Deaf birds can still fly

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Dick was sitting on the couch in the Manor, waiting for Bruce to come back. He'd been home for two weeks, although he was still trying to learn his way around. It didn't help that he was deaf, and had no hearing aids, so he was easily startled.

Bruce walked around the couch, kneeling down in front of the couch. Dick looked up, hoping he got the good news instead of the bad. He just wanted to hear something, and had asked Bruce for hearing aids. However, they had to figure out how deaf he was first.

"What did they say?" "They're going to do a hearing exam. Once they figure it out, we can get hearing aids for you." Dick smiled. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He just had to do a few tests, right?

Wrong. Oh, he was so wrong. He didn't know why he'd thought it'd be simple. With his life, nothing was simple. He really needed to learn this by now.

Dick had been at the clinic, a sinking feeling in his stomach. Something felt wrong to him. Something bad was going to happen, he just knew it. Even if it was just nervousness, this felt dangerous. It was just a couple of tests, but he was scared. He was really scared, and he didn't know why.

He was led to the back, being forced to leave Bruce behind. His sense of dread only got stronger the farther he went, making him want to turn and run back to Bruce. They were leading him into a small room, which was small, and bright, and cold.

Dick sat in the chair, eyes flicking between the men who were with him. One always seemed to be looking at him, which made him feel on edge. Even doctors would occasionally take their eyes off of him. These assistants were a little weird.

They both left the room, closing the door behind them. Dick didn't feel any better. At least when they were in there, he could see where they were. Now he had no idea, and it was scaring him. What if they did something? What if they tried to hurt Bruce?

Dick groaned, grabbing his head. Why was he so dizzy? Why was he exhausted? Maybe he should go get someone. This couldn't be a test, could it? No, it couldn't be. It was supposed to be a hearing test. Maybe he was sick?

Dick tried to stand, but fell to the ground. His head was spinning, and it was hard to breathe. The air seemed to have a green tint to it, rolling and making Dick nauseous. He was in trouble.

He tried to keep his eyes open, he really did. He didn't want to go to sleep. He wanted to go back to Bruce. It didn't work. Whatever was happening was too strong for him, knocking him out.

He woke in some sort of basement, arms tied to a pole above his head. He was tired and sore, and his mouth felt dry. Had they done a test while he was out? But why were his hands tied together? It didn't make sense, and his head really hurt trying to think.

It was dark and damp in the basement. The rope binding his wrists together was chaffing his skin, and the gag in his mouth was hurting his jaw. His legs were asleep, probably from being sat on for so long. He didn't know where he was, nor how long he'd been asleep.

There was only one door to the basement. It was across from Dick, and was made of…metal? It looked like something he'd see in a movie, on a spaceship. Was it meant to keep him in, or others out? Based on his predicament, he assumed to keep him in.

What did they want from him? He didn't have much money. He couldn't do much, unless they wanted an acrobatics show. If they did, they could've just said so. They didn't need to take him.

The door opened, and the bright lights turned on. Dick flinched, trying to hide his face in his arm. The light hurt his head. This couldn't be a test, could it? No, he would be in a lab. He'd know where he was.

When the light disappeared, he realized someone was in the room with him. A…boy in yellow? Was he the one who took him? But Dick didn't recognize him from before. Maybe there were more of them.

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