Deal with the devil 5

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Smut warning! You know the drill by now.

Dick was currently in the bath, soaking in warm water. He had been lightheaded recently, and he didn't trust himself in the shower. Had he told Wally? No, he hadn't. The demon Lord had enough on his mind without worrying about Dick. Besides, it was probably something simple. Vixon had grown surprisingly quickly, much quicker than a human, and had gone to claim land for his own, so Dick didn't have to worry about scaring him.

Well, Dick supposed he had to get out sooner or later. He sat up, and immediately laid back down once black spots invaded his vision. Okay, maybe Wally should know. This was kind of concerning. But the work load…Dick couldn't force Wally to worry about anything else. He was supposed to be a bride that could take care of himself and the household while the Lord worked. He had to fill that role.

Dick stood after a few deep breaths, holding onto the side of the tub. He just needed a minute, then he'd be okay. He could do this. Maybe he'd help the cooks in the kitchen later. He was kind of hungry.

Dick had finished getting dressed when.a server came in, closing the door behind them. "Hello, Royce. What's got you up here?" "The Master asked me to fetch you for dinner." "That late already? I must've lost time. Tell him I'll be down in a minute." "Well, I came to escort you. Per his request."

Dick giggled. "Ever a romantic, isn't he? Well, let's go." Royce wrapped his arm around Dick's, leading him down to the dining room. When it was just the two of them, they had a small round table to eat at, so they could be close to each other. When they had guests, they had a long rectangular table to fit all of the guests. Dick preferred the circle table.

Wally was standing at the doorway, watching Dick with a love-struck look. It was no secret he was head over heels about his bride, and Dick continued to prove his beauty. Whether it was his beautifully tanned skin, his eyes that sparkled like sapphires, or his hair that he'd allowed to grow to his shoulders, he looked like an angel. Wally was glad he'd managed to get the boy before anyone else did.

"Hello, beautiful." Wally purred, taking Dick from Royce and kissing his forehead. "Hello, handsome." "Ready to eat?" "I am." "Good. I've got something special for you tonight." Wally led Dick his chair, pulling it out for him. It was his turn to spoil Dick for the night.

Wally couldn't stop looking at Dick throughout dinner. The younger was just beauty incarnate. He was so kind too, and cared for all of the servants. Wally knew they had only been together for sixty years, but he felt like he'd know Dick for a thousand. It was still hard to believe Dick was only sixty one. Before he met Dick, he'd never met anyone under a hundred years old. They were usually slaves in the field, working until they could become servants.

Wally stood up when they had finished, walking over and offering his hand to Dick. Dick accepted it, pushing his chair back to stand. Of course, his lightheadedness had chosen that moment to kick back in, and he almost collapsed. Wally hurriedly caught the younger, holding him to his chest as he panted.

"Dickie? Dickie, talk to me." "Walls, m' okay. Just give me a second." "How long has this been happening? How long have you been lightheaded?" "Two days, I think?" "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" "I didn't want you to worry. You get worked up when you worry, then you get even more stressed out." "Have you been drinking enough water? Eating enough?" "Yes, to both. I don't know what it is, but I'm sure I'll be fine."

Wally frowned, but picked Dick up and started walking out. "Where are we going?" "Our room. I've got a theory." "About what?" "What's causing this. When did you feed last?" Dick was left silent. "Don't know?" "No." "You may be low on sexual energy. We're going to have to replenish that."

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