BNHA crossover

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Deku had just wanted a nap. He'd found a nice spot at the academy, warm and sunny, and had fallen asleep easily. Bakugou had been getting on his nerves recently, and Deku wanted nothing more than to slap him. Of course, him being the little angel he is, he didn't.

Todoroki had found the sleeping boy on the roof, surprised. Usually he was the only one up here. He wasn't complaining, as Deku was one of the few that had always supported him. He'd noticed Bakugou was trying to slam Deku into walls and other surfaces, snarling quietly. Todoroki wanted nothing more than to pull them apart and drag Bakugou to the training field. But Deku felt safe around Todoroki, and he didn't want to scare Deku.

Todoroki had sat beside Deku, moving his head to his lap. Deku had snuggled into Todoroki, making the taller blush. He wasn't dating Deku, but he had a way of driving Todoroki insane. He didn't remember feeling like that.

The ground started rumbling, waking Deku up. "Todo? What's going on?" He asked, sitting up. "Something big. We need to get off the roof before it caves." Todoroki pulled Deku to his feet, leading him towards the edge of the building. Todoroki quickly made an ice slide and slid down, Deku following.

As they were sliding down, the ground shook harder, the ice cracking. "I think the ice is going to give!" Deku shouted. "Hang on. I've got an idea." Todoroki shouted, grabbing Deku's hand. When the cracks grew larger, Todoroki jumped, pulling Deku with him. They rolled, panting as they sat on the ground. Todoroki watched as the ice collapsed, thankful he'd pulled them off when he did.

"You alright?" Todoroki asked. "Yeah. What about you?" Deku huffed. "I'm fine. We need to find the others, see what's going on." "All I wanted was a nap." "I feel that. Once we survive this, I'll make sure to get you a day off." "Thanks."

They didn't make it far. Men in black suits surrounded them, guns in hand. "This doesn't look good." "You're telling me. Get closer to me. If they start firing, get out of here." "I'm not leaving you." "No. You're going to get backup. I'll hold them off as long as I can." "There's too many for you." "Backup. Go, now!" Deku looked uncertain, but slipped past the soldiers.

A few of them turned to shoot Deku. Todoroki summoned an ice wall, giving Deku the time he needed to turn the corner. "He's gone. You're mine now." Todoroki growled, ice beginning to spread at his feet. These people had attacked his school, and his best friend. Whatever they got, they deserved.

Halfway into the fight, Bakugou and Momo joined him. "Where's Deku?" Todoroki asked over the gunshots. "We thought he was with you!" Momo replied. "He went to get backup! Did you not see him?" "He never came. We found you fighting!" "He may be looking for others. I'm sure he's fine." Bakugou shouted.

"Do you see how many guys there are? They'd overpower him in seconds." "For all we know, the guy is fighting with others. I'm sure he's fine." "As soon as we finish, we look for him." "Whatever you say, Icy Hot." "Enough bickering, boys. Let's finish this fight."

Once the guards had been knocked out, the trio joined with their class. "What happened?" Iida asked. "These guys in black uniforms attacked. Had anyone seen Deku?" Todoroki asked. "Not since earlier today." Kirishima said. "He went to get backup." "He may be looking still. Or maybe he's fighting." "We would've heard a fight. Are you sure he got past the guys?" "The ones surrounding us? Definitely. I made sure of it."

"There was more than one group of these guys. They might have ambushed him." "Then he's with them. If we hurry, we may be able to catch them before they get far." "If Deku disappeared during the fight, they could be miles away with him!" "Which is why we need to hurry. Unless, that is, you don't care about Deku?" Todoroki raised an eyebrow before running off.

Whilst searching the forest, Todoroki ran into a guy with a yellow suit. They both fell to the ground, rubbing their heads. "Who are you? Where's Deku?" Todoroki growled, getting to his feet. "Better question: where's Nightwing?" The yellow suit snarled back. "Wait a second. Black suits, guns, seemed to be millions of them?" "Yeah. Went off on his own, disappeared during the fight, can't seem to find him?" "Yeah." "I think we're dealing with the same group."

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