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Dick groaned as he woke up, head pounding and body aching. He knew without a doubt he was sick, there was no denying it. Dick didn't want to get out of bed, feeling absolutely terrible.

"Dick? It's almost seven, you never sleep in this late." Wally walked in, dressed already. Dick groaned again and pulled the covers closer. "Hey, you ok, babe? You look pale." Wally sat on the edge of the bed. Dick just groaned.

Wally put his hand on Dick's forehead and frowned. "You're a little warm. How are you feeling?" "Tired. Sore. Hot." "How long have you felt like this?" "Since I woke up." Wally pulled Dick into his arms, feeling the sweat that was accumulating on his skin.

"I'm going to call Leslie. Try not to move too much." Wally whispered, laying Dick on top of the covers. Dick whimpered as the cold air hit his skin, making him shiver. Wally kissed Dick's forehead and went to find his phone.

Dick's eyes snapped open when he felt a wave of nausea roll through him. "Walls. Wally," Wally was next to Dick in a second. "Dickie?" "Nauseous. Got really bad. May throw up soon." Dick's voice wavered. Wally picked the ebony up. "Yeah. Hang on, Dickie."

Wally was quick to bring Dick to the bathroom. Dick was clearly sick, but how badly he didn't know. As soon as Wally set Dick on the floor, he crawled and hunched over the toilet, feeling the acid already fighting to get out. Dick shivered as he attempted to stay calm, and Wally started rubbing his arms. "Breathe, Dick. It's alright."

Wally held Dick's hair back as he threw up, feeling Dick's body shake and convulse. When Dick started coughing out the bile, Wally pressed a kiss to Dick's temple. "I've got you, baby. It's ok." Dick pressed himself into Wally's arms and shivered. He still felt cold, and nauseous.

"Do you think you could stay in here while I call Leslie?" Wally whispered, petting Dick's head. Dick nodded. "Yeah. I'll be fine." Wally kissed Dick's temple again before setting him on the floor and walking out.

Wally found his phone on the charger, next to Dick's. Wally was quick to call Leslie, knowing Dick was bad enough. He didn't want the Ebony getting worse. If Dick got worse, who knew how long he would be sick for?

Wally sighed as Leslie picked up. "Wally? What's going on?" "It's Dick. He got really ill overnight. He slept in an hour later than I've ever seen him sleep, he's burning up, and he's already thrown up once. Do you think you could come check on him, make sure he's ok?" Wally bit his finger. "Yeah. Give me a few minutes, and I'll be right over."

Wally sighed. "Thank you, Leslie." "It's no problem. Now go take care of your boyfriend." Wally smiled. "I will. Believe me. Thanks again." Wally ended the call and sped back to Dick, relieved his boyfriend was getting help.

Dick was leaning against the tub, eyes closed as he rested on the cool porcelain. Wally knelt down by him and pet his head. "Leslie's on her way, babe. She's gonna check you out." Dick nodded, pressing further into the cool material.

Leslie arrived about ten minutes later, a small bag in her hands. Dick cracked his eyes open, hearing a new set of footsteps. The porcelain felt good against his skin, which felt like fire. Wally moved so Leslie could reach the acrobat, who simply closed his eyes again.

"Dick? Can you hear me?" Leslie asked as she knelt down. Dick nodded. "Does anything hurt?" "Everything hurts." Dick's voice was quiet, and groggy, as if he'd been woken from a nap. "What hurts the most?" "Head. Stomach." "Any discomfort you wouldn't count as pain?" "Wrists feel weird. Some of my scars hurt." Wally frowned and grabbed one of Dick's wrists, gently massaging it. Dick sighed in contemptment.

Leslie sighed. "It seems like a normal fever for now, so I'd try over-the-counter stuff, just until he's feeling better. He seems to like cool surfaces, but the bathroom isn't the most sanitary place. Try the kitchen countertop, he may like that, especially that little breakfast nook you two have. I would stick to a diet of soup and water, as it'll be easier for his stomach to handle." Wally nodded and hooked his arms under Dick's shoulders and knees.

Wally carried Dick to the breakfast nook, feeling Dick whimper at the heat. Wally sat Dick in a chair and kissed his temple. "I love you, Dickie." "I love you too, Wally." "Go back to sleep. I'll talk to Bruce, and he'll understand why you don't answer any hero calls." Dick groaned. "Don't wanna miss any patrol." "I know. But you do need to rest this time."

Leslie walked over and wrapped a blanket around Dick's shoulders. "I want you to spend as much time as possible sleeping. Wally can monitor Blüdhaven while you sleep, and while you're sick, so don't think about patrol, mister. There are others who can take care of it." Leslie was stern, and she had a look that said she wasn't playing around. Dick sighed, but nodded.

Wally shook Leslie's hand. "Thanks for coming on such short notice." "Of course. I'd do the same for anyone. Keep an eye on him. I don't think he'll be too happy with bed rest after a while." Wally smiled. "I will." Leslie left, and Wally walked back over to Dick, who had his head on the counter. "I love you, Dickie. Sweet dreams." Wally whispered as he kissed Dick's cheek, knowing Dick was going to be spoiled the next few days.

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