" Dick teased, poking the speedster's nose. "It's not my fault you keep going out." "Well, people don't know when to quit, and I'm not letting my family's efforts be ruined by sooner lowlifes who think they can tangle with us." "I know. I just wish you'd invite me along." "Wally, you're the only person who's part of this group that nobody knows about. I'd like to keep it that way." "I can wear masks." "Just being associated with us is dangerous. I wanna keep you out of that danger."

"Dick, I can handle it." "I don't want you getting hurt." "I've been hurt before." "I don't want you hurting anymore!" "It's the life we lead, Dick. I'm going to get hurt. Just like you get hurt. I know you just want to protect me, but I'm getting bored here. It'll be better for me to go with you and your team than to go on my own."

Dick sighed, resting his head on Wally's shoulder. "I don't know, babe." "Let's forget about the subject tonight. We'll talk about it tomorrow." "Thank you." "For now, we need to worry about the dinner." "Who's coming over?" "I'm not sure. I was just told dress code and to behave." "Joy."

Dick and Wally were waiting in the living room, waiting for the unknown guests, when Tim walked in. "I hear someone went out tonight." "Word travels fast." "What was the target?" "A phony business. Claimed it could help its clients get out of debt, but the payments just put them farther in." "Makes sense. That probably would've been Jason's next target if you hadn't tackled it."

"How's Kon?" "Hot as ever." "When are you asking him out?" "Probably tomorrow. Once this is over." "Do you have any idea who's coming over?" "None. Bruce wouldn't tell me." "He didn't tell us either. He always tells us." "It's probably someone who pisses us off, and he didn't want any pranks." "Jason and Damian already have them set up. I don't know why he bothers." "He's a mysterious man, Master Dick." Alfred came down, fixing his coat.

"Truer words were never spoken. By the way, where is he?" "I believe he is making the introductions as we speak. Do try to get along with the guests, as it will impact our relationship with them." "You mean don't piss them off, or they'll kill us." "Quite the interpretor, Master Dick." "I've been practicing."

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