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Dick hadn't always been Dick. He hadn't always been the Boy Wonder. For the first half of his life, he was known as Dixie Grayson, the daughter of Bruce Wayne.

She never felt right in her body. She preferred acting more like a boy than a girl, because it felt correct. She hated the lumps on her chest, and often felt she was in the wrong body. For years, she thought something was wrong with her, until she found out about transgenders.

When she researched on transgenders, it all made sense. It was normal for her to feel that way. She read stories about people who figured out they were trans. She researched top surgery, in case she ever wanted to get rid of the lumps. She found out about binders, and name changes, and realized those were all things she wanted. She had never felt right as a girl because she wasn't a girl. He was a boy.

Dick had been reluctant to tell Bruce. He'd read about many stories where parents rejected trans kids, and he was scared Bruce would kick him out. What would Alfred think of him?

Dick had told Bruce during patrol, when he was complaining about his body. Bruce knew Dick had never liked his breasts, and wasn't too surprised when Dick told him he was trans. Instead of being pushed away, Dick had gotten a hug and a promise that Bruce would do whatever it took to help him transition.

Bruce had come home with a binder for Dick, making sure it was the correct size so he didn't get hurt. Dick had immediately put it on, nearly crying when he saw he was flat. He was so happy, and the binder was the trans flag. He didn't deserve Bruce as a parent.

Dick cut his hair, finding the shorter style more comfortable and enjoyable. Dick wore his binder to school, and Gotham was rocked with the news that Dick Grayson was transgender. Dick didn't care about what Gotham thought, all he cared about was that he was happy. He finally felt like he was getting closer to what he knew he was inside.

Dick was on testosterone, which made him happy. He used a gel, since he wasn't the biggest fan of needles, and the change nearly punched him in the gut. But it was a good change, one that had him crying in joy. It was a change that he loved.

Dick wore suits to galas. He was always misgendered by the older generation, who insisted on calling him Dixie and young woman. Dick bit his tongue, wanting to call them out on their transphobic crap, but knew Bruce would take care of it. Bruce always took care of him when people demanded to misgender him.

One thing Dick didn't understand why Wally liked him, though. Wally knew he was trans, and he was still willing to date him? Dick thought maybe Wally liked him for his female anatomy, but he didn't. He loved Dick as a boy, and he made sure Dick knew it.

Dick was always grateful for Wally and Bruce. They were there to support him when others didn't, and they always used correct pronouns and the correct name. Wally sometimes helped Dick apply the testosterone, smiling at his boyfriend.

When Dick was finally eighteen, he went in to have top surgery. He was tired of the lumps on his chest, and as much as he loved his binder he didn't want to bind them forever. They were awkward, and Dick hated them.

Dick was gone for five hours. Wally, Bruce, and Alfred waited in his room the entire time, anxious for Dick to come back. Anything could happen in surgery. Even if it was a relatively safe surgery, Dick could still be hurt.

Dick was brought back, and the family was told the surgery was a success. Dick would probably still be asleep for a few hours, but he would be fine. He didn't have anymore lumps.

Dick woke two hours after the surgery, groggy from the pain medication. Wally kissed his forehead. "Hey, babe. How are you feeling?" "Tired. Sore." "Just relax. I'll get a nurse."

Wally came back with the nurse, who smiled at Dick. "Nice to see you awake, Mr Grayson." "Nice to be awake." "Your surgery went well, so you should be back on your feet in a few days. You will need to rest, so don't go running around once you can stand again."

The nurse left once she checked a few more things, Dick's eyes fluttered closed. He fell asleep again, knowing most of his family was there. Jason and Tim were at the Mountain, training with the team.

When Dick woke up again, Wally was gently brushing the hair from his face. "Wally?" "It's me, babe. You slept for about eight hours. Alfred went to the Manor, to make sure Tim and Jason didn't kill each other." Dick smiled.

He reached up to scratch his neck when his arm brushed over where the lumps had been. He froze, the realization hitting him. He was flat. He was finally flat. After years of feeling wrong and wanting it, it had finally happened.

"Is something wrong?" Wally asked, noticing the tears in Dick's eyes. "No, nothing wrong. I'm happy. I'm flat. I'm finally flat." Dick sniffed, a few tears leaking into his cheeks. Wally wiped them away, smiling down at Dick.

Dick went home after three days. His chest felt so much lighter without the lumps, and he wanted to cry. He still felt weak, but he wouldn't go back to being a girl for the world. He loved women, don't get him wrong, but being a boy made him feel happy. Being who he really was made him really happy. Wally was willing to be there for him, supporting his trans boyfriend through thick and thin.

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